New forum section

Do you want a forum section for old timers?

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Quoted from his post on 10-29

With diabetes I can't drink and can't afford to smoke. But I do have some good stuff called tramadol for my sciatic nerve. Mellows me out nicely, but it's hard to stop. Not physically addictive, but definitely psychologically addictive.

Someone's off his med's again :smash:
It always amazes me when a guy a few thousand miles away from me picks a fight. It shows me just how much of a man he is.

All of you crap slingers need to go back to your monkey cages with this stink.

Some guys take it up the ass by a girl living right under their roof. No need to log on.

Sorry :lol:

Turtle - you are one low motherfucker. Like I said - you sling shit from a thousand miles away. Try standing in front of me and talking shit like that - YOU AREN'T MAN ENOUGH. So hide behind your PC screen and keep slinging monkey shit. If you were closer I'd rearrange your dental work for you. You really are a low life piece of shit.
You freeking guys, the whole damn bunch of you all......:clap::gurney:

Hey Gene: Did you check in at the new reunion thread? I had to re-do it because the one I resurrected was too old. Lots of old timers posting there.:smash:
If you are so fond of your new thread and new found love over @ CF I suggest you make camp there. Your destructive actions here will no longer be tolerated.

And as far as old timers go... you are not even an old timer, you are a nb. You were not there when CF was still that horrible message board, then later that yellow invision board or the failed experiment with zeroforums...or you might have joined in the mids of that. Some of us have been there from before 99 and lost the date in the big forum crash. You were late to the party! You are not entitled to veteran status at all, shitslinger that you are entitled to.
If you are so fond of your new thread and new found love over @ CF I suggest you make camp there. Your constructive actions here will no longer be tolerated.

And as far as old timers go... you are not even an old timer, you are a nb. You were not there when CF was still that horrible message board, then later that yellow invision board or the failed experiment with zeroforums...or you might have joined in the mids of that. Some of us have been there from before 99 and lost the date in the big forum crash. You were late to the party! You are not entitled to veteran status at all, shitslinger that you are entitled to.

I fixed your post. :)
Yeah, I didn't join CF until I actually OWNED a Vette. Shame on me.:rolleyes: It seems CF doessn't agree with you concerning old timers. They gave me the 10 year member icon. You've been REGISTERED there but you flew the coup and have less real time there than most newbs. No problemo with me "making camp" there. Considering this place is just a CF annex anyway.
Besides, the replies coming out are just people padding their post counts.
I'm done helping post whores.:smash:
I know how you operate because you are non original in your actions. You operate as forum taliban with turtle up in the front and you 2. First you try to undermine authority and then you start to pick on certain members just to excite them into replying with a message that has cussing words, profanities or personal attacks in them. Then when you get the thumb screws put on you cry murder and claim to be treated unfairly because so and so also said dirty words and made personal attacks and they were not penalized.

I'm done with your shit, turtles too. Fuck off the 2 of you. and I know you will put all that puter wizardry you have to effect and create a new account, or several..or you have already created backups. Don't worry I will monitor it closely! You may may operate behind the scenes with your buddies on your email list but the moment you start stirring crap I will bring you down again. JUST BECAUSE I CAN!
If you are so fond of your new thread and new found love over @ CF I suggest you make camp there. Your destructive actions here will no longer be tolerated.

And as far as old timers go... you are not even an old timer, you are a nb. You were not there when CF was still that horrible message board, then later that yellow invision board or the failed experiment with zeroforums...or you might have joined in the mids of that. Some of us have been there from before 99 and lost the date in the big forum crash. You were late to the party! You are not entitled to veteran status at all, shitslinger that you are entitled to.

I used to post long before cf on some old message board around 1997 and some guy named Charles was always bragging about himself. What was that place....seems like gene was there. That wasn't the pre-cf forum was it?
You freeking guys, the whole damn bunch of you all......:clap::gurney:

Hey Gene: Did you check in at the new reunion thread? I had to re-do it because the one I resurrected was too old. Lots of old timers posting there.:smash:

Ya, that thread over there is really going gangbusters. :suicide:
Twenty posts and 8 of them yours.

Guess, there isn't all that much interest in rehashing over there either. :crutches:
You know, this is just like some loudmouth A-hole in a pub.... You know one of those annoying loud knowitalls standing at the bar trying to pick a fight with everybody .... after they got the boot you find them whining outside the pub telling everybody how terrible that pub is ... To bad if nobody listens to that guy, now the whining gets even louder...
You know, this is just like some loudmouth A-hole in a pub.... You know one of those annoying loud knowitalls standing at the bar trying to pick a fight with everybody .... after they got the boot you find them whining outside the pub telling everybody how terrible that pub is ... To bad if nobody listens to that guy, now the whining gets even louder...

the best reason of all to stuff them in their own, private hole - maybe then I'll never again hear "oh, you can never do that.... back when dirt was new and God was just a wee tot I did x and it failed!"
Yes it was, Gene will remember what the name was. I know he reminded me of it once.

The joint was Alt.Auto.Corvette part of what I think is now defunct UUnet chat groups, I found it back in '95 just a few months after buying my shark, and selling the '87 vette....I did manage to find the AACorvette group some years ago, but there is no activity.....

edit.....Isn't it AMAZING how far the tech has gone on the net in what near 18 years.....cripe if CARS did that, we be flying back and forth across the atmosphere.....
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That's it. What a place, I do remember getting some help with my 68 back then. Charles posted a pic of his speedo at 200 and claimed he snapped it while driving. Maybe when sbg get up to 180 in his c3 he can post a similar pic.
I remember something called yankee lady or similar. Was never on the newsgroup

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Holy shit I can't believe this.

I have no clue what all the internal bitches are that people are talking about. And I don't care. I have no idea what behind the scenes shit "Larry" or "Marck" or "The Moderators" are doing. I don't really even know for sure who all is behind VM. I have no idea what's going on with Bird or others who I may or may not have noticed don't post here as much as before. I don't post here very much anymore either, I have a life outside of internet forums which takes most of my time & energy.

Regardless of all that, I will say I do appreciate VM very much. Whether or not I say anything, I still do check in daily just to see what's going on. I appreciate very much the technical articles and discussions (and yes the spirited OT debates, although I have decided not to get involved in those as much anymore). I have and still do glean a lot of good help from these pages. I really don't care about wings or splitters or turbos or body mods or spider lights or 6-link rear ends but I respect the time and energy and work that people put into that sort of thing. Just like I don't care for 63 Impalas with fancy madonna airbrush paint jobs, hydraulics and window-rattling stereos, but I can respect the work & dedication of those who do.

I very much appreciate the work and dedication and time "The Moderators" (Private Owners) of VM put into this endeavor without compensation other than satisfaction on behalf of everyone who partakes of it.

This is not a commercial for-profit forum, it is a private forum created by a few dedicated people who wanted to create a place for other like-minded people to share ideas. As with any public place, as it grows it will evolve and change. The clientele will change, that is evolution, and with it, subjects discussed. Johnny-come-latelys will arrive, make a big noise and then fade away. Problems will arise and hopefully pass.

I can hardly believe what this thread has turned into. I have been checking in on it because I too cannot help but stare at overturned cars by the roadside.

If some of you are so dissatisfied with VM now--"what it has become"--then I suggest you take the effort to start your own forum, as these men did, or go elsewhere. Turn in your colors and start your own club, or dissapear over the horizon. Or take up your grievances with 'the management' in private, offer to help and thus implement the ideas you have. If 'management' refuses, well, nobody is forcing you to stay. Throwing public hissy fits like a sugar amped 4 year old does not earn respect.

That's enough, I got other more important shit to do now.
