Rookie's First Restoration Attempt...

In the end only Mike and Jeremy really know what was going on and what was wrong with that engine.... I have to say, I'd be quiet upset too if I received an engine that I have to take apart because it's "full of sand" ....

Mike acknowledged "over there" that sand probably got in the engine when he was driving it to the warehouse. Knowing Mike I'm sure he was willing to make it right which I'm guessing would only involve paying somebody to disassemble the engine, clean it and then reassemble it.

Other than that, we just have Jeremy's word (who has never even disassembled an engine as far as we know) that "this engine would have blown up the first time it was started", "there were dozens of mistakes made" and "it was more than just sand, trust me". Specifics and pics would go a long way to corroborate these accusations. Trashing somebody's reputation on the internet, especially when it could affect their livelihood should not be taken lightly.

I think all the praise on the forums has gone to somebody's head and he's a little too full of himself. :rolleyes:

I'm afraid you’re right. Should have done it another way. Settle out of court would properly have been the best way and I'm sure no one would have gotten hurt since Mike properly didn't do it on purpose. That’s how he makes his living. Why would he jeopardize it? Don’t make sense to me. Maybe there is more to it than has been posted.
Forgot to post pictures of the seats, as they are completed. They turned out really nice.

You might be able to whine to a moderator over there, but let's see if TT agrees with them.

This is what was going over there after you last rediculous post.

There really is no need to lock this thread. If you haven't noticed, I have moved on, while the rest of you keep posting about the issue, hoping to get a response or another opinion out of me, which has not changed. I wanted everyone to know what happened between the two of us, that is all. I will continue to post updates of the project, we will be starting the body again shortly, and it will be ready for paint by November, and ready for world of wheels in February.

Still don't get it, do you. :crazy2:

Probably at this stage the only response anyone wants from you is to post a sincere apology to Traccdog. For all he has done for you, all he has gotten is NOTHING from you other than trying to publicly damage his reputation, irrespective of who you think is at fault for the engine defects, if indeed any at all.

And the body frame that you claim to have researched and designed and tried to sell has been commercially available for years.

But that seems to go along with your I, I, I, look at me attitude as evidenced throughout this whole thread.

Good luck in life.:D
Actually, I didn't send any PM's to any moderators on the other forum. However, I did send three PM's to well known members on this forum, with pictures of the engine I received from the builder.

I'm going to continue posting updates. If the topic won't stay on track then I'll just stop posting on this thread here at vettemod as it isn't worth my time. If twin turbo feels that I am invading his forum by continuing to post updates, then all he has to say to me is to stop posting and I will stop.
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Actually, I didn't send any PM's to any moderators on the other forum. However, I did send three PM's to well known members on this forum, with pictures of the engine I received from the builder.

I'm going to continue posting updates. If the topic won't stay on track then I'll just stop posting on this thread here at vettemod as it isn't worth my time. If twin turbo feels that I am invading his forum by continuing to post updates, then all he has to say to me is to stop posting and I will stop.

Don't worry, keep posting the updates. You're close to driving it....

See, part of the problem is that you posted about how bad that engine is but did not post any details or evidence. I don't blame anybody for all the responses favoring Mike, knowing they have no other info than your I said in PM, you should have posted all of it or nothing.
If you don't want to post any more details about what was wrong with the engine then fine, your thread, your choice.

Looks like the CF crew is still sanitizing - nothing changed over there :lol:
I don't blame anybody for all the responses favoring Mike, knowing they have no other info than your posts.

Agreed and the information I do have leads me to favor Mike. He has an outstanding reputation. Jeremy is young and worshiped Mike when it was to his advantage. As Mike said, Jeremy now has a new best friend. Will he throw the new guy away when the next car god appears?

Photos or any other relevant information at this point wouldn't change things for me. How could I trust that any additional information was factual?

It's obvious from the build thread that Mike went out of his way and called in lots of favors to help Jeremy get an engine built on Jeremy's terms and budget. Jeremy should not have opened this can of worms publicly. It's hurt his image, the image of the company he works for, and Mike's image. It's divided people who were otherwise all on board to see Jeremy finish his project. I now have no interest in seeing the car finished. I'd rather see what Mike is up to.

Well it looks like my last post didn't have any meaning. For those of you who wanted to follow the finishing of this build on Vettemod, I am sorry. I will continue to post on CF, but I am obviously wasting my time here by posting updates, as there are members here who do not want to drop this issue.

Like I said before, I have moved on with the build, got it out in the open, and don't regret any of my posts about it one bit. I said I wouldn't post photos of the engine I received out of respect, and I stand by that. There are members here who have seen the photos, and that's all that matters to me.

Twin Turbo, you may close this thread if you wish.
More with the I,I,I, me, me, me crap. :bs:

You obviously don't give a crap about anything but yourself.

And to suggest you are wasting your time, and just what did Mike waste.
How ironic.

I'm sure TT will appreciate you giving him permission to close this thread. :rofl:
(But somehow I don't think he's that stupid)

Face reality,
You're nothing but a cheap, delusional, arrogant, ungrateful and short little dweeb.

Perhaps with a little education, 30 years from now you just might realize how stupid you have been. :rolleyes:
Members do not want to drop the issue? You brought it up and then people start commenting and then YOU tell them to stop and thei should seize immediately? Dude, you have NO ide how a forum, hell even the real world works. You do NOT pull any strings. If the others want to argue this in "your" (ahum) threads then they can by all means. It would be a different thing if someone else took stuff off topic in your builds thread.. but you brought it up, made it part of this thread so deal with it. And then the little BS about me, I don't feel like anyone is invading. I feel strongly for speaking up with whatever you have on your chest...I do that, I post how I see things. If you don't like it big deal. Don't tell me I can close this thread. I can close any or all threads as I wish. I don''t do that so keep stupid crap like that to yourself ... it's just stupid.

