Static electricity warning

In Dutch they have a saying about this : een ezel stoot zich geen twee keer aan dezelfde steen...

Freely translated : a donkey doesn't bump into the same brick twice...

I guess he's not a donkey ...
Surely not, he's a comedian.
Me too I though at first it was non-intentional.

it was the last one, where he grabbed the board that made me think "ah ha"

as for twice... sometime I'll have to relate how I found out my house was improperly wired :shocking:

In Dutch they have a saying about this : een ezel stoot zich geen twee keer aan dezelfde steen...

Freely translated : a donkey doesn't bump into the same brick twice...

I guess he's not a donkey ...
Surely not, he's a comedian.
Me too I though at first it was non-intentional.

it was the last one, where he grabbed the board that made me think "ah ha"

as for twice... sometime I'll have to relate how I found out my house was improperly wired :shocking:


Yes, my entire house.... and the seller was so proud of how he wired the hot tub. Me, being the nice guy I am, said "so, did you ever actually try the hot tub, or was it just your prior wife that tried it?"
In Dutch they have a saying about this : een ezel stoot zich geen twee keer aan dezelfde steen...

Freely translated : a donkey doesn't bump into the same brick twice...

I guess he's not a donkey ...
Surely not, he's a comedian.
Me too I though at first it was non-intentional.

it was the last one, where he grabbed the board that made me think "ah ha"

as for twice... sometime I'll have to relate how I found out my house was improperly wired :shocking:


Yes, my entire house.... and the seller was so proud of how he wired the hot tub. Me, being the nice guy I am, said "so, did you ever actually try the hot tub, or was it just your prior wife that tried it?"

hehehe.....I had a hot tub here in Florida....and was MOST concerned with grounding, if you read much of my replies, you know FLORIDA is the lightening cap of the nation.....:gurney: :hissyfit:
I remember back in my drag racing days, checking out my brand new vettex magneto removing the cap to see how the rotor turns so holding it in my hands I give the lower gear a spin..........................boy did that get heavy real quick. Good thing I did it over the bench so noting was damaged.:hissyfit:
Well it reminds me of my alarm gun incident when I was younger. 9mm GP copy...I took the thing out of the drawer in my desk. Pulled the loader back, saw that ammo was in there...because of the surprise, let the loader go...unfortunatly my finger was on the trigger as well....I didn't hear anything 5 minutes after that and thought I lost my hearing. Lesson learned, but I always laugh when I see them rambo's firing pistols in rooms, building and not just one shot...

Which reminds me...when I was real young, like 12 years old, I and my pawl found 9 mm WWII revolver ammo in a wreck yard somewhere. What a treasure that was. Then we heard about how people in WWII used to dismantle shells to use the copper shell as decorations. My pawl had the very good idea (not so) try and do the same thing with one of those 9mm rounds. He put the thing with the bullet in between 2 concrete blocks and was going to hit the other end with a hammer and nail..........................I thought that it didn't look good, so I stepped 5 steps back. When he hit the round with the hammer and nail it actually went off like a real gun. The bullet was still stuck between the 2 pieces of concrete. The shell burst open, ripped half of one of his fingers off (which had to be sewed) and the thing flew right through his hair and missed his head by a mm or so....I actually saw his hair move when the thing went through them. We were lucky that day.
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Well it reminds me of my alarm gun incident when I was younger. 9mm GP copy...I took the thing out of the drawer in my desk. Pulled the loader back, saw that ammo was in there...because of the surprise, let the loader go...unfortunatly my finger was on the trigger as well....I didn't hear anything 5 minutes after that and thought I lost my hearing. Lesson learned, but I always laugh when I see them rambo's firing pistols in rooms, building and not just one shot...

