Made in the USA?

Wow, these have been some great responses. I also look for items made in the USA but am hard put to find them. I also agree that it is mind boggling that the Chinese can manufacture and export goods to America cheaper than we can do for ourselves. I am sure that in the minds of some politicians "Free trade, capitalism and competition" are supposed to provide the American consumer with the highest quality goods at the lowest price. The reality is that the Chinese products are cheap, substandard crap that should not be sold here or anywhere else. Their products are loaded with toxins (lead paint etc.) and can cause injury when they fail, as stated earlier.

The electric floor lamp I bought at Lowe's was so flimsy and poorly made that I had to repair it several times as I was assembling it.

The problem is that there are no American made products to compete with it in that price range. A comparable styled American made floor lamp would cost me 5 to 10 times more than the Chinese product. Would you spend $600.00 on an American made floor lamp compared to one that Lowe's sells for $60.00 that is made in China?

The bottom line is really pretty simple to see:

1: Make sure that the dollar isn't being devalued by the Chinese (primarily) through subsidies, making their products costs less to make. Fair trade.
2: The American consumer needs to be willing to spend a little more for quality.
3: Both the unions AND businesses need to cut costs and stop being so damn greedy!
Wow, these have been some great responses. I also look for items made in the USA but am hard put to find them. I also agree that it is mind boggling that the Chinese can manufacture and export goods to America cheaper than we can do for ourselves. I am sure that in the minds of some politicians "Free trade, capitalism and competition" are supposed to provide the American consumer with the highest quality goods at the lowest price. The reality is that the Chinese products are cheap, substandard crap that should not be sold here or anywhere else. Their products are loaded with toxins (lead paint etc.) and can cause injury when they fail, as stated earlier.

The electric floor lamp I bought at Lowe's was so flimsy and poorly made that I had to repair it several times as I was assembling it.

The problem is that there are no American made products to compete with it in that price range. A comparable styled American made floor lamp would cost me 5 to 10 times more than the Chinese product. Would you spend $600.00 on an American made floor lamp compared to one that Lowe's sells for $60.00 that is made in China?

The bottom line is really pretty simple to see:

1: Make sure that the dollar isn't being devalued by the Chinese (primarily) through subsidies, making their products costs less to make. Fair trade.
2: The American consumer needs to be willing to spend a little more for quality.
3: Both the unions AND businesses need to cut costs and stop being so damn GREEDy!

And that there is the answer. The root of all that is evil.
Wow, these have been some great responses. I also look for items made in the USA but am hard put to find them. I also agree that it is mind boggling that the Chinese can manufacture and export goods to America cheaper than we can do for ourselves. I am sure that in the minds of some politicians "Free trade, capitalism and competition" are supposed to provide the American consumer with the highest quality goods at the lowest price. The reality is that the Chinese products are cheap, substandard crap that should not be sold here or anywhere else. Their products are loaded with toxins (lead paint etc.) and can cause injury when they fail, as stated earlier.

The electric floor lamp I bought at Lowe's was so flimsy and poorly made that I had to repair it several times as I was assembling it.

The problem is that there are no American made products to compete with it in that price range. A comparable styled American made floor lamp would cost me 5 to 10 times more than the Chinese product. Would you spend $600.00 on an American made floor lamp compared to one that Lowe's sells for $60.00 that is made in China?

The bottom line is really pretty simple to see:

1: Make sure that the dollar isn't being devalued by the Chinese (primarily) through subsidies, making their products costs less to make. Fair trade.
2: The American consumer needs to be willing to spend a little more for quality.
3: Both the unions AND businesses need to cut costs and stop being so damn greedy!

BUT not even the above is enough man, we need kill the entire EPA and related .gov functions, and quit making it impossible to build a fucking FACTORY!!......much less taxing them outta existence.....

Go back in time and kill Nixon. Watergate was the least damage he did.;)

Yeh, I know, he was forced to hire all those bureaucraps/hippie types to run the 'grate society' shit that Johnson rammed through....and the pubs never had enough power to repeal......

so he did, NOW, 40 years later we owe that group about a average of 100k EACH annual retirement......I sat there for 40 cognitive years and watched that crap, lived it.....on the outside....

but ragardless of my likes or not, it's going to be just the tip of the iceberg that sinks this Titanic.....we got all those state/ types also....

much less the teachers that never taught skool even once for decades.....note the graduate rate in this country for HARD courses, science/engineering/business/finance/econ......

no they rather major in flower picking, and basket weaving, 'liberal arts'....


all those billions of bux wasted, while our kids are totally and completely UNprepared to make a damn living even after graduate degrees in said 'liberal arts'......