If you want to go to CF where the sanitation crew will chisel the skidmarks out of your undies be it.

It's the same thing over and over again. You praised those flares that Stan made to high heaven, later you post they are junk. You posted you and some other guy you worship designed headlights for 90mm hella buckets...when will they be junk? I designed and built those things many years ago..., you just copied them. Anyone can copy them, the plans are here on VM.

You just love hearing praise from the sheeple, there's not many of them here so you choose to leave. Your actions, your choice

You don't contribute a lot anyway, just post your updates in your glory thread. Not a big loss at all. People ask about wheel or engine specs and you get all secret squirrel about them as if they are some kind of skunkworks development unlike anything ever seen before. Newsflash, there's always someone out there with deeper wallets and bigger/better stuff than you. Being a team player who shares gets you a lot further than being a little stuck up snob. Soon more people will hat your guts. I recognised you for what you are early on. Didn't feel the need to air it publically but you brought it all to the table. Like said before, your choises, your actions. Actions and reactions, deal with them. The way one portraits himself does have a large influence on the kind of reactions one gets on his actions. A valuable lesson to learn indeed. I know a lot of people think I'm an abrasive person. I know that and I accept the consequences. I never keep my mouth shut if I have something to say. I don't here and I never did @ CF oir DC and I did not have a ban hammer there did I? See Jeremy, this is all about you, how you come across in your thread. Sorry that you figured you would get more support but the reason you did not is all on you.

Yes I saw the pics. Can not comment on the tolerance and other machining errors. There was a lot of dust and sand in there. The sludge may well be moly greasae like arp grease. Don't know the details on everything but for whatever reason crap did get in that engine. That's between you and Mike and he actually gave an explanation on that issue. You chose to move along so we can only take his word as the truth or something close to it.

As for another engine building burning down his build, that's what most competitors do... tell you that the other guys work sucks. Without factual pics of toilerances with a mic we can not comment on that at all. The others have not seen the pics at all because you chose to keep them hidden. Again your choise, your actions and the resulting comments are a direct result of that.

Grow up
Besides all the stuff we talked about in PM, I'll give you an example: if I went to CF (or DC, Vettebarn or any other forum) and posted that I just received my rebuilt diff from Gary and it's a pos and I was taken advantage of, but not provide any detail other than saying it was dirty and would have failed the first time I pushed the pedal to the floor..... What exactly do you think the reactions from other members would be?

Now about CF..... Their sanitizing crew did their job and there are always new members so you'll get plenty of thumbs up comments..... Lots of visibility there, not so much quality but at least there are those super clean sanitizers.....

One day in the hopefully not too distant future you will realize you received lots of constructive criticism in these responses, there is quiet a bit of very good advice .....
I have nothing to contribute to this thread other than my personal opinion.
Pub licly chastising a small businessman should be a sin. The issues in question
should have been handled face to face. Man to man or this time boy to man.
I too own a small business and mistakes do happen from time to time. If a problem does arise it is promptly replaced or modified to fit the application.
It doesnt appear Mike was given the opportunity to make it right. I have also been following this project from the beginning but now I have unsubscribed.
Will one of you please pm Mikes contact info to me ? I want to start supporting his business as we all have to stick together these days.

Looks like the sanitation squad messed with the thread @ CF

Had to; over 300K view$ bring$ in the vendor$...

As a note, my bare block was triple wrapped from the machine shop. On the way home, it rained along with wind and ripped the wrap to shreds. Engine looked like a bag of worms by the time I got home. Washed, ran some brushes, oiled, done...
Wow. What a bunch of BS from all sides. I have been following this thread since the beginning. It seems that there was a problem. There's mention of some contaminant intrusion via shipping ... Shit happens. The builder returned $400. to disassemble and re assemble the engine. That should be enough - if it's not I'm sure that it could be discussed between 2 grown men..... Then there's the avalanche of irrelevant venom against the complainant. Why all of a sudden is all the venom about this history of "arrogance" etc. It's been an interesting thread about the build of this car. Grow up all of you .... :bonkers:
Mike Smith (mds3013) and Mike Dyer (tracdogg2) are helping a ton with collecting used parts from a wreck down in Texas (thank you Mikes!)...I'm trying to save money wherever I can. Ben (chstitans42) has also been a great help, selling me some parts at a very reasonable price (thank you Ben!). And the other day, forum member Dave J sent me two nuts for the brake switch for free (thank you Dave!). Not to mention all the other members who have helped me over the years (I haven't forgot about any of you who have supplied me with knowledge or parts over the years!). You have no idea how much all this help has meant to me. Mike Dyer especially - if it wasn't for him taking me under his wing, I would not have a career right now, and this project would not have turned out like this.
If OP would like to get this thread back on track, a post like the above would probably be a good start.
It always amazed me more people didn't see through you.
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Too bad this melted down, but my guess is the builder got tired of freebies and the last straw was having to load it and deliver it ( for free) so shipping charges were less costly for the owner. If the builder refunded the cash, he can hold his head high.

On another note, picking the right car to throw time and money at is critical. More so for older guys, as you only have so much time left. One good thing about c3's is if you spend a lot on drivetrain, etc you can always transfer it to a c2.
At least CF is staying true to its form by kicking out good members to keep the bad ones. Or in this case the 1.

I am glad that these kind of things do not happen here.