Which reminds me...when I was real young, like 12 years old, I and my pawl found 9 mm WWII revolver ammo in a wreck yard somewhere. What a treasure that was. Then we heard about how people in WWII used to dismantle shells to use the copper shell as decorations. My pawl had the very good idea (not so) try and do the same thing with one of those 9mm rounds. He put the thing with the bullet in between 2 concrete blocks and was going to hit the other end with a hammer and nail..........................I thought that it didn't look good, so I stepped 5 steps back. When he hit the round with the hammer and nail it actually went off like a real gun. The bullet was still stuck between the 2 pieces of concrete. The shell burst open, ripped half of one of his fingers off (which had to be sewed) and the thing flew right through his hair and missed his head by a mm or so....I actually saw his hair move when the thing went through them. We were lucky that day.


LONG time ago, lets just say I was krazy too.....

and so I remember leaving the trunk of one of my Pontiacs open...and my father looking in, reaching in and lifting out.....a split open iron water pipe that me/buddy blew up and shut down the entire neighborhood was a MONUMENTAL BLAST had the regs around DC back then as they most assuredly do NOW....well, lets just say I would not be a vette owner....


Well it reminds me of my alarm gun incident when I was younger. 9mm GP copy...I took the thing out of the drawer in my desk. Pulled the loader back, saw that ammo was in there...because of the surprise, let the loader go...unfortunatly my finger was on the trigger as well....I didn't hear anything 5 minutes after that and thought I lost my hearing. Lesson learned, but I always laugh when I see them rambo's firing pistols in rooms, building and not just one shot...

Which reminds me...when I was real young, like 12 years old, I and my pawl found 9 mm WWII revolver ammo in a wreck yard somewhere. What a treasure that was. Then we heard about how people in WWII used to dismantle shells to use the copper shell as decorations. My pawl had the very good idea (not so) try and do the same thing with one of those 9mm rounds. He put the thing with the bullet in between 2 concrete blocks and was going to hit the other end with a hammer and nail..........................I thought that it didn't look good, so I stepped 5 steps back. When he hit the round with the hammer and nail it actually went off like a real gun. The bullet was still stuck between the 2 pieces of concrete. The shell burst open, ripped half of one of his fingers off (which had to be sewed) and the thing flew right through his hair and missed his head by a mm or so....I actually saw his hair move when the thing went through them. We were lucky that day.

Note to self... avoid copper bullet haircuts at all costs!

Sent from my dumb 4g motorolly
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Well it reminds me of my alarm gun incident when I was younger. 9mm GP copy...I took the thing out of the drawer in my desk. Pulled the loader back, saw that ammo was in there...because of the surprise, let the loader go...unfortunatly my finger was on the trigger as well....I didn't hear anything 5 minutes after that and thought I lost my hearing. Lesson learned, but I always laugh when I see them rambo's firing pistols in rooms, building and not just one shot...

Which reminds me...when I was real young, like 12 years old, I and my pawl found 9 mm WWII revolver ammo in a wreck yard somewhere. What a treasure that was. Then we heard about how people in WWII used to dismantle shells to use the copper shell as decorations. My pawl had the very good idea (not so) try and do the same thing with one of those 9mm rounds. He put the thing with the bullet in between 2 concrete blocks and was going to hit the other end with a hammer and nail..........................I thought that it didn't look good, so I stepped 5 steps back. When he hit the round with the hammer and nail it actually went off like a real gun. The bullet was still stuck between the 2 pieces of concrete. The shell burst open, ripped half of one of his fingers off (which had to be sewed) and the thing flew right through his hair and missed his head by a mm or so....I actually saw his hair move when the thing went through them. We were lucky that day.


LONG time ago, lets just say I was krazy too.....

and so I remember leaving the trunk of one of my Pontiacs open...and my father looking in, reaching in and lifting out.....a split open iron water pipe that me/buddy blew up and shut down the entire neighborhood was a MONUMENTAL BLAST had the regs around DC back then as they most assuredly do NOW....well, lets just say I would not be a vette owner....



