Obama-Anyone know if this is true?

when was the last time any of you who live in the USA stepped over a dead person in the streets? the fact of the matter is people who show up at the hospital get treatment and you and I pay for it in our insurance premiums now. I think the new health care reform laws are way over due.
Now we will still pay for it and service will be shittier. Why did the health care reform have to include limiting doctor owned practices to those already in existence? What is wrong with doctor owned, smaller, more specialized hospitals? Do you really think limiting our choice for medical care to giant government like institutions is a good thing?

the reality of economics is that George Bushs spending on wars has crippled this country in debt, dont blame that on Obama.
Yes, but Obama hasn't stopped Bush's pro war policy.

and yes the bail out of GM was a whopping success admit and move on.
This is a joke right? The bail out was about as successful as the volt.

one last thing whats the deal with the attack on womens rights? WTF? if you want government to stay out of your life, then have it stay out of womens choices, you cant have it both ways.

What about my choice not to pay for GM bail out, your health care, food, earned income tax, etc etc etc. The problem with your argument is no one has the right to end another persons life unless they are protecting themselves or others lives. Yes even the death penalty. Particularly in this case a innocent life. Arguing it is not a life is purely out of connivence at this point.

For a long time this country has moved in the wrong direction as far as individual rights, both parties are to blame. One thing no one likes to talk about, all of this government expansion fueled by debt is really paid for with inflation, the biggest tax of all and it hits the middle class the hardest.
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when was the last time any of you who live in the USA stepped over a dead person in the streets? the fact of the matter is people who show up at the hospital get treatment and you and I pay for it in our insurance premiums now. I think the new health care reform laws are way over due.

as for Bedford Va, do you guys know where that is? its in the middle of no where land in south western VA. not exactly a short trip over the Potomac and I think going to France for the real thing is more inportant.

the reality of economics is that George Bushs spending on wars has crippled this country in debt, dont blame that on Obama.

as for Mitt are you guys kidding.....this guys flip flops on every issue there is where is his spine? hes like a sleazy car salesman who will tell you anything you want to hear to seal the deal. I dont begrudge him for being rich but any one who takes a company that employs people and is making a profit and then rips it apart firing the workers to make a quick buck isnt my idea of a good guy. he is one of the barbarians at the gate

and for having money in off shore accounts and over seas financial banks to avoid paying taxes is this your idea of a "stand up guy"

and yes the bail out of GM was a whopping success admit and move on.

one last thing whats the deal with the attack on womens rights? WTF? if you want government to stay out of your life, then have it stay out of womens choices, you cant have it both ways.

funny thing is I am not enrolled in any political party and have voted for presidents from both parties

3 cheers for someone who agrees with my point of view. Kudos Bob.
Bravo! :clap::clap:

Free thinkers never get enrolled, they join with reasons (and reason).

May I add that US (and the whole world by the same) dodged a serious bullet in 2008. Current administration worked hard to avoid the worst. Imagine an alternative world where election happened in 2009...
the reality of economics is that George Bushs spending on wars has crippled this country in debt, dont blame that on Obama.
Yes, but Obama hasn't stopped Bush's pro war policy.
-He's pulling out from the two main conflict as fast as he can without losing the country's face.
-There was not more swallow threats made to rogue state like North Korea, diplomacy prevailed.
-In the Arab spring, USA's implication have been pretty light. It's because Nicolas Sarkozy made it personal UN went after Kadafi's ass.
-Drone assassinations have now low key events, you don't even hear about it anymore. USA is not seen has a bully anymore.
-Do you think the country alert level is going to be arbitrary raised just before the election, like they did 8 years ago?
-Finally, as far as I can remember Obama didn't declare war to any country so far.
one last thing whats the deal with the attack on womens rights? WTF? if you want government to stay out of your life, then have it stay out of womens choices, you cant have it both ways.

What about my choice not to pay for GM bail out, your health care, food, earned income tax, etc etc etc. The problem with your argument is no one has the right to end another persons life unless they are protecting themselves or others lives. Yes even the death penalty. Particularly in this case a innocent life. Arguing it is not a life is purely out of connivence at this point.

