
The letters are too LO, flat, no room in the middle for any shading...hard to read....need taller, or contrasting colors....but all I"M saying is that it's hard to read....

gotta lotsa cures,....but that looks like the original to me....little change....:lol:

That is the original, I didn't mess with the logo.
Well with a tri color design...dependingon style the prices range from 750 ea to around 13 bux each I just chose some stuff, and uploaded the design into their page.....

could not change the proportions though...just dropped the gray background...

You need to save the design before you copy and paste the link. Is this what you were trying to do?


If it is, then I think you're pretty close to bingo.

Well, yeh and nah....I still feel the logo needs be taller, but dunno how to put the centers of the letters into the background of the shirt, for instance....

something to make it easy to read....or change the proportion a bit....

whatever it takes....

I could get a airbrush buddy down the street at


to do something, maybe....but he runs a business too....

BUT if you go his site, you find some damn fine work...and he comes up with something we can do to Tshirts....welllllllll.....talk of FIRST CABIN TREATMENT we be cruisin like Rockefellers....

BUT I have NO CLUE as to what/how/IF he can do anything with Tshirt art....

but if there is interest in it....maybe I print this logo, and get him to 'assure' it's possible to get it printed on shirts???

dunno jack about that shit....but I know HE knows....
YES he does, he did the hood of my car some ten+ years ago....he is good....REALLY good....

I check with him tmrw if I get a chance...need print out the logo and see WTF he says....
the car is a vector shape :), the fonts are also vector shapes until rasterized.

I made the car a vector shape of about 600x400 pixels if I remember correctly, easy enough to have print grade quality. Antialiasing makes for lousy t shirt prints indeed.

Here's the full size:

Oh, ok. I copied the pic off the web page and it saved as a .bmp file with raggedy edges. Giving your vectored graphics to a T shirt guy would be the way to go...
Something like this? I couldn't do it too big as it became all chunky and pixelated. Dark blue too - printer's out of black :D


Hey, that's starting to look like an engine bay again :amazed:
I presume that's you over your hood open there,....looks like a nice WIP, you all do such nice work, wish I could get you to do MINE.....

NIce to put a face to a name/handle ......
T shirts back on topic.....

Called a rather larger Tshirt company down the street here, and they can do 3 colors front and back but min order is 50 shirts....in white or other light color it's not so bad, really, 560 bux total.....for 50 shirts...this includes about 45 bux set up fees for 3 colors 15 bux/color....I figger the black vette, the RED V, and the rest in say whatever color making 3 colors....

BUT if we want black Tshirts, which are all the rage these daze he said...and they are...what you have is a large upcharge because of the overprinting to get the logo to stand out, and the shirts themselves are more too boot....

I was thinking of printed on front AND back same logo, double sided....which is what the above is based on....

I dunno jack about shirt quality, but some are obviously better than others...I went for a decent high quality 100% cotton , just a basic Tshirt....

it costs 2.40/shirt for the other side printed...so for 2.5 bux extra maybe get both sides printed,....NO???

this all based on phone discussion this morning.....

the guy did say that he would NOT, could NOT do anything copywrited by GM, no GM logos or anything, in fact he has NO GM artwork in stock because they are such bastards on that crap....lawsuit city...I heard of that before...but so far, I don't think they can sue over anything stupid like the car characture or the term Vette......can they??

gotta keep the lawyers outta this at all costs, or it's not worth crap....

Called a rather larger Tshirt company down the street here, and they can do 3 colors front and back but min order is 50 shirts....in white or other light color it's not so bad, really, 560 bux total.....for 50 shirts...this includes about 45 bux set up fees for 3 colors 15 bux/color....I figger the black vette, the RED V, and the rest in say whatever color making 3 colors....

BUT if we want black Tshirts, which are all the rage these daze he said...and they are...what you have is a large upcharge because of the overprinting to get the logo to stand out, and the shirts themselves are more too boot....

I was thinking of printed on front AND back same logo, double sided....which is what the above is based on....

I dunno jack about shirt quality, but some are obviously better than others...I went for a decent high quality 100% cotton , just a basic Tshirt....

it costs 2.40/shirt for the other side printed...so for 2.5 bux extra maybe get both sides printed,....NO???

this all based on phone discussion this morning.....

the guy did say that he would NOT, could NOT do anything copywrited by GM, no GM logos or anything, in fact he has NO GM artwork in stock because they are such bastards on that crap....lawsuit city...I heard of that before...but so far, I don't think they can sue over anything stupid like the car characture or the term Vette......can they??

gotta keep the lawyers outta this at all costs, or it's not worth crap....


We deal with GM all the time. It comes down to this; Is the TERM "Vette" copywrited? :huh:
We deal with GM all the time. It comes down to this; Is the TERM "Vette" copywrited? :huh:

How the hell do I know?? I doubt it though....

wonder if DC and CF pay royalties to GM??

as well as many others to do with GM cars?? I would think GM should pay THEM for the brand support....

I presume that's you over your hood open there,....looks like a nice WIP, you all do such nice work, wish I could get you to do MINE.....

NIce to put a face to a name/handle ......

Yep, that's me. WIP in progress is a cool term - I'll hit the bastards at work with that the next time someone asks me when it'll be finished. Gene, if I was there mate, I would help where I could :thumbs:

As far as shirts go, I'll be in for a couple. I haven't bothered checking here as although they'd be cheaper, the shirts are all copies as in Haynes or Froot Of Tha Lume.

However, I'm pretty sure I could get embroidered patches cheaper than you could get them done in the US. If anyone's remotely interested in patches, let me know and I'll go and get a quote...
Saudi, your shirt has the wrong logo, it's missing the mirror :D (I changed that yesterday) LOL
This large enough for a shirt? And also large enough for Gene to read? :friends::quote:

HUMM....patches knitted....talk about saving MONEY....

maybe some nice colors into the logo up top?? black vette and red V with other colors??? what say guys???

much cheeeper to ship around than whole tshirts....course uniformity of use is then lost...

Embroidered something ~8" wide and maybe 5" high?? or is that too much for a T???

maybe not hang right, too heavy???