New W2 Tax Form?

yeah the irs sucks, I just got a certified letter from them and only because my neighbor brought over the certified post office slip they leave in your box. Anyways long story short they claim to have sent a bill for 362.00 and because I never paid it now we are assessing you a 600.00 penalty.
yeah the irs sucks, I just got a certified letter from them and only because my neighbor brought over the certified post office slip they leave in your box. Anyways long story short they claim to have sent a bill for 362.00 and because I never paid it now we are assessing you a 600.00 penalty.

Government endorsed THUGS
Last Sunday AM wife got a call from an accountant, he caught a mistake she made, sent in a IRS filing/annual with the year PREVIOUS P&L 08 form, not the 09, it was out on extension....

so who knows what the 'tude' from IRS will be, all she did was hit the rong key on the computer, and pushed send.....uh oh....

accountant caught it, but too late for the filing.....

Last Sunday AM wife got a call from an accountant, he caught a mistake she made, sent in a IRS filing/annual with the year PREVIOUS P&L 08 form, not the 09, it was out on extension....

so who knows what the 'tude' from IRS will be, all she did was hit the rong key on the computer, and pushed send.....uh oh....

accountant caught it, but too late for the filing.....


Yer shit outta luck. They are only taking in money, not giving out any. The IRS play fair or do what is right? You gotta be kidding me.

My advice to you Gene.... Don't hold yer hand over yer ass

All the more reasons why the Internal Extortion Administration has to go! Seriously, vote for me. One of my main promises is I will kill the IRS!
Let us not forget the 3.8% TAX we'll get to pay when we sell our house. Even if we turn right around and buy another one. That's hidden in the Obamacare plan too.
And it's even money that if health care premiums paid go on the W-2, the IRS will figure it as income and we get to pay tax on that too. Just before they attach our 401k plans.

You're believing all that stuff over on CF pollitics section? Those guys are not right in the head.
They did pass the last minute 3.8 % tax.

Applies to income earner over 200 grand, 250 joint, with a property sale profit of more than 250 grand or 500 joint. This is in addition to capital gains tax.
yeah the irs sucks, I just got a certified letter from them and only because my neighbor brought over the certified post office slip they leave in your box. Anyways long story short they claim to have sent a bill for 362.00 and because I never paid it now we are assessing you a 600.00 penalty.

That's odd, the irs correspondence doesn't need to be cert mail. Regular mail gives them the same privilege.
Let us not forget the 3.8% TAX we'll get to pay when we sell our house. Even if we turn right around and buy another one. That's hidden in the Obamacare plan too.
And it's even money that if health care premiums paid go on the W-2, the IRS will figure it as income and we get to pay tax on that too. Just before they attach our 401k plans.

You're believing all that stuff over on CF pollitics section? Those guys are not right in the head.

Yeh, there are a couple/few liberals there still, guys like rkhegler, and so forth....most of them show some common sense, and are slowly being converted.....I"m proudly hardball right wing of Uncle Barry Goldwater......:pprrtt::shocking:
All the more reasons why the Internal Extortion Administration has to go! Seriously, vote for me. One of my main promises is I will kill the IRS!

I'd vote for you. Too bad you're in the wrong state. We have a real opportunity here with the open governor's job. Looks like I'll have to start a write in campaign. The tough part is deciding between Bird and Darrow.
2011 W-2 Tax Forms--Surprise, Surprise!

If this doesn't get to you, then check your pulse. You may be a flat-lined..

Should you want to verify this, go to , enter "3590" in the search box. When is comes up, go to item #5 for HB3590 and click on it. When the next screen comes up, click on “Summary” in the center of the screen, then scroll down to near the bottom of the page and look for Section 9002. You can find this and read it for yourself, but here is what it says:

(Sec. 9002) Requires employers to include in the W-2 form of each employee the aggregate cost of applicable employer-sponsored group health coverage that is excludable from the employee's gross income (excluding the value of contributions to flexible spending arrangements).