For a long time this country has moved in the wrong direction as far as individual rights, both parties are to blame. One thing no one likes to talk about, all of this government expansion fueled by debt is really paid for with inflation, the biggest tax of all and it hits the middle class the hardest.
Don't say he didn't try to shift the burden of the debt to those above the middle class.
Oh My God! The Koolaid in this thread!
I really do shudder to think of what will happen should this man be reelected again. I honestly will consider moving to Canada or somewhere else because this country will fall harder and farther than any other so far.
Now, when the Chairman loses in November I will breathe a big sigh of relief for all those who don't quite get it yet.
Oh My God! The Koolaid in this thread!
I really do shudder to think of what will happen should this man be reelected again. I honestly will consider moving to Canada or somewhere else because this country will fall harder and farther than any other so far.
Now, when the Chairman loses in November I will breathe a big sigh of relief for all those who don't quite get it yet.

I beleive Canada has all the things you are afraid of in the USA, like government run health care. But at least they don't attack a country and start a war unprovoked.......So go for it............:clap:
hes like a sleazy car salesman who will tell you anything you want to hear to seal the deal. you mean like Obama who lies every time he opens his mouth?

and for having money in off shore accounts and over seas financial banks to avoid paying taxes is this your idea of a "stand up guy" having $$ offshore does NOT mean you don`t pay taxes on it

and yes the bail out of GM was a whopping success admit and move on.
whopping success? only for the UAW, the US taxpayer is still owed BILLIONS, the GM bondholders lost everything and the taxpayers won`t break even until the stock price is $50 plus...GM closed yesterday below $20

time to put down the Kool-Aid
when was the last time any of you who live in the USA stepped over a dead person in the streets? the fact of the matter is people who show up at the hospital get treatment and you and I pay for it in our insurance premiums now. I think the new health care reform laws are way over due.

What gripes me is the amount of lawyers involved in medical crap, lawsuits over the slightest thing, and the amount of free shit given away to ever crybaby illegal foreigner in this country, that is why Californica is going BK, there is no hope for that state unless they change their ways, and the feds are no hope either, we need repeal that forced health care law, they either pay or die, we don't need all that mess here....Islamic cults need be eliminated from our shores too, round them up and export, no more mosques period, anywhere, and that one is a ages old conflict from about 30 years ago in the DC region, I used to live about a mile from a islamic hate center, used to be articles about it in the Wash post.....not today, I bet, ....:sos:

as for Bedford Va, do you guys know where that is? its in the middle of no where land in south western VA. not exactly a short trip over the Potomac and I think going to France for the real thing is more inportant.

the reality of economics is that George Bushs spending on wars has crippled this country in debt, dont blame that on Obama.

I agree the islamic war was not prosecuted correctly, I would have won that in about 6 weeks, it's so easy to win, even today.....

as for Mitt are you guys kidding.....this guys flip flops on every issue there is where is his spine? hes like a sleazy car salesman who will tell you anything you want to hear to seal the deal. I dont begrudge him for being rich but any one who takes a company that employs people and is making a profit and then rips it apart firing the workers to make a quick buck isnt my idea of a good guy. he is one of the barbarians at the gate

Look at the entire record and it seems to me that he has done what was necessary, and did a LOT of good along the way, not all companies can be saved, and much of that is because of .gov policies, like the EPA disaster being a major job killer, can't even make anything in this country anymore without some weenie fishing for a smelly delta fish to stop a damn dam or power plant or whatEVER....always some phony 'issue' with them, and their lawyers milking the system for every dime....lawyer's dream, ONE case, retire for life.....

and for having money in off shore accounts and over seas financial banks to avoid paying taxes is this your idea of a "stand up guy" WAS/IS any of that NOT within the laws?? since it was/IS and the IRS is not going after them/him, maybe your statement above is bullshit.....

and yes the bail out of GM was a whopping success admit and move on.You don't know jack shit about business much less about BK rulings, that was the biggest scam ever, protecting the UAW and illegally tossing the BONDHOLDERS under the bus, true the stockholders were at risk, but the BONDHOLDERS were secured with/by company assets pledged for the loans, but NO, the crooked damn .gov wiped them out....and who owns the majority of stock in GM now?? UAW.....I blame the weenies more than the UAW for GM's demise...too much money spent to keep up with bullshit from the .gov on SO many fronts, while the overseas operations suck up the tech for nothing, so WE foot the bill.....

one last thing whats the deal with the attack on womens rights? WTF? if you want government to stay out of your life, then have it stay out of womens choices, you cant have it both ways.WHAT attack on women's rights? you mean by the religious kooks?? on that one, I agree with you in fact....

funny thing is I am not enrolled in any political party and have voted for presidents from both parties

For decades now, voting for any Do Mo Crap is like voting for socialist/fascist/commie party, just under a different guise.....

