Misc Vintage Racing Clips

Ford V Ferrari was a great Flick - but here is some real vintage "drama" -- no Hollywood "Kit Cars here. 1960 - no roll bar, first in class:


OOps - I see that was in Post #10... well, at least it deserves a refresh with FvF!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aGCGz6rAEts" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[Sorry, Haven't sussed out the coding just yet to embed the video]

Cheers - Jim
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Ford vs. Ferrari was a really good movie. Even my wife liked it. The racing footage (and sound) was excellent.
Netflix also has a couple of Shelby/Ford shows that are pretty good: Shelby American and 24 Hour War.

Thought this was interesting.

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I searched, this isn’t a repeat, but looks familiar.


There’s a car like this on YouTube where they swapped a Toyota 6 cyl in. The car was a complete wreck when they started, so it isn’t like the cut up a nice car.
A motion car according to the title. Not a race car, but looks nice.

Well, at 5 minutes I was wondering what was going on, then he gets to the good stuff.


Not vintage, but may interest some.
An actual vintage racing vette.....


Looks like wide 5 stock car hubs on front.
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If you following this thread, and have Netflix, they just released a Willy T Ribbs movie. Might be good. Glad to see him back in vintage racing with Duntov.


Edit: watched the first 40 minutes, it is pretty good. I hope he got a big chunk of cash from Netflix!!!! I enjoy shows more by splitting them up over a few evenings.
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