I learned the best things while attending a conservative Christian boarding school..... pipe bombs was one of those things we learned - many an evil walnut tree met its maker with our shenanigans

Of course, at that time you could buy black powder off the shelf at your local hardware store ... good times :thumbs:

guns inside

I've not done it, but saw the aftermath - a friend, quite the gun collection, was showing his friends his new 44 mag that he'd bought that day (yeah, bought and took home - imagine that!) .... everyone looked over the gun and he was, going to "dry fire it" and aimed at the ceiling... yep, it had a bullet in it.... nice, perfectly round hole in the ceiling; huge exit hole in the roof; room full of people in need of a diaper change.... :rain:
Well it reminds me of my alarm gun incident when I was younger. 9mm GP copy...I took the thing out of the drawer in my desk. Pulled the loader back, saw that ammo was in there...because of the surprise, let the loader go...unfortunatly my finger was on the trigger as well....I didn't hear anything 5 minutes after that and thought I lost my hearing. Lesson learned, but I always laugh when I see them rambo's firing pistols in rooms, building and not just one shot...

Which reminds me...when I was real young, like 12 years old, I and my pawl found 9 mm WWII revolver ammo in a wreck yard somewhere. What a treasure that was. Then we heard about how people in WWII used to dismantle shells to use the copper shell as decorations. My pawl had the very good idea (not so) try and do the same thing with one of those 9mm rounds. He put the thing with the bullet in between 2 concrete blocks and was going to hit the other end with a hammer and nail..........................I thought that it didn't look good, so I stepped 5 steps back. When he hit the round with the hammer and nail it actually went off like a real gun. The bullet was still stuck between the 2 pieces of concrete. The shell burst open, ripped half of one of his fingers off (which had to be sewed) and the thing flew right through his hair and missed his head by a mm or so....I actually saw his hair move when the thing went through them. We were lucky that day.


LONG time ago, lets just say I was krazy too.....

and so I remember leaving the trunk of one of my Pontiacs open...and my father looking in, reaching in and lifting out.....a split open iron water pipe that me/buddy blew up and shut down the entire neighborhood was a MONUMENTAL BLAST had the regs around DC back then as they most assuredly do NOW....well, lets just say I would not be a vette owner....



I learned the best things while attending a conservative Christian boarding school..... pipe bombs was one of those things we learned - many an evil walnut tree met its maker with our shenanigans

Of course, at that time you could buy black powder off the shelf at your local hardware store ... good times :thumbs:

guns inside

I've not done it, but saw the aftermath - a friend, quite the gun collection, was showing his friends his new 44 mag that he'd bought that day (yeah, bought and took home - imagine that!) .... everyone looked over the gun and he was, going to "dry fire it" and aimed at the ceiling... yep, it had a bullet in it.... nice, perfectly round hole in the ceiling; huge exit hole in the roof; room full of people in need of a diaper change.... :rain:

Do a search on one Alexander Sawchuck....PHD fizzicks from the UC system, Tech/Standford etc.......

He was a guy my age at the church out folks went to, off Mass. Ave, NW Wash DC, just down from the Wash National Cathedral on the corner of Mass and Wisc ave NW.....

and so, back in HS, he got into chemistry.....he was a real geek, but he went to school on the other side of town from I never really discussed much of this interest in Chemistry of his.....

SO, it seems he went to Fisher Scientific, a local chemical supply house, and bought some crap, added to it with some shit from his High School chem lab......mixed it up in a larger coffee can.....

went out to the woods behind his father's house.....dug a huge excavation under a very large tree......placed the bomb with a home made fuse....backfilled the hole, lit the fuse, and the gang made honorable mention in the evening news......

launched a freeking live tree that was VERY tall, up in the air, and it came crashing down in the woods......

fractured some walls, blew out many windows in the surrounding suburban homes.....including his Dad's.......

he never would tell ANYONE what was in that can....I BEGGED for the formula, no go.....:hissyfit:

Sandy is the only guy I ever knew to launch a TREE......probably the smartest man I ever met over the years.....easy, hands down.....

