TT, you should know this fellow...

So where did Bird get the pix, let alone know it's legit?? unless Sadi said so...


Your bitterness of having a bartlett pear shaped physique leads you to accuse those with athletic bodies of homosexuality, when in fact, it is your body that does not represent manhood but rather, the slovenly form of a jellyfish. If it pains you to come to terms with the fact that my stunning male beauty has afforded me some of the finest females that the world has produced in recent times, you might want to lean heavily into alcohol rather than disclose your pain so openly on this forum in search of therapy.

I saw your pics and it is my guess that YOU, rather than I, are far more likely to rush into the repulsive arms of man love, if for no other reason than pure desperation to be touched.
Wow...I take a break from all forum play for about 6 months and come back to see the same "stuff" going on. At least you are dedicated to a cause!
When the verbal ass whippings fade away, so goes the forum with it. There isn't anything more gloriously entertaining than to observe grown men getting the holy, ever living sh1t kicked out of them publicly. It seems that wherever I go, there is a hoard of willing beatniks, dipshits and stumbling failures ready to sacrifice themselves for this noble cause.

I'll be the first to admit that my stunning dominance at corvetteforum.dork was at the foundation of my now celebrated fame and it damn near brings a tear to my eye to reminisce of that opening post, "Titanium Rotors". This now historic post, sent former gracefully aging and otherwise controlled persons into raving hysterics and ultimately, they were left with terminally bludgeoned egos.

Years later, long after those milestones have settled in the archives of internet greatness, I have a responsibility to my immense fan base that I take ever so seriously. It is with such dedication that I bequeath my wrath upon the scrubs who have engaged me in this thread.
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All you fools can follow up with is two sub-literate, mindless posts like those above? Do yourselves a favor and don't come to a gun fight with a rubber chicken.
Wow, this thread deteriorated fast...

I still say the lady in question has nice baps :D

To the contrary! Check out the views that this SOB has already. I still say that Durango's sow had saggy mammaries and should have never been posted on a forum in pride. Mediocrity is nothing to celebrate, even if it derives from a poser dork.
Wow, this thread deteriorated fast...

I still say the lady in question has nice baps :D

To the contrary! Check out the views that this SOB has already. I still say that Durango's sow had saggy mammaries and should have never been posted on a forum in pride. Mediocrity is nothing to celebrate, even if it derives from a poser dork.

I think we all agree with you. Maybe you should go back to CF where this kind of nonsense belongs.
What good is one more dim-witted, mullet goon beatnik going to do? You can pile 10 subjects with sub 80 IQ's against me and the cumulative IQ will still be under 80. Some things just don't add up but line them up if you will and I'll show you a classic King Sadi dipshit domino demolition, just in time for the new year.
Wow, this thread deteriorated fast...

I still say the lady in question has nice baps :D

And she probably won't be a 300 pounder in a few years.

To his credit, Durango was at least bright enough to stay away from Brazilian women. :toothbrush:
Wow, this thread deteriorated fast...

I still say the lady in question has nice baps :D

And she probably won't be a 300 pounder in a few years.

To his credit, Durango was at least bright enough to stay away from Brazilian women. :toothbrush:

A nerd like Durango cannot afford to be selective with women or he will end up with terminal "blue balls syndrome". Whatever pig will allow him to grope her, is what he ends up with. My guess is that he bamboozled this particular floppy chested female into believing that he was a car collector with an engineering degree. He carried this facade to the corvette forum and attempted to displace the ingenious Twin Turbo as the forum's most knowledgeable member.

In a display of complete jack-assery, Durango forged forward, feeding on the innocent and vulnerable. He soon developed quite a fan base, who had no knowledge that they were indeed being duped by a babbling dimwit, whose flawed advice could easily send them careening into trees and ditches while driving their corvettes.

At one point, I was informed of Durango's misbehavior and oddly enough, it seemed to coincide with the boastful pics of his girlfriend. Delegated to bring things under control, I wasted no time unloading verbal onslaughts, the likes that left many male members of the forum running for shelter and several female members, feverishly aroused. In one fell swoop, Sadi the Great exposed Durango for the mindless impersonator that he was, while simultaneously returning his slovenly female back to the pig pen where she belonged. National heroes have been made from lesser things, beloved fans, yet I gracefully went on my way.

It damn near brings a tear to my eye to see my fans assembling together like this, several years later, for the cause of celebrating my fame and achievements. God bless you!!
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Help me out here, please.

I'm new to this forum and have no history with CF, whatever the hell that is.

So tell me, again Please, is this whole worthless ten page thread a satire or is Sadidtic a real person expressing real opinions and the rest of the VetteMod forum is being drug down? Or more likely this whole thing is a magnificent sendup of another forum that I'm too ignorant and stupid to follow.

Cuz if it's the former, ban it and if the latter, clue me in so I can smile at the correct places...:tth:
GT6Steve -
One of the great things about this forum -- it doesn't do the Banning-Thing - so many others do.

So, sometimes the members here have a chance to relish the stupidity of other forums and boneheads on them - they do it here freely -- and thats sorta the Joke. The beauty is - you don't have to participate in their yucks -- and it all tends to be in the "Off-Topic" Postings.

BTW - CF = its often hacked and infrequently ~ interesting. All in all Much better here!

Also - in some of the other forums - I'da been BANNED for posting a link to the CF - or any other forum.

TT does a great job here - and a lot of useful info which you have seen for sure!

Hope that helps!

Cheers - Jim
Yeah , Thanx Jim,
I totally agree with the sentiments, this is the best Corvette forum.

That's why I've been confused about this thread, seemingly friendly banter at first then totally deranged denuciations then equally deranged self aggrandizement. Please tell me this is all brilliant satire:devil: