Poser road race corvettes

Maybe yellow73sb is just a little jealous of what he doesn't have? I mean, just go look over on CF and see the 2 baldwin motion inspired cars that are being built. I'm sure jealous that I don't have one, but I don't go crying to others about it.
Is this the new fad?

What do you mean by fad? if you mean taking 5 years to build, more than that in researching vintage pictures and making sure the changes and decals are accurate?
And now your fucking pyshic? you can see a picture and no whether a car has been on the track or not, and by doing so that makes it cool with you? who the fuck are you ?the race car police??

Just want to thank Twin Turbo for creating this website so elitist, arrogant twats like you can post here, and in doing so people with technical ability, and great skills like "Road Race vette" can go abut their business and share it with us on the other forum.

I'll end now so you can all huddle together and get your superhero Alex to formulate a response.

Is that what you did? Let us see it. I admire research and attention to detail. Post a pic of your ride.
what planet are you from? how the fuck do you know what my car has and hasnt done?
This isnt some video game kid where you just select your car, add the wheels and choose a paint scheme and your done in 10 seconds.

Maybe one day yo will find somethng that requires a large amount of mental and physcial dedication to complete things properly.

The car has beem to Limerock Park (cant go back until its quiter), Watkins Glen and September 17th it gooes to NJMP...........you want to turn up and take pictures???

I'll let you boys continue bashing the guys over at CF that you feel are inferior because they dont hang out here.....but they are probably outside working on their cars anyway..whilst your online playing with your tallywackers!

Could you keep it down with the F bombs?

I also really appreciate how you take a dump on this site, both here and on CF. Don't remember I ever did anything to you to deserve that...did I?

There's nothing elitist about this site, everyone is welcome here. Just becausse you seem to disagree with one (or several) person(s) doesn't make it okay to say what you just did.
Vintage poser pos....


Dunno so much about THAT, but I have this fond saying....

ANY car can do 150 with the top and windows up.....

let's do it with the top/windows DOWN.......

and I hardly call my raggamuffin a race car.....

(name me one member that woudlnt like to own that car)

I wouldn't...why dump all that money into a car only to sell it at a huge loss???? Norval is doing the same thing.
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You mention road race vettes, 69myway, noral and others? I've not seen a thread here where their cars are being talked down?

The only thread about Norval is the thread by Gene asking where he is. My reply there was because Norval himself came out of hiding and posted a lowly stab at me over on CF.
(name me one member that woudlnt like to own that car)

I wouldn't...why dump all that money into a car only to sell it at a huge loss???? Norval is doing the same thing.

Because i'ts the way of life to change interests, hobbies, or maybe other over riding factors, health, finances....tons of reasons....I sold my '70 published Lemans/GTO for a song just because the top was rotting, the body was rusting, and I had no storage space or really any further interest in the car...it did MORE than i'ts duty for fun and very impressive games, and time to move ON with it, and life...

:crap: the is only ONE car I would love to have from decades ago...that is my buddy's Grand Prix convertible......I let YOU look it up as to just what it was.....

You mention road race vettes, 69myway, noral and others? I've not seen a thread here where their cars are being talked down?

The only thread about Norval is the thread by Gene asking where he is. My reply there was because Norval himself came out of hiding and posted a lowly stab at me over on CF.

I think I said that 69mywasy car was the vbandp catalog with nice wheels

The others never were
health, finances.......
These reasons make sense to me, but I doubt that is why Norval or 69myway are selling.

What you don't know....leave it alone already....I have had back channel connections, but words in confidence do not leave me....

please don't go guessing, as you could well be rong....

:shocking::beer:CASE CLOSED.....
If my opinion is that 75K is high, that's my opinion... it in no way says that the car is crap does it?

The other comment is about the VB&P brake setup, and if you did your research you too will see that the conversion not only throws the balance way off but the way the spacers are added to the steering arms upsets the ackerman geometry too.

If I said steeroids was a crappy system, am I saying that everyone who has steeroids has a shitty car?

You are putting words in my mouth, I never said anything bad about Chris' car.

But, if you want to talk about putting other people's stuff down, you mention Norval. Do a search on his and my posts on CF and you will see him criticising everything I did or trying to find some flaw. Did i ask for that? No. Did I go off whining about it? NO!
A quick update guys

Apparently this thread was directed towards lvrpool

You didnt insult me you azz, you insulted anyone that built anything "vintage" inspired,, and because you have done half a dozen AutoX's you think your the next Ayston freakin Senna, but see...you just proved my point..gather the boys together.

You guys enjoy your little forum now.

See, there you go again with the derogaroty comments. Should I quote you about your mommy? Did your mommy tell you it's not cool to say fuck also?