Well it reminds me of my alarm gun incident when I was younger. 9mm GP copy...I took the thing out of the drawer in my desk. Pulled the loader back, saw that ammo was in there...because of the surprise, let the loader go...unfortunatly my finger was on the trigger as well....I didn't hear anything 5 minutes after that and thought I lost my hearing. Lesson learned, but I always laugh when I see them rambo's firing pistols in rooms, building and not just one shot...

Which reminds me...when I was real young, like 12 years old, I and my pawl found 9 mm WWII revolver ammo in a wreck yard somewhere. What a treasure that was. Then we heard about how people in WWII used to dismantle shells to use the copper shell as decorations. My pawl had the very good idea (not so) try and do the same thing with one of those 9mm rounds. He put the thing with the bullet in between 2 concrete blocks and was going to hit the other end with a hammer and nail..........................I thought that it didn't look good, so I stepped 5 steps back. When he hit the round with the hammer and nail it actually went off like a real gun. The bullet was still stuck between the 2 pieces of concrete. The shell burst open, ripped half of one of his fingers off (which had to be sewed) and the thing flew right through his hair and missed his head by a mm or so....I actually saw his hair move when the thing went through them. We were lucky that day.


LONG time ago, lets just say I was krazy too.....

and so I remember leaving the trunk of one of my Pontiacs open...and my father looking in, reaching in and lifting out.....a split open iron water pipe that me/buddy blew up and shut down the entire neighborhood was a MONUMENTAL BLAST had the regs around DC back then as they most assuredly do NOW....well, lets just say I would not be a vette owner....



I learned the best things while attending a conservative Christian boarding school..... pipe bombs was one of those things we learned - many an evil walnut tree met its maker with our shenanigans

Of course, at that time you could buy black powder off the shelf at your local hardware store ... good times :thumbs:

guns inside

I've not done it, but saw the aftermath - a friend, quite the gun collection, was showing his friends his new 44 mag that he'd bought that day (yeah, bought and took home - imagine that!) .... everyone looked over the gun and he was, going to "dry fire it" and aimed at the ceiling... yep, it had a bullet in it.... nice, perfectly round hole in the ceiling; huge exit hole in the roof; room full of people in need of a diaper change.... :rain:

Do a search on one Alexander Sawchuck....PHD fizzicks from the UC system, Tech/Standford etc.......

He was a guy my age at the church out folks went to, off Mass. Ave, NW Wash DC, just down from the Wash National Cathedral on the corner of Mass and Wisc ave NW.....

and so, back in HS, he got into chemistry.....he was a real geek, but he went to school on the other side of town from I never really discussed much of this interest in Chemistry of his.....

SO, it seems he went to Fisher Scientific, a local chemical supply house, and bought some crap, added to it with some shit from his High School chem lab......mixed it up in a larger coffee can.....

went out to the woods behind his father's house.....dug a huge excavation under a very large tree......placed the bomb with a home made fuse....backfilled the hole, lit the fuse, and the gang made honorable mention in the evening news......

launched a freeking live tree that was VERY tall, up in the air, and it came crashing down in the woods......

fractured some walls, blew out many windows in the surrounding suburban homes.....including his Dad's.......

he never would tell ANYONE what was in that can....I BEGGED for the formula, no go.....:hissyfit:

Sandy is the only guy I ever knew to launch a TREE......probably the smartest man I ever met over the years.....easy, hands down.....


nitrogen and diesel would be the chemicals. :bump: you'd be absolutely amazed at how powerful of a blast those two, seemingly, harmless chemicals

not that we knew anything about anything.... we just read about it, in the library, under "chemicals" :D
Well it reminds me of my alarm gun incident when I was younger. 9mm GP copy...I took the thing out of the drawer in my desk. Pulled the loader back, saw that ammo was in there...because of the surprise, let the loader go...unfortunatly my finger was on the trigger as well....I didn't hear anything 5 minutes after that and thought I lost my hearing. Lesson learned, but I always laugh when I see them rambo's firing pistols in rooms, building and not just one shot...