You see, be me, I would eliminate most of the Fed.gov agencies, DHS, EPA, HHS, DOEd, DOEn, IRS (yup, I"m a flat taxer--everyone pays same rate, call it a sales tax if you will), Herman Cain was my man, until they smeared him with a bunch of lies...they could not beat him on ideas, so they went personal, Saul Alinsky 101......There are SO many other agencies that need eliminating, there would be a depression in the DC region for the next 100 years.....what the public don't know about that town, is that most of the .gov workers are 1/2 hour late in the AM, 2 hour lunches, and 1/2 hour early in the PM......that is your typical .gov work schedule and even my ex, the kids mom would brag that she could not believe they were paying her SO much money for such little productive work....every agency is that way....across the board, I lived it for 53 years, all you needed to succeed in DC is a degree in basketweaving...and for that you got a job paying 60-80 GRAND/year in salary.....you just show up for some years and retire on get this.....80% of salary, which amounts to about 100 GRAND/year for the typical DC worker.....there is a reason the housing crisis generated nationwide by DC laws and regulations on the bank, it collapsed and so guys like Bawney Frank and Chris Dodd walk away scott free, and somehow Wall St. is made out to the the bad guys......BUT you note, that housing in DC only declined maybe 10% after the peak, ....I could go on further about the housing crisis, but no one wants the truth......
Oh My God! The Koolaid in this thread!
I really do shudder to think of what will happen should this man be reelected again. I honestly will consider moving to Canada or somewhere else because this country will fall harder and farther than any other so far.
Now, when the Chairman loses in November I will breathe a big sigh of relief for all those who don't quite get it yet.

I beleive Canada has all the things you are afraid of in the USA, like government run health care. But at least they don't attack a country and start a war unprovoked.......So go for it............:clap:

What works for one country does not mean it will work in every country.

-He's pulling out from the two main conflict as fast as he can without losing the country's face.
-There was not more swallow threats made to rogue state like North Korea, diplomacy prevailed.
-In the Arab spring, USA's implication have been pretty light. It's because Nicolas Sarkozy made it personal UN went after Kadafi's ass.
-Drone assassinations have now low key events, you don't even hear about it anymore. USA is not seen has a bully anymore.
-Do you think the country alert level is going to be arbitrary raised just before the election, like they did 8 years ago?
-Finally, as far as I can remember Obama didn't declare war to any country so far.

Give me a break, bombing is an act of war....and FYI the last time we declared war was WWII. And how great the Arab spring is, we are fighting along side our al qaeda brothers to change secular governments to radical muslim governments. Iraq is now a mess as well, probably better off under Saddam. Speaking of Saddam at least he had a trial. Kadafi was captured alive, but no trial.

Don't say he didn't try to shift the burden of the debt to those above the middle class.

Yes, because it is a good idea to shift even more of the government burden onto fewer and fewer of the us population. The evil 1%'ers (those making 350k or more per year) pay 34% of all income tax, but only make up 16.5% of income earned. Stealing 100% of the income from the wealthy would not balance the budget.
-He's pulling out from the two main conflict as fast as he can without losing the country's face.
-There was not more swallow threats made to rogue state like North Korea, diplomacy prevailed.
-In the Arab spring, USA's implication have been pretty light. It's because Nicolas Sarkozy made it personal UN went after Kadafi's ass.
-Drone assassinations have now low key events, you don't even hear about it anymore. USA is not seen has a bully anymore.
-Do you think the country alert level is going to be arbitrary raised just before the election, like they did 8 years ago?
-Finally, as far as I can remember Obama didn't declare war to any country so far.

Give me a break, bombing is an act of war....and FYI the last time we declared war was WWII. And how great the Arab spring is, we are fighting along side our al qaeda brothers to change secular governments to radical muslim governments. Iraq is now a mess as well, probably better off under Saddam. Speaking of Saddam at least he had a trial. Kadafi was captured alive, but no trial.

Don't say he didn't try to shift the burden of the debt to those above the middle class.

Yes, because it is a good idea to shift even more of the government burden onto fewer and fewer of the us population. The evil 1%'ers (those making 350k or more per year) pay 34% of all income tax, but only make up 16.5% of income earned. Stealing 100% of the income from the wealthy would not balance the budget.

