How is utility power more than POU solar?
Your gonna pay anyhow. Transmission lines and power plants cost MORE than POU solar. As the populace grows, one or the other is required. In the LONG term, solar is cost effective. The utilities see it, but the populace doesn't.
The utilities are faced with an aging infrastructure that needs replacing and enlargement. They have studied both sides, and see that POU solar is the way to go. This is increasingly a free market decision.
I anxiously await the fuel cell coming to fruition and start moving homes off the grid.
When I enquired about panels two years ago the 1200 sg ft flat roof of my garage was ideally situated. The cost then was $35,000 after rebates and it calculated to a fifteen year payback at the rates of the day.
I didn't do it as the payback exceeded the projected life of the panels. Now, two years later, who knows?