Fast Pedalphile
Wait until all this crap really sets in and the majority sees it in their pocketbook.
My wife takes a bunch of different medicines daily, at least 6 or so, but just one of them is $8600.00/month. (Somavert)
Without insurance, I'm afraid we would have no choice but to let her die.
The insurance premium has more than doubled since Obummer started his healthcare scare and the deductible has gone up 20% on most stuff.
One employer's health care plan premiums have gone up 68%.
He's going to hire a bunch more people because he got stimulated. :waxer:
(He really laid 2 people off just to cover costs)
This administration has absolutely no clue.:bonkers:
How the hell do people belive this "Health Care" bill isn't going to cause costs to skyrocket, care to be rationed and companies to drop coverage for employees? Just do the math, you don't even have to take your shoes off for this one!
This is what happens when academics and "intellectuals" are in charge. Noen of these asshats have every actually built, run or been responsible for a business, payroll or job performance.
You know what's more frightening than this administration??? The people who support it!! Don't get me wrong, the previous administration had it's share of issues too, but I can't believe Harry Reid even has a chance to retain his seat, let alone how close the race is. You'd think under the circumstances he'd be so far behind you'd have to pipe light to him no matter who was running against him. But nooooo...he may well retain his seat!!! You listen to the debates and the lies from the incumbents and it's amazing they aren't struck by lightning where they stand. I can't believe Blumenthal is even being considered seriously after lying about his military service, and blatantly too, WTF!!!
Then there's that brainiac Pelosi, are you kidding me?? People actually listen and believe what comes out of her mouth? We have to pass the bill BEFORE you know what's actually in it?!?!?! And she's likely going to retain her seat too...
This is where my apathy stems from. I am given choices. I get to choose between bad and worse, liars and whores. I am so disenchanted with the system that I believe it does not matter who is in power, people like you and me are screwed.