I Googled "Made in the USA" today, up popped a list of about half a dozen or more websites. Some spout a bunch of political opinion, most provide lists of products made in America. I looked over the lists of products made in America and found that even though there are still many products made in the USA, most of them are intermixed with Chinese products bearing the same brands' badge. You would have to be a really diligent consumer to tell if you were buying a dishwasher (or other item) made here or overseas. :confused2:

How much homework is the average American consumer willing to do in order to "Buy American"? Even if you do look in to the origin of the product, how sure can you be that it is 100% of what it claims to be? It seems that the majority of our trouble stems from political deals that send our manufacturing jobs and national debt overseas, mainly to China.

I Googled "Made in the USA" today, up popped a list of about half a dozen or more websites. Some spout a bunch of political opinion, most provide lists of products made in America. I looked over the lists of products made in America and found that even though there are still many products made in the USA, most of them are intermixed with Chinese products bearing the same brands' badge. You would have to be a really diligent consumer to tell if you were buying a dishwasher (or other item) made here or overseas. :confused2:

How much homework is the average American consumer willing to do in order to "Buy American"? Even if you do look in to the origin of the product, how sure can you be that it is 100% of what it claims to be? It seems that the majority of our trouble stems from political deals that send our manufacturing jobs and national debt overseas, mainly to China.


You know, this is no shit, I could tell a Jap TV coming into the shop from anything American.....from across the shop about 30'+ away, on the service carts.....

the tooling was different today, it's seriously hard to either we sent our factories.....or they duplicated the tooling....

or is it just ME, getting used to seeing so much metric tooling/die marks???

What is made in the USA anymore? We went shopping at Lowe's and Home Depot for some home furnishings this last weekend. EVERYTHING including the GE light bulbs is made in CHINA. From the light fixtures right down to a good deal of the lumber, it is all from CHINA. What is made in the USA? What do we sell world wide any more? I watch the big ships come up the Delaware River to Philadelphia riding low in the water and they leave riding high in the water, obviously empty. How long can we keep this up? Apparently it is already too late....

Same thing here. We had a discussion about this on one of our local forums.

Basics is that whatever they produce in China they need to sell. They don't have any more commodities than we do, so they have to import them just as well. The only difference is they are slaves working for practically nothing. BUT this means that they can't allow their people to earn more money since the manufacturers will then leave for another even more cheap country. This in turn means they have to sell their production elsewhere.

Now that's where their problem is. You can only sell, if you have buyers. As soon as the Western world (that means you and me) run out of money, they are out of export and everything goes bad, for China as well.

Not a funny thing to look forward to, but is the cold hard truth to it all.

At the moment they own a lot of US $. My guess is that your government will start printing more money to devaluate the dollars in the hands of the Chinese, in an effort to reduce the power this will give them over the US. It's going to be effective, but at a cost...
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I dunno man, China doing pretty damn good these daze, look at the news reports off some disaster or other....and they seem decently fed, dressed, and a somewhat decent infrastructure to support them....

and they ARE the largest automobile market....why?? planning,.....they built the roads using Allis/Chalmers and other gear that passed my sister's house outta Shippensburg Pa.....every morning at 6 AM.....

export to CHINA.....what they doing with all that gear?? building roads.....
THAT's what.....

so now 20 years later, we watch the news.....

Look at what has happened in China in the last few years.
The "new" communists are all about profit, not like Mao.
Shanghai now has the tallest hotel in the world, will soon have the tallest building in the world, just to out class the middle east. 20 years ago, the land was swamp, now it rivals New York's skyline. Their new communist mindset is to become the leading nation in the world. And it looks like they are going to accomplish that, other than possibly military might.
At one time we considered Japenese and Taiwanese products junk, no more. In time the Chinese products will also change.
IBM changed to Lenovo ONLY because the Chinese prefer to buy Chinese (sound familiar) and that opened up a zillion new customers for IBM. The IBM ceo and upper management stayed the same running the puppet company. Another reason why GM and others are there, not just the cheap labor.
Watch out for the next 20 years. China itself is an up and coming market.
They are very close to the stage where they don't need us at all.

It's about time we get some genuine business and economic leaders in this country, not just some bullshit politicians "talkin shit".
Look at what has happened in China in the last few years.
The "new" communists are all about profit, not like Mao.
Shanghai now has the tallest hotel in the world, will soon have the tallest building in the world, just to out class the middle east. 20 years ago, the land was swamp, now it rivals New York's skyline. Their new communist mindset is to become the leading nation in the world. And it looks like they are going to accomplish that, other than possibly military might.
At one time we considered Japenese and Taiwanese products junk, no more. In time the Chinese products will also change.
IBM changed to Lenovo ONLY because the Chinese prefer to buy Chinese (sound familiar) and that opened up a zillion new customers for IBM. The IBM ceo and upper management stayed the same running the puppet company. Another reason why GM and others are there, not just the cheap labor.
Watch out for the next 20 years. China itself is an up and coming market.
They are very close to the stage where they don't need us at all.

