
This large enough for a shirt? And also large enough for Gene to read? :friends::quote:


I LIKE the design overall, the nutz and bolts are cool, the thing need be taller in the ETTEMOD as only the V stands out, the rest gets lost in a sea of gray.....

maybe I an olde phardt there, but it sure hard to read....
I think embroided patches are more expensive than shirts. The stitching tempalte is the most expensive. I had one made for my truck to do these:


After that, it's just a matter of paying for each shirt/jacked/whatever.

It is a better quality than a printed shirt but printed is fine with me. More important to me is the shirt quality, I prefer haynes beefy ts or fruit of the loom. Anything else they have here doesn't fit worth a damn.
It is a better quality than a printed shirt but printed is fine with me. More important to me is the shirt quality, I prefer haynes beefy ts or fruit of the loom. Anything else they have here doesn't fit worth a damn.

Well if you quit using BBlocks for weights on the ends of you lifting bar, maybe you can be fitted a bit easier....ya think???

Yeah I know, but it's made the same way. The patch is embroided on some backing, they use some kind of backing on the back of the t shirt fabric too so the threads don't pull through (at least they do here....)

You do realize that installing said patch would require sewing skills, I don't possess such feminine skills :D
Yeah I know, but it's made the same way. The patch is embroided on some backing, they use some kind of backing on the back of the t shirt fabric too so the threads don't pull through (at least they do here....)
Yeah, but dirt cheap to be made here - some little 3rd world national hunched over a sewing machine...

You do realize that installing said patch would require sewing skills, I don't possess such feminine skills :D
I'm sure your ma/sister/cousin would do it if you put on a suitably pathetic face :oh:
You do realize that installing said patch would require sewing skills, I don't possess such feminine skills :D

Really hard to imagine who would look funnier hunched over some sewing machine.....TT/ME/B2B/ etc.....

I know damn well I would stich all my fingers together....

then use my U knife to cut the threads on way to hospital....

You do realize that installing said patch would require sewing skills, I don't possess such feminine skills :D

You callin' me a sissy....:huh:...........J/K

I did this about 10 years ago, by hand .......... made a stencil from a decal that was
on the back glass of my pick-up.


If you look close you can the decal on the rear glass I made the stencil from.


Sorry Dudes........I apparently missed two entire pages of this thread last night.....
That's what I get for staying up way to late............:)
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:nuts: I just registered!!!! It's beeen a long time since I've heard from you guys. Been busy working & working on the car.

This Forum looks GREAT. I have not been on the other forum for awhile. I got tired of getting banned & having to re-registering & change my forum. I do have a new name theere but like I say, haven't been there much, it has changed (for the worse). This place is pretty cool. :drink:
I forgot....Len, a HUGE thanks for the heads-up on this Forum (and redvetracr too)
I'm in for two t-shirts and a couple of stickers...if you guys ever make up your minds what to put on them!!!!
Just a thought...but I like the logo EXACTLY the way it is. If people can't read it, let them ASK ME what it says. I DON'T want a frigging billboard on my shirt just because someone forgot to put their reading glasses on :rolleyes:
Just a thought...but I like the logo EXACTLY the way it is. If people can't read it, let them ASK ME what it says. I DON'T want a frigging billboard on my shirt just because someone forgot to put their reading glasses on :rolleyes:

Some day U 2 will need glasses....

ornery olde phardt.....:cussing::cussing::bounce::bounce:;)