Made in the USA?

The crap (in terms of quality) that comes out of China and the detrimental affects on our economy not-withstanding, I take it a little more personally. A couple of years ago I lost part of my right index finger when a Chinese -built coil spring compressor exploded (material failure) releasing an 1100#/in spring compressed 3 inches. I'll pay more for quality and durability every time!

Damnit man, just damnit!!, reminds me of my old Pontiac hotrod friend, Don, he told of a coil spring jumping out on him, zinging by his head, missed his ear by about 1/16 inch he thinks, took off and hit every wall and ceiling/floor in the shop.....he showed me the marks on his walls, floor, ceiling from that thing, it was a old full size Poncho from the late 50's....I asked him about that chain and bolt he used when working on my car.....that's when he showed me the ever since then, I have chained springs but good....

Whatever happened to Hecho en Mexico?

I bought a delco was the part that closes off the heater core hose...vacuum control jobbie. The part broke away from the mount looks ike it might of been brazed or somehow welded.

A resto shop was able to put the part back on the mount.........

BTW....Delco box....Hecho en Mexico.
this country runs on two things, oil and money. the oil comes from offshore thanks to the liberals, the money comes from China.... tariffs? really? try to imagine what would happen to this country if we pissed off China (like placing a tariff on their shit or any other imported stuff) and they (or the Japanese) stopped buying our debt? :suicide:
Whatever happened to Hecho en Mexico?

I bought a delco was the part that closes off the heater core hose...vacuum control jobbie. The part broke away from the mount looks ike it might of been brazed or somehow welded.

A resto shop was able to put the part back on the mount.........

BTW....Delco box....Hecho en Mexico.

U 2?? same exact problem on my vette, unknown maker/label on the dual shutoff valve, but the flapper control shaft leaks like mad....waiting for some parts so as to tear down entire engine, so that valve just sets and pisses me off no end....only maybe a couple years old....

So how many of you shop at Wal-Mart?

I don't shop at walmart....but does it make a difference since almost every place I go to sells all imports....

A few examples:

tractor supply company

Lowes hardware...although quite a bit of the building materials are US made

sears...haggar slacks made in india, etc. staffard shirts made in china(?) but with us cotton

harbor freight....EVERYTHING IS IMPORTED...mostly china and just about all of it is junk!

I always check where something is made....not that it matters much anymore......
I don't shop at walmart....but does it make a difference

Yes every little bit makes a difference. What difference does one penny make? One hundred pennys only make one dollar. Times a thousand people only makes a thousand dollars. But 60 million people saving 10 dollars each going to Wal-Mart each week makes a difference.
You can't make anyone else do anything they don't want to do but you CAN do your little bit and if enough people do their little bit it adds up and can make a difference. You have to do it because YOU believe it's the right thing to do.
this country runs on two things, oil and money. the oil comes from offshore thanks to the liberals, the money comes from China.... tariffs? really? try to imagine what would happen to this country if we pissed off China (like placing a tariff on their shit or any other imported stuff) and they (or the Japanese) stopped buying our debt? :suicide:

Well, what would happen to China if the U.S. stopped buying from them (their major customer)? If China calls our notes, let them pound sand. We need to be more self-reliant, not less.
We need repudiate the debts and set up a whole new financial system....

I just bought two new oil cooler lines from a Chevy dealer for my 3500 Silverado. The tags are standard GM with the GM parts numbers, BUT, at the bottom of the tag, it says "Made in China (Mainland)". The parts are cheaper looking, flimsy, and of a thinner material. I think I'm going to puke.


Seems I heard on talk radio the other day that GM was planning on moving their entire operation to China.
Look to see unemployment @ 20% for decades. Big money and lawyers will make sure that it stays that way.:crap:
I just bought two new oil cooler lines from a Chevy dealer for my 3500 Silverado. The tags are standard GM with the GM parts numbers, BUT, at the bottom of the tag, it says "Made in China (Mainland)". The parts are cheaper looking, flimsy, and of a thinner material. I think I'm going to puke.


Seems I heard on talk radio the other day that GM was planning on moving their entire operation to China.

I that ever happened, I am done with them, and would sell the car.:3rd:
I don't shop at walmart....but does it make a difference

Yes every little bit makes a difference. What difference does one penny make? One hundred pennys only make one dollar. Times a thousand people only makes a thousand dollars. But 60 million people saving 10 dollars each going to Wal-Mart each week makes a difference.
You can't make anyone else do anything they don't want to do but you CAN do your little bit and if enough people do their little bit it adds up and can make a difference. You have to do it because YOU believe it's the right thing to do.

well said..... problem is that too many people don't do anything and instead just sit on their a$$ and complain....
this country runs on two things, oil and money. the oil comes from offshore thanks to the liberals, the money comes from China.... tariffs? really? try to imagine what would happen to this country if we pissed off China (like placing a tariff on their shit or any other imported stuff) and they (or the Japanese) stopped buying our debt? :suicide:
USA IS exporting more that debts, those things are just immaterial.
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are not freaking rich for nothing.
Think about IBM who sold it's hardware branch to Lenovo.
They're making much more money selling the software than the computers themselves.

Wait, did I say something positive about the Evil Empire? damn!
I don't shop at walmart....but does it make a difference

Yes every little bit makes a difference. What difference does one penny make? One hundred pennys only make one dollar. Times a thousand people only makes a thousand dollars. But 60 million people saving 10 dollars each going to Wal-Mart each week makes a difference.
You can't make anyone else do anything they don't want to do but you CAN do your little bit and if enough people do their little bit it adds up and can make a difference. You have to do it because YOU believe it's the right thing to do.

well said..... problem is that too many people don't do anything and instead just sit on their a$$ and complain....

