WTF? Modified MR2? You scare me...

Wayell Ah ohnly wahtched ahbout thutty sayaconds owv iyt, bhutt Ah ghot too sayay, Ah shore doo appreesheeate awll thaym "dah grahnder" spahks flyin' uhp into he'is crotchital areah so as to haylp pree-vent ayeny fuhtha progeniashiun of he'is bludline. Byut aht leest he wahs wehrin sneekahs wid a gyood trayachun type sole to kyeep thaht thar sprang sayfely undah cyon-trol whal he maysyahged iyut to he'is tuyite spesifuhcyashuns.....
Ah ahm as shore as tha south wayl rahse agayan thayat thaht thar M R Too wayl bee wun kyick-ayass auwto-mobeel!

yooo ghot too wahtch mooo of it.....

the strut goes right here under the fender right here... see, right here under the fender on this 91 MR2 right here ...

wtf ??? how many times can you say "right here" in one sentence ???

and where else would the strut be ??? :smash::smash: