New forum section

Do you want a forum section for old timers?

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I remember something called yankee lady or similar. Was never on the newsgroup

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Yankee Lady and I conversed a few times back and forth, I THINK she tried to do a forum of some sort but never got the software or circulation together enough, but she did precede CF by some months as I RECALL...

I set here scratching my ass, and I think she maybe put some pix of my car on the air once......but don't quote me on that.....maybe it was someone else....maybe I sent some and never published.....:bonkers::oh:
Wow I did not know that I had left being from calif and all. I do check in at least 2 times a week or more. And have enjoyed the good info I find on this fourm. Like everyone else
On this forum I have my own problems and as for my self I don't post as much as I think I should. But if I need I can find any info I need and I though that's what this fourm is about.
As far as adding a new forum I have met newbies that can show me a better way so no that's one more I have to read. I think the off topic fourm is for what ever, and if you don't like it don't read it. It was for all other crap and no one should take it seriously. Politics or religion always cause problems..... As far as marck he can do what he wants he is paying for this whole thing. as for old timers I don't know what that is it can't be me. It must be gene he replys on everthing. No matter what. We can all complain but what's happing here is not right. I still like to go on all the other forums and have friends on all of them. Yea some time I create shit but I try not to cause enyone to not like me. even knowing they will never know me.
Well that's all. I hope all the good knowelge keeps coming in.

Ps I am not good at writing so ignore the the typos its me.
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Well I just wasted 15 minutes of my life reading this crap. All I have to say is, "WTF, over?"

I'm glad the (remaining) people on here tolerate my dumb questions so I can get questions answered. It is appreciated by some, for sure. So thanks!