:smash: There you go with pesky FACTS again, very annoying to liberals....

What about my choice not to pay for GM bail out, your health care, food, earned income tax, etc etc etc. ......

For a long time this country has moved in the wrong direction as far as individual rights, both parties are to blame. One thing no one likes to talk about, all of this government expansion (bobs77vet comment.. AS I SEE IT its the WARS IN OTHER COUNTIRES 40% of OUR FEDERAL SPENDING IS DEFENSE RELATED) fueled by debt is really paid for with inflation, the biggest tax of all and it hits the middle class the hardest.

these are the real issues that are debatable and people have different visions of what our country should be like.

Personally I dont think anybody really is grasping that 40% of federal spending is on defense and defense debt, so we can be in countries that hate us for being there. remember we won the cold war because we bankrupted the USSR and now our enemies are bankrupting us.
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What about my choice not to pay for GM bail out, your health care, food, earned income tax, etc etc etc. ......

For a long time this country has moved in the wrong direction as far as individual rights, both parties are to blame. One thing no one likes to talk about, all of this government expansion (bobs77vet comment.. AS I SEE IT its the WARS IN OTHER COUNTIRES 40% of OUR FEDERAL SPENDING IS DEFENSE RELATED) fueled by debt is really paid for with inflation, the biggest tax of all and it hits the middle class the hardest.

these are the real issues that are debatable and people have different visions of what our country should be like.

Personally I dont think anybody really is grasping that 40% of federal spending is on defense and defense debt, so we can be in countries that hate us for being there. remember we won the cold war because we bankrupted the USSR and now our enemies are bankrupting us.

Defense is like <25% at most of the Fed.gov budget these days, so how can you blame defense for most of the debt??

ME, that islamic war would be over long ago, and forgotten, and gas down to about 2 bux/gallon....:smash: our .gov is too PC to actually win the war,

which is basically easy to do....and we don't HAVE to use nuclear capability to do it either.....

What about my choice not to pay for GM bail out, your health care, food, earned income tax, etc etc etc. ......

For a long time this country has moved in the wrong direction as far as individual rights, both parties are to blame. One thing no one likes to talk about, all of this government expansion (bobs77vet comment.. AS I SEE IT its the WARS IN OTHER COUNTIRES 40% of OUR FEDERAL SPENDING IS DEFENSE RELATED) fueled by debt is really paid for with inflation, the biggest tax of all and it hits the middle class the hardest.

these are the real issues that are debatable and people have different visions of what our country should be like.

Personally I dont think anybody really is grasping that 40% of federal spending is on defense and defense debt, so we can be in countries that hate us for being there. remember we won the cold war because we bankrupted the USSR and now our enemies are bankrupting us.

Bingo again. Eisenhower warned that the military would spend us underwater, and he was correct. The pentagon has had Carte Blanche WAY too long.:smash:
these are the real issues that are debatable and people have different visions of what our country should be like.

Personally I dont think anybody really is grasping that 40% of federal spending is on defense and defense debt, so we can be in countries that hate us for being there. remember we won the cold war because we bankrupted the USSR and now our enemies are bankrupting us.

The USSR threw in the towel when Regan proposed the Star Wars defense program. You are right, they gave up because we had the money to do it (thriving economy) and they didn't. Lots of people speculate that it was not a real program but it got the job done!

Defense is not 40% (try 20%). This is commonly stated by politicians who should know better. They are either lying or ignorant:

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What about my choice not to pay for GM bail out, your health care, food, earned income tax, etc etc etc. ......

For a long time this country has moved in the wrong direction as far as individual rights, both parties are to blame. One thing no one likes to talk about, all of this government expansion (bobs77vet comment.. AS I SEE IT its the WARS IN OTHER COUNTIRES 40% of OUR FEDERAL SPENDING IS DEFENSE RELATED) fueled by debt is really paid for with inflation, the biggest tax of all and it hits the middle class the hardest.

these are the real issues that are debatable and people have different visions of what our country should be like.

Personally I dont think anybody really is grasping that 40% of federal spending is on defense and defense debt, so we can be in countries that hate us for being there. remember we won the cold war because we bankrupted the USSR and now our enemies are bankrupting us.

Defense is like <25% at most of the Fed.gov budget these days, so how can you blame defense for most of the debt??

Are you phucking kidding me Gene?
What about my choice not to pay for GM bail out, your health care, food, earned income tax, etc etc etc. ......

For a long time this country has moved in the wrong direction as far as individual rights, both parties are to blame. One thing no one likes to talk about, all of this government expansion (bobs77vet comment.. AS I SEE IT its the WARS IN OTHER COUNTIRES 40% of OUR FEDERAL SPENDING IS DEFENSE RELATED) fueled by debt is really paid for with inflation, the biggest tax of all and it hits the middle class the hardest.

these are the real issues that are debatable and people have different visions of what our country should be like.

Personally I dont think anybody really is grasping that 40% of federal spending is on defense and defense debt, so we can be in countries that hate us for being there. remember we won the cold war because we bankrupted the USSR and now our enemies are bankrupting us.

Defense is like <25% at most of the Fed.gov budget these days, so how can you blame defense for most of the debt??

Are you phucking kidding me Gene?

See above, Cong, Budget Office.....CBO,.....i'ts better than I thought, it USED to be more than 25% back when USSR was in vogue....

turns out they were nothing but a house of cards....

and besided, money spent on things like NASA and DOD has a habit of turning over some 7.5X in the economy, providing jobs money dumped into some welfare pit, turns over 1.5 times in the HONEST economy, problem is welfare enables drug habits, and the UNDERGROUND ECONOMY which is almost ~30% of the total economy.....and goes totally UNtaxed, while the legit numbers are based on what the .gov knows, and that is that nearly 1/2 the population payb NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX, NONE, most of them take welfare from the Fed .GOV.....

top 5% of taxpayers kick in 80% of all fed INCOME taxes collected, much MORE than 'their fare share'.......

:thumbs::smash: AND everyone of those senators you hear of on TV, has illegal gains in offshore accounts sheltered investments bought on inside information from the Hill.....both parties are guilty of that, ever hear over Kennedy and Cayman Islands???:smash::thumbs:
What about my choice not to pay for GM bail out, your health care, food, earned income tax, etc etc etc. ......

For a long time this country has moved in the wrong direction as far as individual rights, both parties are to blame. One thing no one likes to talk about, all of this government expansion (bobs77vet comment.. AS I SEE IT its the WARS IN OTHER COUNTIRES 40% of OUR FEDERAL SPENDING IS DEFENSE RELATED) fueled by debt is really paid for with inflation, the biggest tax of all and it hits the middle class the hardest.

these are the real issues that are debatable and people have different visions of what our country should be like.

Personally I dont think anybody really is grasping that 40% of federal spending is on defense and defense debt, so we can be in countries that hate us for being there. remember we won the cold war because we bankrupted the USSR and now our enemies are bankrupting us.

Hey I agree, wars are funded with inflation. I never defended our war agenda. I think national defense and our war agenda have little in common. However national defense is one of the few roles for our federal government. Paying for social programs is definetly not a federal role.

The idea the majority can force the minority into slavery to the government is not morally right nor is it consistent with the principals of the USA. We are a republic.

For the less informed....

A republic and a democracy are identical in every aspect except one. In a republic the sovereignty is in each individual person. In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group.
guys you need to add the spending on the debt for the defense dept to the annual appropriated funding....then you start to see the whole picture. we didnt get in debt by social spending alone....
guys you need to add the spending on the debt for the defense dept to the annual appropriated funding....then you start to see the whole picture. we didnt get in debt by social spending alone....

OK, using that crazy logic, since 20% is spent on defense, lets say it's responsible for 20% of the payment on the debt. So now the total would be 21% for defense and 5% for payment on the debt. Big deal.
guys you need to add the spending on the debt for the defense dept to the annual appropriated funding....then you start to see the whole picture. we didnt get in debt by social spending alone....

Bob, any idea how much of the annual federal budget (well what the budget would be if we had one for the last 3 yrs.. :) ) social spending is, including the federal funding of state social programs? My guess is that it far exceeds defense spending, but I don't know, otherwise I'd give it.

Oh, and cutting defense spending is fine, just cut the mission requirements too. But that never seems to happen. I'm all in favor of pulling our folks out of places that don't want them there, unless there's a real strategic need for us to be there. But we are the worlds police force aren't we? Like it or not, we're the only ones willing to risk "blood and treasure" for others. I mean this whole accusation of American Colonialism, have we ever kept any place we've fought and died for?
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