... Charity is all the services of the gov that I don't use...
I often heard the expression "got mine, fuck you" to describe American harcore conservator mentality. Isn't was you're just saying?
You're really scaring me sometimes(?)
Would you care to tell us from whom you are often hearing this expression?
Sure, its on Reddit, "the front page of the internet".
Lot of young dude, mostly tech-savvy atheist liberals there. That's why you get comment like this one.
For those who don't know, Reddit is a news agregator, user submit link to pretty much anything they want.
Then other user can vote for or against the post, weeding out the irrelevant/innappropriate/boring content.
Once a post is made, all the action is in the comments.
People can up/down vote any comment, and you can branch the comment in anyway you want.
Their post voting system make easy to anyone to make one's point of view heard. Reddit may look biased to some, and it's true you can't always get away with the "hivemind", but generally common sense prevail.
You see a thread that is getting old (10-12h), open its comments and you'll see a the top the actually most interesting thing that could be said.
Good thing is you have "subreddit" dealing with particular subjet, there is one for everyone, from the gun lover conservative to the tree hugger grano.
The front page is just a list of the most voted post, reflecting the majority choice.
Not on the front page, dosen't mean it doesn't exist.
Culturally, this thing is really huge, google huge, it will be there when facebook is long forgotten.
If you don't know reddit, you got to have a look.