Which reminds me...when I was real young, like 12 years old, I and my pawl found 9 mm WWII revolver ammo in a wreck yard somewhere. What a treasure that was. Then we heard about how people in WWII used to dismantle shells to use the copper shell as decorations. My pawl had the very good idea (not so) try and do the same thing with one of those 9mm rounds. He put the thing with the bullet in between 2 concrete blocks and was going to hit the other end with a hammer and nail..........................I thought that it didn't look good, so I stepped 5 steps back. When he hit the round with the hammer and nail it actually went off like a real gun. The bullet was still stuck between the 2 pieces of concrete. The shell burst open, ripped half of one of his fingers off (which had to be sewed) and the thing flew right through his hair and missed his head by a mm or so....I actually saw his hair move when the thing went through them. We were lucky that day.


LONG time ago, lets just say I was krazy too.....

and so I remember leaving the trunk of one of my Pontiacs open...and my father looking in, reaching in and lifting out.....a split open iron water pipe that me/buddy blew up and shut down the entire neighborhood was a MONUMENTAL BLAST had the regs around DC back then as they most assuredly do NOW....well, lets just say I would not be a vette owner....



I learned the best things while attending a conservative Christian boarding school..... pipe bombs was one of those things we learned - many an evil walnut tree met its maker with our shenanigans

Of course, at that time you could buy black powder off the shelf at your local hardware store ... good times :thumbs:

guns inside

I've not done it, but saw the aftermath - a friend, quite the gun collection, was showing his friends his new 44 mag that he'd bought that day (yeah, bought and took home - imagine that!) .... everyone looked over the gun and he was, going to "dry fire it" and aimed at the ceiling... yep, it had a bullet in it.... nice, perfectly round hole in the ceiling; huge exit hole in the roof; room full of people in need of a diaper change.... :rain:

Do a search on one Alexander Sawchuck....PHD fizzicks from the UC system, Tech/Standford etc.......

He was a guy my age at the church out folks went to, off Mass. Ave, NW Wash DC, just down from the Wash National Cathedral on the corner of Mass and Wisc ave NW.....

and so, back in HS, he got into chemistry.....he was a real geek, but he went to school on the other side of town from I never really discussed much of this interest in Chemistry of his.....

SO, it seems he went to Fisher Scientific, a local chemical supply house, and bought some crap, added to it with some shit from his High School chem lab......mixed it up in a larger coffee can.....

went out to the woods behind his father's house.....dug a huge excavation under a very large tree......placed the bomb with a home made fuse....backfilled the hole, lit the fuse, and the gang made honorable mention in the evening news......

launched a freeking live tree that was VERY tall, up in the air, and it came crashing down in the woods......

fractured some walls, blew out many windows in the surrounding suburban homes.....including his Dad's.......

he never would tell ANYONE what was in that can....I BEGGED for the formula, no go.....:hissyfit:

Sandy is the only guy I ever knew to launch a TREE......probably the smartest man I ever met over the years.....easy, hands down.....


nitrogen and diesel would be the chemicals. :bump: you'd be absolutely amazed at how powerful of a blast those two, seemingly, harmless chemicals

not that we knew anything about anything.... we just read about it, in the library, under "chemicals" :D

Too many guys in the 'group' told the same story, methinks it was more than was just a large coffee can, not a van launch a TREE?? not some shrub, but enough to fracture block walls?? the tree was larger diameter, I forget what/if any trunk size was quoted.....


'Those were the DAZE!!!'.......

pull that shit anywhere in America today, the Feds bee alllllllover our asses in about a microsecond.....let alone get a PHD in Fizzicks.....Professor Emeritus.....