It's about time we get some genuine business and economic leaders in this country, not just some bullshit politicians "talkin shit".

If it is about consuming, then you're not earning money, but exporting your money elsewhere, where they have the commodities.

They thought Japan was going to do the same in the eighties. Look were they are now.

You're right in so far that we need to do something.

Untill now, I haven't seen anything coming from China worth my while. If i buy quality, i go for something made here.
You know the comic was I want sock shopping at Walmart about a week ago, and found they have a sock display about the size of my living room, jambed up with I spent some 20 minits reviewing the display, finally locating a pack of TEN pair, in a large size that even when shrinking will not hurt my feet.....less then ten bux.....

and when getting home, I noted......

MADE IN USA...HERE, I about shit.....

less than a buck a PAIR, made here for SOCKS.....go figger,

some engineer built a super duper sock knitter/scooper.....

You know the comic was I want sock shopping at Walmart about a week ago, and found they have a sock display about the size of my living room, jambed up with I spent some 20 minits reviewing the display, finally locating a pack of TEN pair, in a large size that even when shrinking will not hurt my feet.....less then ten bux.....

and when getting home, I noted......

MADE IN USA...HERE, I about shit.....

less than a buck a PAIR, made here for SOCKS.....go figger,

some engineer built a super duper sock knitter/scooper.....


sure, why not ?
You can still only get these bad boys from the USA:


Every so often a copy pops up and Rickenbacker go after them like rabid dogs. Wisely, they patented the shapes etc so no one can make knock-offs (or even decent copies) like they can with Fender guitars.

They're expensive, but if looked after, it'll last far longer than me...
You can still only get these bad boys from the USA:


Every so often a copy pops up and Rickenbacker go after them like rabid dogs. Wisely, they patented the shapes etc so no one can make knock-offs (or even decent copies) like they can with Fender guitars.

They're expensive, but if looked after, it'll last far longer than me...

Rickenbacker makes some great gear, the guys I play with use Les Pauls (the real ones, I think all of Don's (he's got 13 now) are from the custom shop) and PRS's, (again the real ones made here). Even though alot of companies have operations in Mexico (like Fender), it's good their higher end stuff is made here! My Zildjian cymbals and sticks are made here too!
new jobs

if our pres. and elected law makers were really serious about putting people back to work, there would be a much higher duty on imports along with aid and incentives to allow american manufactures compete with "favored nations". we have lost our manufacturing might over the last 30-40 years and it is the middle class and down that have suffered. factory and manufacturing jobs have always paid above average wages. back in 70s -80s, it would take me months to hire a tool and die maker, now guys in the trade around here can't find a job and are taking what ever they can get. hourly pay has also fallen off as the supply has exceeded demand. i know men that i paid $22-$25 an hour 10 years ago are working for $15-$18 and glad to get it. i knew this would bite us in the ass 25 years ago, and i am not happy that i was right.
this recession is not going to really end until everyone that wants to work has a decent job.
if our pres. and elected law makers were really serious about putting people back to work, there would be a much higher duty on imports along with aid and incentives to allow american manufactures compete with "favored nations". we have lost our manufacturing might over the last 30-40 years and it is the middle class and down that have suffered. factory and manufacturing jobs have always paid above average wages. back in 70s -80s, it would take me months to hire a tool and die maker, now guys in the trade around here can't find a job and are taking what ever they can get. hourly pay has also fallen off as the supply has exceeded demand. i know men that i paid $22-$25 an hour 10 years ago are working for $15-$18 and glad to get it. i knew this would bite us in the ass 25 years ago, and i am not happy that i was right.
this recession is not going to really end until everyone that wants to work has a decent job.

Agreed. Most people think manufacturing jobs have gone offshore because of cheap labor. That's kinda true, but not the whole story by a long shot. Most of the labor savings is offset by logistics costs of moving raw material and finished goods. The real story is in regulation, taxes and trade laws. It's much easier and cheaper to import to the US than it is to export tfrom the US to nearly any other country. Look at what tariffs guys on this site have to pay to get parts for their cars, new or used parts. But we can get stuff from them for really just shipping. When you add it all up, it's no wonder our jobs have gone offshore. Until the trade tariffs are balanced, (Free or Fair trade) our jobs will be more and more in the service sector which sucks. Crazy regulation (some is certainly necessary) and our corporate tax rates (second only to Japan currently) and you can see why a corporation might find offshoring so attractive.

Add to that the BS of "Green Jobs" and we're screwed hard and dry, till those Chuckleheads in DC get it....