My 1,500.00 1990 project

Well after countless hours of fighting the heater core on this 90, I have found 3 tips that makes the installation a breeze. Just have to take apart a couple extra things and once they are out of the way a 90's heater core is simple to do.
Well after countless hours of fighting the heater core on this 90, I have found 3 tips that makes the installation a breeze. Just have to take apart a couple extra things and once they are out of the way a 90's heater core is simple to do.

Be a good guy and tell us the 3 tips :cool:
You remove everything that holds the plastic dash frame to the passenger side of the car.

remove all bolts for that big air duct that runs across the whole dash and force it to come up off where it seals.

split the evaporator case and lift evaporator out and loosen two bolts that secure the heater core case.

doing this will allow you to move the heater core box a bunch and make bolting everything back together a breeze. Of course you still have to loosen and remove the basic stuff on the rightside of the dash.
remove this brace stuff


remove the screws that hold this giant vent in place and tug it up a bit


here you can see one of the 10mm crews that passes through the firewall into the heater core box but loosen both almost all the way out

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Well, the new blend door motor seems to have fixed my problems of the blinking indicator lights. I ran the car for about an hour and it will BBQ you now. Before it would just kinda keep you warm. Its doing all the vent switching and automatic stuff and the compressor seems to kick on and off to give cooler air. So guess its all fine now.
Well, the new blend door motor seems to have fixed my problems of the blinking indicator lights. I ran the car for about an hour and it will BBQ you now. Before it would just kinda keep you warm. Its doing all the vent switching and automatic stuff and the compressor seems to kick on and off to give cooler air. So guess its all fine now.

It's a PITA in all aspects but once you get creative and get stuff moved and the heater core box to move a bit it's quite easy.
This is just a small update to this thread. I purchased this sound deadening kit used from a member. Seems to be of very nice quality and everything is marked for its location in the car. It was bought for a 1989 so I'm hoping it will work fine in my 1990.

I will show some progress photo's of installing it in the car when I'm doing this part of the project. The interior will take awhile since I haven't decided whether to keep the interior black or switch to tan. Was original polo green with a black interior but it gets mighty hot out here so black might be a bad idea on my car lol.


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Here is the cars current state. Yes I know it looks pretty bad but it's coming along just fine.


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I don't think the hit this car got damaged the front frame rails though. Everything lined up pretty good so I was hoping someone could tell me by the looks of these rails if the appear bent in any way.



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Heres what can happen to the precats. I basically cut a section to open them up and remove the broken chunks on both and weld it shut again so it passes california's visual test.

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Today I finished re attaching most stuff in the engine compartment. I still have to route a lot of stuff but waiting to borrow my friends 90 vette so I have something to go by when doing this.

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Just a small update I bought a complete front "90" bose harness from someone and plugged my CDM in and put the head unit in the car and the bose system works fine now. I also bought a set of 4 1993 amps and found three of them work fine and all six speeakers work as well.

The CD player plays for a minute then ejects the CD so I'm not sure why it's doing that but will try a cleaning disc in it. If that doesnt work I'm send the head unit and the bad amp to doctordon and have him upgrade the head unit with a better cd player and check the cassette deck and then rebuild the bad amp.

I am going to try and locate a complete uncut rear bose harness for the car as well. Much as I like the newer and better radios today, I don't like the fact they don't match the interior very good. I'm not one to blast a radio anyways so the bose should be just fine for me.
I must say you have alot of patience, and a well rounded out ability to attack all the issues.:beer:

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