Phantom of the Opera
Shudddddup guys, all this talk of fruit pie or any kind of pie is making me hungry....

Can we get back to the rodent discussion? Moles are tearing up my yard.
Well for me.. blueberry, I'm crazy about blueberry, warmed with ice cream.
Geezzz I'm in Pa in a truckstop, just got back from lunch and I think I'm going back in the restaurant and order some.
Forgot my rule no 1, eat dessert first, life's unexpected.
Ok that's it going back for pie.
Oh and I dont care if nobody agrees with me.
I'll stand for my opinion.
I love bluberry pie!
Hey I dont have any rodent tearing up the yard but I have a new pool and I find a few frogs in it every morning.
Any tricks to get rid of these?
I guess I could collect them,
Any receipe for b-b-que'd frog legs???
I like frogs legs too not as much as bluberry pie tho...
I hate Raisin pieit just looks wrong.
The only sure way to keep moles out of your yard,is to get rid of their food source,worms,grubs. they have some application you can spread on the yard to get rid of the food source,but it's not as fun as using a gun,black powder,flares,guided missiles.
Well for me.. blueberry, I'm crazy about blueberry, warmed with ice cream.
Geezzz I'm in Pa in a truckstop, just got back from lunch and I think I'm going back in the restaurant and order some.
Forgot my rule no 1, eat dessert first, life's unexpected.
Ok that's it going back for pie.
Oh and I dont care if nobody agrees with me.
I'll stand for my opinion.
I love bluberry pie!
Hey I dont have any rodent tearing up the yard but I have a new pool and I find a few frogs in it every morning.
Any tricks to get rid of these?
I guess I could collect them,
Any receipe for b-b-que'd frog legs???
I like frogs legs too not as much as bluberry pie tho...
Kiss them. You might find a princess frog.:nuts:
Kiss them. You might find a princess frog.:nuts:
Nahhh, tried that, didn't work.
Kiss them. You might find a princess frog.:nuts:
Nahhh, tried that, didn't work.
Coat a plastic fly on a string with super glue.:lol:
I hate Raisin pieit just looks wrong.
The only sure way to keep moles out of your yard,is to get rid of their food source,worms,grubs. they have some application you can spread on the yard to get rid of the food source,but it's not as fun as using a gun,black powder,flares,guided missiles.
I used to have a big problem with moles. I have been using Grub-Ex for about 5 years and haven't had any problems.
I do like Birds idea with the road flares. That and a shot gun sounds like a blast (literally)!
:idea:I wonder if there is a Grub-Ex for forum nuisance varmits?
Dude! I love my 17HMR. That thing is dead-nuts accurate. You have a gopher? I can take its head clean off at 100 yards with a 17HMR. I went out with a buddy earlier this year (before it got hot) and we were hitting coke cans from 150-200 yards away. But even better than that, at around 100yds, I can hit the 'o' in Coke.Why yes there is. It's called Hollow Point. Does wonders on a wide variety of furry varmints. Works best using a nice flat shooting rifle. I prefer using my .243,but for a challenge i change to my .17 HMR.
Everyone has punked out from the topic. About time you guys realized you just can't win.
I chalk this up to a win for me. Face it you changed topic because you finally realize no matter what you type you aren't able to change a persons opinion.
And please keep posting about pie and moles! All you are doing is showing how much you really do care about my post.
To keep coming back and check on it and take time to type, just to try to get the last post. This is a game I will have fun playing.
Everyone has punked out from the topic. About time you guys realized you just can't win.
I chalk this up to a win for me. Face it you changed topic because you finally realize no matter what you type you aren't able to change a persons opinion.
And please keep posting about pie and moles! All you are doing is showing how much you really do care about my post.
To keep coming back and check on it and take time to type, just to try to get the last post. This is a game I will have fun playing.
Everyone has punked out from the topic. About time you guys realized you just can't win.
Ask the man from Columbia, Mo. Ever been there?:stirpot: