TT, you should know this fellow...

PJock/Jim pretty much said it all....

I been on the net since '95 or so, and in forums for some years too....

There are 'clubs' then there are CLUBS.....

Yeah , Thanx Jim,
I totally agree with the sentiments, this is the best Corvette forum.

That's why I've been confused about this thread, seemingly friendly banter at first then totally deranged denuciations then equally deranged self aggrandizement. Please tell me this is all brilliant satire:devil:

Well, you CAN start your CAR with it, but maybe it's not all that brilliant....

Yeah , Thanx Jim,
I totally agree with the sentiments, this is the best Corvette forum.

That's why I've been confused about this thread, seemingly friendly banter at first then totally deranged denuciations then equally deranged self aggrandizement. Please tell me this is all brilliant satire:devil:

It's part true, part satire, and the most part inflated ego. He hasn't claimed to be God yet, but he isn't done either.:(
Sadistic;:[/QUOTE said:
A nerd like Durango cannot afford to be selective with women or he will end up with terminal "blue balls syndrome". Whatever pig will allow him to grope her, is what he ends up with. My guess is that he bamboozled this particular floppy chested female into believing that he was a car collector with an engineering degree. He carried this facade to the corvette forum and attempted to displace the ingenious Twin Turbo as the forum's most knowledgeable member.

In a display of complete jack-assery, Durango forged forward, feeding on the innocent and vulnerable. He soon developed quite a fan base, who had no knowledge that they were indeed being duped by a babbling dimwit, whose flawed advice could easily send them careening into trees and ditches while driving their corvettes.

At one point, I was informed of Durango's misbehavior and oddly enough, it seemed to coincide with the boastful pics of his girlfriend. Delegated to bring things under control, I wasted no time unloading verbal onslaughts, the likes that left many male members of the forum running for shelter and several female members, feverishly aroused. In one fell swoop, Sadi the Great exposed Durango for the mindless impersonator that he was, while simultaneously returning his slovenly female back to the pig pen where she belonged. National heroes have been made from lesser things, beloved fans, yet I gracefully went on my way.

It damn near brings a tear to my eye to see my fans assembling together like this, several years later, for the cause of celebrating my fame and achievements. God bless you!!

I think this guy is a LIAR :tth: Hahahahaha
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This is the funniest topic I have read in a long time. I think everyone will find this hilarious.:friends::rofl::rofl: