My 1,500.00 1990 project

I started piecing the car back together today. I'm missing something for the glove box lid so didn't install that.


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I just ordered all the exhaust stuff for the car. Basically after it is installed just have to tune the car up, set fuel pressure, put on new vacuum lines & a few other little things and it should pass a sniffer test with ease. I have a friend that can pretest the car to make sure it will pass at a test only station.
I received the front Y-pipe today. This is a magnaflow system, I am very happy with the quality. The welds are of excellent quality and for 270.00 I can't complain, this is a california compliant system.


I guess these would be the numbers a smog tech would look up to verify the system is california approved.

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looks like the stock system

stock replacement is all. I don't see the need for performance parts on this car, motor is stock anyways. Just want the car to be dependable and safe don't really care how fast it is. I wanted it for handling and looks.
I have decided to order corvette central's magnaflow catback and mufflers with the black LT1 tips. I had thought about muffler eliminators but will be driving the car everyday at around 2-4am so think that would be a nuisence to neighbors and cops would give me a second look.
I have decided to order corvette central's magnaflow catback and mufflers with the black LT1 tips. I had thought about muffler eliminators but will be driving the car everyday at around 2-4am so think that would be a nuisence to neighbors and cops would give me a second look.

Good idea, I feel like a dick when I fire the stroker up through my Dynomax Bullets at 1am.
I have decided to order corvette central's magnaflow catback and mufflers with the black LT1 tips. I had thought about muffler eliminators but will be driving the car everyday at around 2-4am so think that would be a nuisence to neighbors and cops would give me a second look.
That's very considerate of you. When I finally get to that stage on the BOSS, as much as I probably should run a quietish system, I don't think I'll be able to help myself. Plus, all the villas on our new compound are pretty sound proof... :o
I have decided to order corvette central's magnaflow catback and mufflers with the black LT1 tips. I had thought about muffler eliminators but will be driving the car everyday at around 2-4am so think that would be a nuisence to neighbors and cops would give me a second look.
That's very considerate of you. When I finally get to that stage on the BOSS, as much as I probably should run a quietish system, I don't think I'll be able to help myself. Plus, all the villas on our new compound are pretty sound proof... :o

hope your car is bulletproof as their homes are sound proof :thumbs::thumbs:

Here is the system I want. would like to get the mufflers chrome plated though.

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Tinkered a bit with the car today, mostly cobweb removal and crap under the hood like leaves and stuff. It does however move without pushing it now so the trans seems fine on it. Lights it's tires up pretty easy to lol


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I finished sanding the ugly green base coat off one 1/4 panel today. The roof is sanded it's just it has a grey primer under the green the yellow primer is probably done after the car was hit very hard at on point in it''s life. I am still planning on having the back of the car blended to match the doors is all.

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Same colour as a so called "3D primer" I used years ago...

Yes, apparently this car took a very hard hit to the backend at some point in it's life. Some say the entire rear tub (floor) of the car has been replaced because it is white and my forward floors are green.


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A little more progress ... I started laying the new carpet on the passenger side but am stumped by a few things. Did the floor carpet overlap the riser carpet or go under it? also did the front of the door sill where that weatherstrip is go over it or under it? If you have pics of these areas post a pic as well as one of the carpet around the seatbelt retractors.

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Last of the work today, I still have to fit the upholstery on the seat bottom better but so far they look fine for my daily driver.

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decided to finish the other side, still have to do the switches on the bottom seat cushion and get dash back together. the yellow stuff on the console side is from a repair. I will just sand it a bit and dye it black.


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