My '76 restoration (long post)

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, it happened :


First - Congratulations on getting to this point Denis!! Just looking at the car now makes all those many hours of work worth it.

Second - that hood is nothing less than drop dead FANTASTIC!!!! Looked great before but outta sight now that it is in paint!!

You gotta be one happy camper buddy!

:clap: This car is simply going to be stunning! With the creativity and workmanship you have put into it, you have truly made it your own. I normally don't get too excited over other people's builds but considering the conditions you were working in and your experience the end results is phenomenal!
First - Congratulations on getting to this point Denis!! Just looking at the car now makes all those many hours of work worth it.

Second - that hood is nothing less than drop dead FANTASTIC!!!! Looked great before but outta sight now that it is in paint!!

You gotta be one happy camper buddy!


Thanks John, you betcha I'm an happy dude.
Kinda poorer too lol, but still very glad I outsourced this.
This may be hard to see, but the guys made sure then the soft crease that run along the middle of the hood is straight and seamless, even over the 'neck' of the scoop.

:clap: This car is simply going to be stunning! With the creativity and workmanship you have put into it, you have truly made it your own. I normally don't get too excited over other people's builds but considering the conditions you were working in and your experience the end results is phenomenal!
Thanks Kid, I feel really glad you guys like it. You've been around in the Corvette world for so much longer than I and you've probably see your share.
I also not forgetting all the support I received. It's your project too.

I had a true moment of fear over the paint choice I must admit, the car is called Dark Patrol after all and there's custom badges waiting to do their job.
But I was worried charcoal would cut me out of using flat black as a two tone scheme component. I want the front nose grills, whatever is their final shape, to be black, and I see myself plastidiping the hood vent blade in flat black in the foreseeable futur.
With a too dark a paint, the scheme would not have been very noticeable.
I see the car and I still see a dark color scheme, so all still make sense, at least for me, and that's all that counts.


I see SEMA 2016 on your horizons!

Well - no, VERY WELL DONE!

Cheers. :beer: Jim

Not a chance Jim, I didn't play the satin/flat fad card. :censored:
I'd like to take it someday to car show, but given my plans in the interior, that might push us to who know when. Sure thing that won't prevent me from driving it or bringing it to meetings.

Truly an awesome ride! I wish I could see it in person!
A ride soon it will be :wink:
That color is stunning, it's amazing that grey can look so great although there's really not much "color" , just grey ... Lol

They sprayed primer/sealer after you sanded the body lines crisp, looks like that turned out great too .... This should have "rounded" the edges a little
well done, that's beautiful.
Thanks Aaron, I'm still a tad slower than you but I'm working on it :smash::beer:

That color is stunning, it's amazing that grey can look so great although there's really not much "color" , just grey ... Lol

They sprayed primer/sealer after you sanded the body lines crisp, looks like that turned out great too .... This should have "rounded" the edges a little
Thanks Karsten.
Yeah, color turn out fine, maybe it's because I could see a C7 with that color that I made the decision, it's so important to see it in some sort of context.
Here's a secret, since I visited you, I had the picture of that goodrich corvette banner in your hall in my mind. Let me tell you that color haunted me since then.
If I didn't have all that work on the logo already done, I would have seriously considered it.
After some research it's close to Volvo's Rebel Blue, or this year Subaru Hyper Blue.

About the sharp edge line, they are fully aware of my design goal, and they've been told to keep them.
When I visited them they were sanding the high build primer and edges were still pretty sharp. I can wait for Monday to find out how it turn out after buffing. Anyway I'm not looking for sharp as a blade, just a little more 'accent'.
Last time I looked I saw pics of the car on a trailer going to paint but this is great.
the hood and that rear glass mods are far better looking than what you were explaining to me.
Belle job Denis.
Merci mon chum.
May I mention that the hood scoop initially comes from a mold made on Michel's 72 lt1 hood.
What a total disaster it was, not far from ruining your hood in the process.
But hey, that's fate a work, because if the molding did happen nice and smooth I would have gotten in result a perfect copy of your hood scoop.
If I designed this hood this is initially because the resulting molded area was all wrong and not useable anyway.
So it's actually very similar to the story of the whole car: get lemon, make lemonade.:bounce:
Ok, the pickup have been postponed to tomorrow morning.
Weather is sunny/overcast (hopefully no rain) so I think I can get you guys a nice video of the car outside.
I the meantime thanks Steph the painter for a final batch of pics.






Gonna be hard to sleep tonight...
All I can say is WOW!
Thank you!

We're now closing the paint job chapter, the car got back safely in the garage. Since the truck was passing by the work place I couldn't resist texting my colleagues and meet them down the building.

Here's two video I made. Cellphone batteries were dead so I had to resort to the crappy camera, it makes everything more blue than it is. Sorry about that.