Title IX Revenue Provisions—Subtitle A: Revenue Offset

In simpler terms, starting in 2011—next year—the W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be increased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are provided.

It doesn't matter if you're retired. Your gross income WILL go up by the amount of insurance your employer paid for. So you’ll be required to pay taxes on a larger sum of money that you actually received. Take the tax form you finished for 2009 and see what $15,000.00 or $20,000.00 additional gross income does to your tax debt. That's what you'll pay next year. For many it puts you into a much higher bracket. This is how the government is going to buy insurance for fifteen (15) percent that don't have insurance and it's only part of the tax increases, but it's not really a "tax increase" as such, it a redefinition of your taxable income.

Also, go to Kiplinger's and read about the thirteen (13) tax changes for 2010 that could affect you.

So vote intelligently, based on your values.

But also consider adjusting your tax withholding, or increase your savings account, so that you aren't surprised and put in a jam when your federal income taxes are due on April 15, 2012.

Fight organized crime! Re-elect no one!!!!!

God Bless America!

The above is the same statement circulating via email. A misleading half truth.

What the bill states:

"Amends the Internal Revenue Code to impose an excise tax of 40% of the excess benefit from certain high cost employer-sponsored health coverage. Deems any amount which exceeds payment of $8,500 for an employee self-only coverage plan and $23,000 for employees with other than self-only coverage (family plans) as an excess benefit. Increases such amounts for certain retirees and employees who are engaged in high-risk professions (e.g., law enforcement officers, emergency medical first responders, or longshore workers). Imposes a penalty on employers and coverage providers for failure to calculate the proper amount of an excess benefit.

Based on the above , if your employer sponsored health coverage premium exceeds $8500 for and individual or $23000 for a family plan,, then you will pay 40% of the excess benefit.

IE> if you are single and have coverage that costs $12000 , then you will pay 40% of the overage of $3500 which is $1400.

Right or wrong its gonna cost to pay for big guberment and their mandates..
A friend of mine has a possible solution to big guberment:

Line every single politician from a small town mayor to the pres up side by side. shoot every other one, then ask the remaining if they wish to continue their career.
Look, they got some 5 pages of pills on the Walmart 4 buck/month plan....

they can't cure for with 5 pages of pills I"m dead.....fuck it....

Ernie, retired guy across the street picks up his sisters insulin bill....

900 bux/month.....gotta be fucking KIDDING ME.....that shit so common they make it outa thin air....

but that's what the liability insurance costs for way that shit worth 900/month maybe 9 bux.....the rest is bullshit, .....

Wait until all this crap really sets in and the majority sees it in their pocketbook.

My wife takes a bunch of different medicines daily, at least 6 or so, but just one of them is $8600.00/month. (Somavert)
Without insurance, I'm afraid we would have no choice but to let her die.
The insurance premium has more than doubled since Obummer started his healthcare scare and the deductible has gone up 20% on most stuff.

One employer's health care plan premiums have gone up 68%.
He's going to hire a bunch more people because he got stimulated. :waxer:
(He really laid 2 people off just to cover costs)

This administration has absolutely no clue.:bonkers:
Wait until all this crap really sets in and the majority sees it in their pocketbook.

My wife takes a bunch of different medicines daily, at least 6 or so, but just one of them is $8600.00/month. (Somavert)
Without insurance, I'm afraid we would have no choice but to let her die.
The insurance premium has more than doubled since Obummer started his healthcare scare and the deductible has gone up 20% on most stuff.

One employer's health care plan premiums have gone up 68%.
He's going to hire a bunch more people because he got stimulated. :waxer:
(He really laid 2 people off just to cover costs)

This administration has absolutely no clue.:bonkers:

How the hell do people belive this "Health Care" bill isn't going to cause costs to skyrocket, care to be rationed and companies to drop coverage for employees? Just do the math, you don't even have to take your shoes off for this one!

