TT, you should know this fellow...

It damn near brings a tear to my eye to know that my beloved fans have saved my pics throughout the years. When I see these pics, it reminds me all too clearly what a stunningly beautiful man I am and provides reason for the unabashed lusting that I receive from the world's most desirable women, on a daily basis.

I would like to thank my devout fan base here for the feverish admiration that I receive here today, just in time to peak out these holidays.

My only request is that you do not overload me with offers of your daughters, female cousins, wives etc. for breeding purposes. Although my seed is obviously of superior grade, I truly need some time to rest during this holiday season. This level of fame can be very exhausting. Please do your best to understand and keep in mind that, in reality, your family members are in all likelihood, below my cut-off point for what I find desirable.

I also advise you not to let your wives see my pic or you could have a serious problem in short order. At first, you will hear what seems like harmless but unexplainable moaning when she is taking a shower. It will then elevate to frequent visits to your local porn shop, unknown wear marks on furniture edges, strange buzzing sounds behind locked doors and in worst cases, it will end in financial ruins and divorce. If you have recently heard banshee screams of pleasure coming from the shower, "Oh Sadi, do me!!", it is already too late.

Don't blame me. Take it up with Big Bird,the doofus that put you in this situation.
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Somebody post a pic of that farm sow already. You can't possibly hurt Durango's frail feelings any more than I did a few years ago. Post that flopper, then we can vote on the mule!
Here we go......a pic of the Gay Bird, bartlett pear shaped physique and all.
