Rookie's First Restoration Attempt...

I have gone back and forth on whether I wanted to inform you guys of what really happened with the engine I received from Mike. And, quite frankly, I was originally going to let is slide and forget the whole ordeal all together. However, I really can't not say anything after the amount of hours Rick has put in for me to rebuild my entire engine, from top to bottom, on his own time. If it wasnt for Rick and Byron, this engine would have blown up the first time it was started. I am not going to post pictures of the engine I received, as it isnt necessary. All you need to know is that I was taken advantage of, and my spirits went downhill after I spent $700 in shipping, and waited two years for Mike to build my motor for me. It has severed are relationship unfortunately. I know Mike will respond to this post, but I truly feel I needed to post this and get it off my chest. It really hurt me emotionally and financially, and I didn't deserve what happened to me.

At this point I think you need to spill your guts on what happened. Mike makes his living working on Vettes and your remarks have already cast a shadow on his reputation which will also affect his livelihood. Better to get it out in the open where he can respond to it. Just my $.02.
Mike is one of the last people I would expect shotty workmanship from, based on feedback he's got all over the internet .... Personally, i only bought a few parts from him but never had a reason to complain, talked with him once or twice on the phone, seemed to be a great guy, would really like to hear both sides of this story - sand in an engine doesn't sound like something that leaves his shop but sure, if I saw sand under the valve covers I'd be quiet upset too ....
I read the response at that "other forum" .... I really see Mike's point but I still don't understand the explanation for the sand in the engine .... See, I really don't want to get in your two's personal business but until you got this new job at this bodywork/resto place you took Mike's word as God's word and everything he said was the word of the law .... Now it changed to whatever Byron says is the new law --- one example is your wheels, for years it was the Ansen style 10x15, now a sudden change of heart and its bigger rims with modern tires that are wide enough to actually fill the flared fenders .... Don't get me wrong, i like both style wheels but you were so set on these 15" with 295 tires for so long .... And I have told you a long time ago they wouldn't fill your flared fenders and sit too far inward....
Bottom line: I still don't understand how the friggin sand got in there ....
Stinger, you are doing a remarkable job and providing us all with a valuable service. Save all of your photos and documentation 'cause I see a how-to book in your future. Who knows, if you publish a book you can hire someone to do all the grunt work next time around. Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to share all of this info. J:clap:

Mike and I are planning on writing a book in the future.

Well, I guess the book deal fell through. :stirpot:
No, that is incorrect. I convinced myself to keep the ansens originally due to cost. Yeah, I know I said they filled the flares just fine, but It was always in the back of my head Karsten. And it was more than just sand, trust me.

There are a thousand ways I can respond to your message Mike, and it took me a while to make this decision.

I'd first like to start off by thanking you, and this isn't being sarcastic, for everything you have done for me over the past couple of years. I've learned a ton from you, you've always answered my phone calls, took the time to make sure I understood things correctly...the whole 10 yards. I would have been lost without your guidance and it wouldn't have turned out the way it did. You took me into your home, and had me down in Dallas for a week, so I could learn from you. I have a lot of respect for you, as much as you don't think I do anymore. You even taught me how to deal with my last employer situation, which I asked you for advice on. I couldn't thank you enough for that. I quit that "job", and got a career at Alternative Restoration, which has changed my life. I couldn't be happier now. Byron is as much as a friend to me as he is a boss. The man is incredibly talented.

There were dozens of mistakes made, but I have enough respect that I am not going to post them. I personally went to the machine shop here in Calgary and talked directly to Jeremy Butler, who measured the crank and went through the engine again for me. So for you to say that I didn't get a professional opinion is incorrect.

We are finished with the engine, and I am finished with this debate. I got it off of my chest, which was not an easy decision to make. I received the engine in February, and didn't say a word about it till about a month ago. That's how long it took me to make the decision to make a post about it. I wish you the best of luck with your business.

To get back to the thread, yes, those tires are bfgoodrich kdw's.
As I said before, I am done with this debate. Onward with the build.

Driveshaft is installed. Just buttoning up the last few items on the chassis, then I'm all over the body again. Getting really excited now.

I have been reading this thread and it's been bugging me all this time but I have kep my mouth shut, however I will speak up now.

I know what the issue is Jeremy, it's YOU! You started off with a build, doing things for the 1st time back on CF and immediately you wre commenting on how your way was the best way and the only way, telling it to people who have forgotten more about these and other cars than you can ever hope to learn in. Then there was some poor story and parts begging, followed by some kind of sponsor/money deals there (I remember that binnie guy sending money?) and then some tool begging. Then You got into contact with Mike and every 2nd word was mike is a god, all hail to Mike and I'm sure that he does good work but it must have made him feel a little ashamed..I know I would have felt that. And now that you have a couple of new freinds you treat him like shit.

I will tell you this, I was buying stuff from Mike, and it was a lot of small stuff meaning a lot of sourcing here and there from him. Then one day I didn't get a reply to my request. He was too busy with other things and I suspect a large portion of that was helping you. I paid Mike whatever he was listing parts for, if he wanted more money because of the time invested in sourcing the parts he should have spoken up and I would have reimbursed his time... however that is not my point. My point is, the time he wasted on you he could have sold stuff to others and made money.

This is a disgusting way to treat other people.. downright sickening.

Get off your arrogant high horse, it does not suit you at all!

There..flame on...or pout.. I don't care. I said my piece!
In the end only Mike and Jeremy really know what was going on and what was wrong with that engine.... I have to say, I'd be quiet upset too if I received an engine that I have to take apart because it's "full of sand" ....

what's really entertaining is comments on CF from guys who are afraid they might lock the thread over there.... freedom of speech I guess is still not very popular over there....
GOD, reminds me of the last 'war', anyone remember DB?? Durango Boy?? and his attempt to keep some 750? bux from a friend down the road a ways?? RED was his handle, I think, but his name is Mike, he on my email list, I know Karsten has met him at least once, when Tim AT was down on one of his flip flights.....Jax? Miami?? been a couple years....:beer:
In the end only Mike and Jeremy really know what was going on and what was wrong with that engine.... I have to say, I'd be quiet upset too if I received an engine that I have to take apart because it's "full of sand" ....

Mike acknowledged "over there" that sand probably got in the engine when he was driving it to the warehouse. Knowing Mike I'm sure he was willing to make it right which I'm guessing would only involve paying somebody to disassemble the engine, clean it and then reassemble it.

Other than that, we just have Jeremy's word (who has never even disassembled an engine as far as we know) that "this engine would have blown up the first time it was started", "there were dozens of mistakes made" and "it was more than just sand, trust me". Specifics and pics would go a long way to corroborate these accusations. Trashing somebody's reputation on the internet, especially when it could affect their livelihood should not be taken lightly.

I think all the praise on the forums has gone to somebody's head and he's a little too full of himself. :rolleyes: