Phantom of the Opera
guys you need to add the spending on the debt for the defense dept to the annual appropriated funding....then you start to see the whole picture. we didnt get in debt by social spending alone....
Bob, any idea how much of the annual federal budget (well what the budget would be if we had one for the last 3 yrs..) social spending is, including the federal funding of state social programs? My guess is that it far exceeds defense spending, but I don't know, otherwise I'd give it.
Oh, and cutting defense spending is fine, just cut the mission requirements too. But that never seems to happen. I'm all in favor of pulling our folks out of places that don't want them there, unless there's a real strategic need for us to be there. But we are the worlds police force aren't we? Like it or not, we're the only ones willing to risk "blood and treasure" for others. I mean this whole accusation of American Colonialism, have we ever kept any place we've fought and died for?
I can only think of maybe ONE Japanese island, and unsure of that one....Okinawa ??? so MAYBE one exception, but our guys EARNED it....:goodnight:
Honestly, I in favor of withdrawing our forces from all the land bases overseas, Korea, Germany, wherEVER, and going back with a I alluded to above....and eliminate islam cults flat out...up to ME, and they could not stop anyone from pumping what oil WE the civilized/intelligent world need to fuel our cars/transportation until it's all gone, we make them rich enough to be minor GODS, and so they hate us enough over IsREAL to do the cowardly sneak attacks going on for years now???
ME, islam would cease to exist as any geo- political power at all.....they be on their camel and ride, we I shut down their entire culture....
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