I dropped the starter and looked it over real good. Ran it quite a few times on my battery charger. Everything appeared nornal.
The only thing that MAY have been out of spec was the 1 way clutch on the drive gear. I remember that the clutch pressure was fairly stiff even when new, but it did seem to lighten up as I exercized it today. It appears to be a sealed unit, and therefore not adjustable or greaseable.
Anyway, I slapped it back together and it seems like the problem is solved.
But, things like this make me nervous, as I don't really know if I fixed it.
Anyone know anything about the 1 way drive unit on the starter gear?
Could this be the problem, and is it likely to bind up again?
Think I'll run for a while without tightening the bolt on the battery cable clamp, as removing the batt cable was the only way I could get the starter to stop.
Sounds like your talking about the "starter drive" (aka bendix).
If it is failing, you will hear it click when the key is turned and a whirring sound without the engine turning.
Must be replaced.
Other possibility is it is bound due to dried up grease and dirt and/or a worn bushing in the nose.
You can clean and lube the shaft and end bearing. Don't get solvents or lube into the sealed clutch. Easiest is to take the solenoid off and manually exercise the drive by hand. Good time to clean any gunk from the solenoid assembly and clean the contacts too.
To test for a sticking ignition switch,
just use and test lite etc on the disconnected start wire (purple) at the starter and and when your helper releases the key, see if the lite goes out.
That should cover all the possibilities.
Starter parts are not hot sellers any longer and not available everywhere as they used to be.
If you want to fuss with it, you can get parts from a local starter rebuilder or a place like this.