Mad over a G rated pic.

Why not put the garden hose in one of their mounts and flush the bastards out

I did that once in the back yard. Suckers had a network from house to house. Took 32 hours on full to fill it up. I did get my biggest one that way. But, it cost me ALOT of water. My old road flares were considered HAZMAT, so I disposed of them properly. I lit them. LOL
Had a damm Wood Chuck burrow under my ft porch a couple of years ago,stuck the garden hose in his hole and flushed him out,then shot him with my .44 Rem Mag :thumbs: a little over kill i know. But i swear he was coming right for me.
Worked on vette, but back HAHA

It is nice to see that this crazy thread of mine has more pages than 90% of the other posts on this forum. Which means that people love to share their opinions on Crazy posts like this one than talk about corvettes or corvette problems.

I was planning on flooding all the forums with bullshit remarks, but that is not fair to anyone at all. I am not looking to ruin any other peoples posts and really isnt what I, or this post is about. I have replied to many many posts on vettemod and never criticize people, I just lend any knowledge and any help I possible can. I am sure anyone who has read my post before will agree.

This post was in the Off topic section and that is exactly what this post corvette topic. This post allowed me to state my point and allowed me to bitch and bitch amd well....bitch some more.

I would like to comment about a few of the previous post that I just find humor in......

First, Bigblocktank>>>> you wrote that you put me on ignore, which is ironic and funny for the following reason. You keep coming back to this thread to read it and write your comments......its really was senseless to put me on ignore if you come back to read what I wrote. LOL makes very little sense.

Second, Twinturbo...... you say your avatar is a mole and uncovering dirt is what you do......that only works if the person you are tring to dig shit up on was ashamed of their past or who they are. So dig dig dig. I am who I am and dont have regrets in life. Yes I have made mistakes, but thats is where you learn from and make your next decision a better one.

As far as the internet tough guy pic....makes no sense, I threatened nobody and am just defending my really pic was pointless, besides you can see what I look like in my "NEW avatar pic". So you all know who is behind every key typed.
After years of fighting gophers, I got rid of them all in one shot. I dug open one of their holes, and tossed a 30 minute road flare in the tunnel, then covered it up. In about one minute, you could see smoke escaping from EVERY single hole, including the ones I could not see. After about 3-5 minutes, the mounds started moving as the little tennents came up gasping for air. :rofl:One good whack with the shovel, and on to the next one.
Killed them all in one day.:thumbs:

Did something very similar years ago only used propane from a couple of nearly spent cylinders. Fairly astounding the size of the blast you get after doing that.

Didn't need to use a shovel afterwards either.
After years of fighting gophers, I got rid of them all in one shot. I dug open one of their holes, and tossed a 30 minute road flare in the tunnel, then covered it up. In about one minute, you could see smoke escaping from EVERY single hole, including the ones I could not see. After about 3-5 minutes, the mounds started moving as the little tennents came up gasping for air. :rofl:One good whack with the shovel, and on to the next one.
Killed them all in one day.:thumbs:

Did something very similar years ago only used propane from a couple of nearly spent cylinders. Fairly astounding the size of the blast you get after doing that.

Didn't need to use a shovel afterwards either.

I gave up on hunting gopher years ago.........not much meat on em.......
Hello ? I posted that picture because it's funny and it is not directed to anyone in particular. Why are you so upset about this stupid avatar ? Is a forum only a good forum when you can see pictures of female ass on every page ?
To rid your yard of moles just put a piece of wriggleys peperment gum with the silver foil paper still on it down every hole you can find. When they eat the foil to get at the gum it will kill them.
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I saw this thread had some new posts in it, so I stopped in to see what was going on. You guys are killing me here, I had gatoradespew all over my monitor from you guys. Now, you guys have to stop this crap, I'm home sick as a dog, stayed home from work even, and I kinda like my job. I really must be sick.

We had a terrible weekend. We went to Patagonia Lake, about an hour and a half from the house, pulling that big ass toy hauler. Sunday, we were outside cooking dinner with some friends, and along came a rain storm. No problem, we got the awning out, it's 20 long, we're covered. Well..........the rain turns into hail about split pea size, then proceeds to to get bigger and bigger. It wound up in about 15 minutes to be nice marble size hail. It's beating the crap outta us, my new toy hauler, my new truck, all the chairs and the tents people were in. Man, it was bad. Screw this, I'm going in, and turn up the stereo. About 5-8 mins. after going inside, we heard a big ass bang. Turned towards the big window and door to see that 20' awning hanging down in front of the window. Oh well, we went out and cleared the awning so it wouldn't beat the side of the trailer to death. After the rain quit, we went out and cut it down, and put the pieces in the back of the toy hauler. The skylight in the shower leaked, and the hail beat the shit outta the bathroom vent cover, so it leaked.

After we got home Mon, I started getting a really bad cold, so here I am, feeling worse than hammered puppy poo poo.

Oh, the truck had a glitch in the Allison transmission. It downshifted 2 gears when going downhill, instead of just 1 and made the engine go to about 4000 RPM's, and that ain't too good for a diesel, so it's back in the dealership now.

Hey, no biggie, it can all be fixed. Just takes money. Some insurance money for the trailer (just got my check today), and some Chevy money for warranty work.

What a weekend, I think I'll stay home for a while.