This is what happens when academics and "intellectuals" are in charge. Noen of these asshats have every actually built, run or been responsible for a business, payroll or job performance.

You know what's more frightening than this administration??? The people who support it!! Don't get me wrong, the previous administration had it's share of issues too, but I can't believe Harry Reid even has a chance to retain his seat, let alone how close the race is. You'd think under the circumstances he'd be so far behind you'd have to pipe light to him no matter who was running against him. But nooooo...he may well retain his seat!!! You listen to the debates and the lies from the incumbents and it's amazing they aren't struck by lightning where they stand. I can't believe Blumenthal is even being considered seriously after lying about his military service, and blatantly too, WTF!!!

Then there's that brainiac Pelosi, are you kidding me?? People actually listen and believe what comes out of her mouth? We have to pass the bill BEFORE you know what's actually in it?!?!?! And she's likely going to retain her seat too...
Wait until all this crap really sets in and the majority sees it in their pocketbook.

My wife takes a bunch of different medicines daily, at least 6 or so, but just one of them is $8600.00/month. (Somavert)
Without insurance, I'm afraid we would have no choice but to let her die.
The insurance premium has more than doubled since Obummer started his healthcare scare and the deductible has gone up 20% on most stuff.

One employer's health care plan premiums have gone up 68%.
He's going to hire a bunch more people because he got stimulated. :waxer:
(He really laid 2 people off just to cover costs)

This administration has absolutely no clue.:bonkers:

How the hell do people belive this "Health Care" bill isn't going to cause costs to skyrocket, care to be rationed and companies to drop coverage for employees? Just do the math, you don't even have to take your shoes off for this one!

This is what happens when academics and "intellectuals" are in charge. Noen of these asshats have every actually built, run or been responsible for a business, payroll or job performance.

You know what's more frightening than this administration??? The people who support it!! Don't get me wrong, the previous administration had it's share of issues too, but I can't believe Harry Reid even has a chance to retain his seat, let alone how close the race is. You'd think under the circumstances he'd be so far behind you'd have to pipe light to him no matter who was running against him. But nooooo...he may well retain his seat!!! You listen to the debates and the lies from the incumbents and it's amazing they aren't struck by lightning where they stand. I can't believe Blumenthal is even being considered seriously after lying about his military service, and blatantly too, WTF!!!

Then there's that brainiac Pelosi, are you kidding me?? People actually listen and believe what comes out of her mouth? We have to pass the bill BEFORE you know what's actually in it?!?!?! And she's likely going to retain her seat too...

What about Barney Frank
He should undergo permanent waterboarding.
What about Barney Frank
He should undergo permanent waterboarding.

You mean the same guy that had a male prostitute ring running from his house? Probably not his first waterboarding!

The list of people that should be dragged out of the capital in chains is long and not very distinguished. Barney is near the top of the list with his partner in crime Chris Dodd! They're either pure liars or pure idiots....and their supporters aren't much better...
What about Barney Frank
He should undergo permanent waterboarding.

You mean the same guy that had a male prostitute ring running from his house? Probably not his first waterboarding!

The list of people that should be dragged out of the capital in chains is long and not very distinguished. Barney is near the top of the list with his partner in crime Chris Dodd! They're either pure liars or pure idiots....and their supporters aren't much better...

Dave, I have told this short story recently, but can't remember who/when.....don't matter....

I suppose I not the most organized social person in the world, but I was called flat footed to give a eulogy at my father's Wash DC, lifelong members the folks were....

mom was still alive, so I get up there not knowing what to say....looked out and saw Gus, Virgil Agostinelli (little August in Italian, as he used to say) back in the 60's on the phone.....

So I glanced at Gus, remembering Johnny and other men dad worked with and simply said words to the affect that 'Gus, you and Dad, Johnny were the last honest men in this town'....

the gasp was large, mom breathed...'Gene....' in a private admonition.....disagreement.....

I let it stand....

and I was RIGHT too.....

eff em all forever.....
