Wall Street Protests


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2009
If you have been following the news lately. Our President gave a speech in front of the CBC. Telling them to take their slippers off and put on their marching shoes. I believe these Wall Street type protests are orchestrated straight out of the White House. So the disobedience and arrests fall directly on the shoulders of this so called President. In my life I have never seen such a divisive leader in this nation. This man is not my leader or a leader period, pathetic! Just my opinion. Now union members are showing up. Have you noticed they never protested DC?


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The guy IS a communist, period....born of commie parents, mentored by a communist, and schooled in the Cloward/Piven/Alinski methods of power and control......

I always wondered what was RONG with the Republican party, and not until I got a proper education on American History via Glen Beck did that mystery become resolved....as to just WHY a R party is supposedly conservative, yet will compromise away everything with the commies, little by little from the 50's onward,,.....and never will the commies/Do Mo Craps give a little, the results are always more .gov /communism/socialism....

It's because both parties are run by PROGRESSIVES....


AND the PROGRESSIVES consider the American middle class to be relatively uncontrollable, due to the lifestyle, we don't live in tents on edge of starving.....so that lessens their control....

so who are the PROGRESSIVES?? the multi billionaires of the world......we have all heard the names....

Rothschild, Rockefeller, Mellon, Ford, DuPont, and those are just a few...many others...Hurst from California, remember Patty??......
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I have a friend or two who believe that this is just the ground work for the suspension of the 2012 elections. Now I'm not quite ready to jump on that bandwagon, but my radar is on high gain.
What I will say is, if that is indeed the game plan, this will end with shooting.
Having said that, I certainly hope that this is just much ado about nothing. For as long as I can remember there is always some reason for the communist/socialist/anarchist to bitch and moan. They're always protesting the G8, G20, etc, etc. meetings. I'm hoping this is no different
Some female Dem has just propositioned that in the last couple of weeks clutchdust. What's funny is the union cops thwarting the Grateful Dead bunch. Feeding on each other!
The protesters and Obama's administration have done a great job claiming that the Republicans are the Party of Wall Street. It seems in polls, most people believe that. However, in fact it's the otherway around IMO. Wall Street donations to Obama's election campaign were a historical high, He spent, how many billions bailing out the Wall Street firms ($700 billion?), Geinther is a Wall Street executive, and I've read that a lot of his financial people are ex-Wall Street or ex- Wall Street lobbyists. Also, I'd suspect that most Wall Street executives are Democrats (hello - they went to Ivy League schools and live in New York, Connecticut, etc)
The protesters and Obama's administration have done a great job claiming that the Republicans are the Party of Wall Street. It seems in polls, most people believe that. However, in fact it's the otherway around IMO. Wall Street donations to Obama's election campaign were a historical high, He spent, how many billions bailing out the Wall Street firms ($700 billion?), Geinther is a Wall Street executive, and I've read that a lot of his financial people are ex-Wall Street or ex- Wall Street lobbyists. Also, I'd suspect that most Wall Street executives are Democrats (hello - they went to Ivy League schools and live in New York, Connecticut, etc)

THINK twice, look at my previous post here, look it over twice....

SEE where Beck was correct??

NOW go look at what Beck has said in political philosophy about the Founding Fathers.....

and apply it to now.....
Have you heard some of their demands-

A "living" wage of $20/hour!!!...Well guess what- a Happy Meal at McDonalds will now be $20....and that stupid tattoo you want when you turn 18 will double in price...

A "right' to a Job!!! And no matter what you do- you will get paid the same. This is sort of happening w/ the Obama Care- soon Doctors will be making the same as their receptionist!!!

Oh- and do you realize that piece of electronics in your hand- Steve Jobs (RIP) made 21% PROFIT and created tons of Jobs...and for reference the Big Bad Oil Companies Profit Margin was less than 6%!!

If you (Protesters) really don't like America like it is - or was.... Go somewhere else...Wait a minute...You can't do that...It's only OK if you come TO America illegally...

God help up....
Once again, it's "somebody else" . . .

. . . who needs to do something because a choice that was made didn't work out the way it was supposed to.

What's being done differently now than in 2006?

Back then, people were making money, so they were happy, and ignored what was being done to make that money -- even after Enron/Broadcom/Tyco.

Now, people aren't making money (perception-wise, mainly driven by housing values). So, they're upset, and in looking for someone to blame, now they care about what was done to make money. Why? Because some people didn't share in the "loss".

The only reason "Wall Street" has money is because people chose to give it to them. If people don't like the way they do business, just take your money elsewhere. Don't like bank fees? Do your banking where they don't charge fees, or, and here's a novel idea, just create your own bank. The same works for any business where you don't like their practices.

But it's easier to make somebody else do something, so . . .

I had a long reply typed out and it disappeared. The wife must have found it and deleted it because she wants me to be nice to you people.
THINK twice, look at my previous post here, look it over twice....

