Does that say "we have HUNGRY mouths to feed"? Looks like somebodys been doin' some eatin'

give me something for free mother fuckers!!!!!
OK - I can understand the corporate greed and the anger over the bail outs - shit - Citizens Bank just charged me $7.00 to cash a check drawn on their bank. No other banks in my area charge a fee to cash a check any more. But I digress.....
Have you looked at the appearance of the majority of these protesters? They complain about having no money but have you seen the number of piercings, ear gauges and tattoos they are displaying? Would you, as a business owner, want some one who looked like that representing your company? They bitch about having no money but how many of them own fancy cell phones and other such "must have" electronic devices that cost hundreds to purchase and hundreds each year to operate? How about the cost of all the body art? Where are their priorities?
So you want a job? Do you know what it means to go on an interview? Do you know how to present yourself? Can you even get to the place, can you get there on time? Can you communicate a thought? Write a sentence? Fill out an application? Did you bring your own pen or pencil or notebook to take notes in? What's that? Minimum wage isn't enough? What skills and experience do you have to offer? Are you as good as you think you are or are you blowing smoke up everyone's ass?
Yeah, you want a job, most of you haven't got a clue.
Get the big money out from running, ruling, & ruining our lives soley for their own immediate gain.
Get the big money out from running, ruling, & ruining our lives soley for their own immediate gain.
No one's holding a gun to anyone's head. Just stop giving it to them.
How many of the people that aren't in the "1%" would be just as upset as they are now, if they were instead in the 1%?
If you are a "1%er" you damn sure ain't upset at the way things are. You love it and just laugh and laugh at the 'honest' suckers down below who delude themselves that they may someday become a 1%er. One only becomes a 1%er by being a psychopath.
No, of course he's not a psychopath---he is not of the 1%ers who are the problem! He too is victim of them.
Can't any of you grasp the concept of where the problem lies?
So what is the answer, more government control as the OWS people want. I say no, that is the problem. A large powerful government is the most suseptible to corruption. Don't look to other to look out for you, look out for yourself.
I think the only man speaking the truth is Ron Paul.
He IS one of the 1%'rs. The definition of 1% is the top 1% of income. If the OWS people had their way, he would have been completely ruined.
Can't you grasp that concept? I don't see the protesters making exemptions to the "special cases" of earners who fall into the one percent. What I do see is the demand that these 1% give them more of their money (without exception)!
And, before you ask, I don't think things are "fair" in government. But I don't agree that lies (like the poster of the income gap or the misrepresentation of everyone at the top 1% as psychopaths) will help with anything. I don't think that many things are fair in life but I won't lie to make my point.
The thing I don't get is why the OWS people take their complaint where it belongs, Washington!
He IS one of the 1%'rs. The definition of 1% is the top 1% of income. If the OWS people had their way, he would have been completely ruined.
Can't you grasp that concept? I don't see the protesters making exemptions to the "special cases" of earners who fall into the one percent. What I do see is the demand that these 1% give them more of their money (without exception)!
And, before you ask, I don't think things are "fair" in government. But I don't agree that lies (like the poster of the income gap or the misrepresentation of everyone at the top 1% as psychopaths) will help with anything. I don't think that many things are fair in life but I won't lie to make my point.
The thing I don't get is why the OWS people take their complaint where it belongs, Washington!
I don't feel sorry for your friend at all. For those 50 years he was able to deduct everything related to his business. Cars, building depreciation, equipment depreciation, a portion of his house, vacations, business jet, and on and on and on. But we're always worried about small business. He sold his business and was taxed on only the gain at a long term capital gains rate which is lower than what the average joe pays. You know a small business owner can go out and buy a hummer and deduct the whole goddamn thing in one shot. You don't even have to be that smart to pay absolutely no taxes at all. The rich don't want to pay a "death" tax either. Then who the hell is going to pay. Average m'fers like all the guys hanging out here taking it up the ass.
[ One only becomes a 1%er by being a psychopath..
[ One only becomes a 1%er by being a psychopath..
I would say replace psychopath with crook and i'd agree. Did you see the deal on 60 minutes or whatever where Paul Allen talks about dumpster diving with Bill Gates looking for thrown out code? Not only is he not ashamed of it, he looked back fondly on those activities. How can you get any more unethical than that.
Gates out crooked Jobs who stole his ideas from Zerox and on and on and on.
Show me a squeeky clean honest ethical person who is a multi billionaire.
I don't feel sorry for your friend at all. For those 50 years he was able to deduct everything related to his business. Cars, building depreciation, equipment depreciation, a portion of his house, vacations, business jet, and on and on and on. But we're always worried about small business. He sold his business and was taxed on only the gain at a long term capital gains rate which is lower than what the average joe pays. You know a small business owner can go out and buy a hummer and deduct the whole goddamn thing in one shot. You don't even have to be that smart to pay absolutely no taxes at all. The rich don't want to pay a "death" tax either. Then who the hell is going to pay. Average m'fers like all the guys hanging out here taking it up the ass.