Do what??????? I try to find made in American stuff every time I shop. I also look for Canadian made stuff, EU made stuff, etc........I needed a replacement battery for my laptop yesterday....only one available is made in China.......drank some coffee out of my favorite chicago bears cup today.....turned it over(after it was empty:) and guess what....made in China.

Who can afford a 47grand Ford F150 these days? Better watch out, the Chinese are going to build a cheeeeeeeep truck one of these days......wait until Geely Motors sucks all the technology out of Volvo Car (yes, the chinese company owns Volvo cars) ....they will catch up on autotech advancement in no time....add that to cheap labor, no EPA and bingo, cars imported to the US at 50% of the cost of ANY western manufacturer......
.....wait until Geely Motors sucks all the technology out of Volvo Car (yes, the chinese company owns Volvo cars) ....they will catch up on autotech advancement in no time....add that to cheap labor, no EPA and bingo, cars imported to the US at 50% of the cost of ANY western manufacturer......

They'll suck the technology out of Volvo. It cost a little money for sure. Then start manufacturing in China. What's a factory assembly job wage today in China. Maybe $10 a day would be a high salary.

An anecdote about their predatory merchandising: Snap-On sells a engine hoist that I wanted. It costs $1070 (five years ago). The look alike Harbor Freight hoist cost $179.00! I bought the Harbor Freight hoist and used it to lift the engine out of my 68. A few years later, I used it to lift the engine out of my 70. In the meanwhile the hoist chrome plated ram had corroded (cheap), I bought a new ram for $69.00. So very cheap, but it did my minimal jobs.
......THE POINT. HOW WAS THE CHINESE MANUFACTURER ABLE TO SELL THIS THING IN THE US FOR $179? IF YOU OR I WERE IN CHINA, WE COULDN'T SHIP THIS HEAVY THING BACK TO THE US FOR $179. This thing was manufactured in China, shipped to the US, went through customs, when to a Harbor Freight local store, was sold for $179, and a profit was made!!!
Oh!, I'll bet it was shipped to the US on COSCO, China Overseas Shipping Company. COSCO's majority share owner, as I understand it, is the Chinese Army. In Long Beach, you can see seemingly endless acres covered by stacks of COSCO shipping containers.

We should protect our country against these predatory imports. (OK, I was guilty for the engine hoist, but I do buy US when possible. I'm the only one in my SoCal neighborhood with all north american cars.)
I don't shop at walmart....but does it make a difference

Yes every little bit makes a difference. What difference does one penny make? One hundred pennys only make one dollar. Times a thousand people only makes a thousand dollars. But 60 million people saving 10 dollars each going to Wal-Mart each week makes a difference.
You can't make anyone else do anything they don't want to do but you CAN do your little bit and if enough people do their little bit it adds up and can make a difference. You have to do it because YOU believe it's the right thing to do.

well said..... problem is that too many people don't do anything and instead just sit on their a$$ and complain....

Do what??????? I try to find made in American stuff every time I shop. I also look for Canadian made stuff, EU made stuff, etc........I needed a replacement battery for my laptop yesterday....only one available is made in China.......drank some coffee out of my favorite chicago bears cup today.....turned it over(after it was empty:) and guess what....made in China.

I avoid "made in China" stuff whenever I can but as you say sometimes it's the only option ... just saying there are too many people who bitch and complain about all that junk coming from China but once a week they push a shopping cart filled with that same junk to the WalMart checkout. It actually got a lot better now that they offer the so called "self checkout". Now people can purchase low quality garbage, support China's economy and help eliminate jobs (cashiers) at the same time. :banghead:
I went to the Winn-Dixie grocery store the other day, some beer and some bread and something else....and of course no one to help with some key card on age restricted item....them self check lines take more time than the worth....I walked out and left the shit on the counter, management clue WTF they are button issue for me.....
then they wonder why they went broke...

As for the China crap, everyone blames Wally World, trick is, you buy your China crap from WW at a buck, or go to Target/wherever and pay buck and a half......your choice....

As for the engine hoist, I always borrowed a buddy's up north, here, I found a rental store that sold out, and so I bought a 5' boom HEAVY weight USA made engine hoist that can pull a freeking bus diesel.....easy reach over any car....150 bux....still have it....

Harbor freight, 18 volt drill/flashlight and 2 batteries with charger on sale up the street 30 bux......go to HD/Lowes.....same thing is over 100 I LIKE the Ryobi drill much better, but you know, Ryobi wants 70 bux for two replacement batteries at HF are like ten bux each....about all they worth, it's a freeking battery for christsakes not a gold which China tool you like more?? sorry, got me, I take the cheep one, the thing that pisses me off is, the HF 18 volt battery is the same as the Ryobi....but of course the connection is different.....

Wow, these have been some great responses. I also look for items made in the USA but am hard put to find them. I also agree that it is mind boggling that the Chinese can manufacture and export goods to America cheaper than we can do for ourselves. I am sure that in the minds of some politicians "Free trade, capitalism and competition" are supposed to provide the American consumer with the highest quality goods at the lowest price. The reality is that the Chinese products are cheap, substandard crap that should not be sold here or anywhere else. Their products are loaded with toxins (lead paint etc.) and can cause injury when they fail, as stated earlier.

The electric floor lamp I bought at Lowe's was so flimsy and poorly made that I had to repair it several times as I was assembling it.

The problem is that there are no American made products to compete with it in that price range. A comparable styled American made floor lamp would cost me 5 to 10 times more than the Chinese product. Would you spend $600.00 on an American made floor lamp compared to one that Lowe's sells for $60.00 that is made in China?
MOVE to FLORIDA, whole state covered in Flea Markets and yard sales.....

and 'antique malls'.....and hock shops.....
