Wall Street Protests

No, of course he's not a psychopath---he is not of the 1%ers who are the problem! He too is victim of them.
Can't any of you grasp the concept of where the problem lies?

Sure, the BIG international bankers....Red Shield, Rockefeller, Mellon, DuPont, Ford, Pew, Colgate, Penny, and many others....

the Bilderburg groups.....led by the oldest international banking house of all time....Rothschild....

Am I hallucinating or you guys are actually NOT disagreeing?
The Corporation is a psychopath
No, of course he's not a psychopath---he is not of the 1%ers who are the problem! He too is victim of them.
Can't any of you grasp the concept of where the problem lies?

Sure, the BIG international bankers....Red Shield, Rockefeller, Mellon, DuPont, Ford, Pew, Colgate, Penny, and many others....

the Bilderburg groups.....led by the oldest international banking house of all time....Rothschild....

You're on the right track just about 60 years behind.
Get the big money out from running, ruling, & ruining our lives soley for their own immediate gain.

No one's holding a gun to anyone's head. Just stop giving it to them.

How many of the people that aren't in the "1%" would be just as upset as they are now, if they were instead in the 1%?


You gonna stop putting gas in your truck & eating & watching TV & taking your blood pressure meds & heating your house & paying for your other needs &/or wants?

No, but I would consider something more economical, combined with using less gas, like carpooling, and instead of watching TV, getting some exercise, which might help with health issues, etc.

In other words, I don't expect someone else to pay for my needs and wants. It's not their responsibility -- it's mine. That's what people need to get. Until they do, there will always be some villain responsible for their unhappiness.

Another source, who said she was hired from a homeless shelter, said she was first sent to the protests before being deployed to Central Islip, Long Island, to canvass for a campaign against home foreclosures.

“I went to the protests every day for two weeks and made $10 an hour. They made me carry NYCC signs and big orange banners that say NYCC in white letters. About 50 others were hired around my time to go to the protests. We went to protests in and around Zuccotti Park, then to the big Times Square protest,” she said.

“But now they have me canvassing on Long Island for money, so I get the money and then the money is being used for Occupy Wall Street—to pay for all of it, for supplies, food, transportation, salaries, for everything ... all that money is going to pay for the protests downtown and that’s just messed up. It’s just wrong.”

The OWS crowd are useful idiots.....

Cloward/Piven - Alinsky all the way......

and they are being paid.....
