Blown Member
Wow, these have been some great responses. I also look for items made in the USA but am hard put to find them. I also agree that it is mind boggling that the Chinese can manufacture and export goods to America cheaper than we can do for ourselves. I am sure that in the minds of some politicians "Free trade, capitalism and competition" are supposed to provide the American consumer with the highest quality goods at the lowest price. The reality is that the Chinese products are cheap, substandard crap that should not be sold here or anywhere else. Their products are loaded with toxins (lead paint etc.) and can cause injury when they fail, as stated earlier.
The electric floor lamp I bought at Lowe's was so flimsy and poorly made that I had to repair it several times as I was assembling it.
The problem is that there are no American made products to compete with it in that price range. A comparable styled American made floor lamp would cost me 5 to 10 times more than the Chinese product. Would you spend $600.00 on an American made floor lamp compared to one that Lowe's sells for $60.00 that is made in China?
The bottom line is really pretty simple to see:
1: Make sure that the dollar isn't being devalued by the Chinese (primarily) through subsidies, making their products costs less to make. Fair trade.
2: The American consumer needs to be willing to spend a little more for quality.
3: Both the unions AND businesses need to cut costs and stop being so damn greedy!