SEE where Beck was correct??

NOW go look at what Beck has said in political philosophy about the Founding Fathers.....

and apply it to now.....

I never reflected on the "progression" in our society. Yes, it looks like that past compromises of the Republican Party with leftist themes, has just resulted in the long term to capitulation of fundamental underpinnings of our society.
THINK twice, look at my previous post here, look it over twice....

SEE where Beck was correct??

NOW go look at what Beck has said in political philosophy about the Founding Fathers.....

and apply it to now.....

I never reflected on the "progression" in our society. Yes, it looks like that past compromises of the Republican Party with leftist themes, has just resulted in the long term to capitulation of fundamental underpinnings of our society.

NOT a doubt in my mind....it's ALLLLLLways another more liberal/commie/plan/concept/idea that is presented, and problems created to cure some primarily 'social' ill.......so they try distorting the free markets to better give freebees to whoever.....

final result.....BK for the banks, BK for autos.....

but NEVER BK for the damn green weenies.....NO, rather stop our way of life over a snail darter smelly fish.....

I have not examined the issues presented by both sides.
I merely applaud the proper application of the first ammendment.
Peacefull protest always served the USA well, and always will, in the long term. God bless America.
I have not examined the issues presented by both sides.
I merely applaud the proper application of the first ammendment.
Peacefull protest always served the USA well, and always will, in the long term. God bless America.

I dunno Jeff, the idiots always seem to turn violent, forced that way by Alinski/Cloward/Piven designed leftest training.....witnessed it in the 60's all through Wash DC. that whole decade plus.....flew over in a Twin Bonanza watching it burn.....seen the upturned burnt out cars....somehow that happens without some more or less organized push/force behind?? who pays the income of these clowns?? they got SO much money from WHERE??

Back when, I was working as a TV man, I had no money to spare, much less days off work and money for a lawyer if I got busted.....so the question was WHERE, HOW is the enabler of this behavior.....tell you what, that been my ass, it would have been on the street......

too boot most of my friends were in the Guard, arresting/securing the idiots, and then cops too boot....on the other end....

SO until Beck got on the waves and I didn't tune in until maybe he was on for several months....I started listening in about the likes of the 3 commies above....and just how this shit was done.....with funding from the Soviet Union...hence the Kurschev comment about 'we will bury you' said when I was in Jr. Hi?? and now I understand the dynamic of what happened and why/who.....

Time to hit the history books, not the rewritten crap of the last 100 or so years, but what is from WAY back, as in OEM documentation.....

Modifications are good for cars, but not countries.....

Watch this one! It was referred to as Lord Of The Flies.

Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis!

give me something for free mother fuckers!!!!!
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So YOU want a job?

OK - I can understand the corporate greed and the anger over the bail outs - shit - Citizens Bank just charged me $7.00 to cash a check drawn on their bank. No other banks in my area charge a fee to cash a check any more. But I digress.....
Have you looked at the appearance of the majority of these protesters? They complain about having no money but have you seen the number of piercings, ear gauges and tattoos they are displaying? Would you, as a business owner, want some one who looked like that representing your company? They bitch about having no money but how many of them own fancy cell phones and other such "must have" electronic devices that cost hundreds to purchase and hundreds each year to operate? How about the cost of all the body art? Where are their priorities?
So you want a job? Do you know what it means to go on an interview? Do you know how to present yourself? Can you even get to the place, can you get there on time? Can you communicate a thought? Write a sentence? Fill out an application? Did you bring your own pen or pencil or notebook to take notes in? What's that? Minimum wage isn't enough? What skills and experience do you have to offer? Are you as good as you think you are or are you blowing smoke up everyone's ass?

Yeah, you want a job, most of you haven't got a clue.
OK - I can understand the corporate greed and the anger over the bail outs - shit - Citizens Bank just charged me $7.00 to cash a check drawn on their bank. No other banks in my area charge a fee to cash a check any more. But I digress.....
Have you looked at the appearance of the majority of these protesters? They complain about having no money but have you seen the number of piercings, ear gauges and tattoos they are displaying? Would you, as a business owner, want some one who looked like that representing your company? They bitch about having no money but how many of them own fancy cell phones and other such "must have" electronic devices that cost hundreds to purchase and hundreds each year to operate? How about the cost of all the body art? Where are their priorities?
So you want a job? Do you know what it means to go on an interview? Do you know how to present yourself? Can you even get to the place, can you get there on time? Can you communicate a thought? Write a sentence? Fill out an application? Did you bring your own pen or pencil or notebook to take notes in? What's that? Minimum wage isn't enough? What skills and experience do you have to offer? Are you as good as you think you are or are you blowing smoke up everyone's ass?

Yeah, you want a job, most of you haven't got a clue.

AND you are totally correct.....they don't have a clue....took about a decade too long, but maybe my kids MAY have a prayer....maybe.....

let's just say I"m hopeful, but not enthusiastic.....
