Mad over a G rated pic.

BBSHARK....just let it go, this post has moved on from where it began. Everybody is now talking about moles and pie. Get with the program.

I am concerned about you. It is not healthy to dwell on things like this. It is just a thread, let it go. Pretty much old news.

If you need any help please PM me. I am sure I can get you a number so you can talk to someone about it.

That does it, total disrespect for an Administrator we don't tolerate your condescending tone at all. Remember the guy you are calling out is the one paying the bill here, should he pay just to have you misbehave? I think not. Goodbye!! You have bothered us long enough.

You bully:harhar:
I like ice cream on my pie.....

Well that stinks. Now how are we going to keep this thread going?

How about a Cherry Pie song. Some of you may know the band Warrant. Eric Turner is Beth's(my wife) 1st cousin.....Holidays can be fun at our house:thumbs:

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I believe he has the honor of #2, correct Larry?

Oh that #2, I thought you were talking about.....

Yeah, two nutjobs, the first one used a racial slur. He was gone in a few seconds.
Who was that Larry? I don't remember there being anyone doing that?
What did you think Jeff was talking about though :confused:

Wayne, you don't remember that guy? You were involved. He was the guy who was selling a 72? Corvette on Ebay and DB somehow got involved in interfering with the sale because it had the wrong grills (or something like that). He called you a "sand n*****":shocking: I guess he thought you were an Arab!!! Posting racial slurs is an instant permaban.

He was the first, this guy is the second. Not too bad, one a year.

When Jeff said #2, I thought he might be saying "number two" (like when your child has to take a shit)! :smash:
Hehehe, I remember now - he was a serious whack job! I'd actually been nice to him :confused:

I wonder if he ever sued DB...

I missed the slur but remember the incident. He tried to sue him but never got anywhere. The real issue is that there were no substantial damages.
Hehehe, I remember now - he was a serious whack job! I'd actually been nice to him :confused:

I wonder if he ever sued DB...

I missed the slur but remember the incident. He tried to sue him but never got anywhere. The real issue is that there were no substantial damages.

Would you believe I was looking for a Miata front fender for my wife's car, and so I found a listing on craigslist....and got in touch....

the name was Matt Rogers......same as DB......who before all the BS started sold me a TPI to 3.5" round bellows piece for like 20 bux or so....delivered, as I recall, maybe 3? years ago by now....

well this Matt Rogers on the Miata stuff, jacked my around and I never did set up a time to meet/buy the fender.....

so I"m still looking.....picked up a CS144 for 15 bux and some other shit including a differential for that S10 the wife's son in law has....all this morning in a couple hours...
