Big milestone reached this week, we finally bolted the body.
First, while I still had the body off, I did a crude wheel toe alignement using a technique I read somewhere on the forum.
Bolted my old rotor above the new ones, and ran a cord from from it. Having the cord just touching the rotor I could measure the distance between the line and the frame. Not remotely precise but enough to drive it to the alignment shop.
Then, this weekend I brought my usual weekend helpers (thanks again and again to Sovan and Jeff), and did drop the body.
It was unexpectedly simple, the frame was leveled, all we had to do it drop it and make sure all the bushing was well pressed. I had some clay prepared, but we didn't use it. It's maybe because I had long and (still) thin programmer's hand, I could touch all the bushing.
We first made sure mount #1 and #4 were put under pression, then we moved to #2 and #3. Took us maybe 4 or 5 drop-lift attempt to have it all good.
What helped us was to have 3" and 3"1/2 bolts. We first put the 3"1/2 so we could lift the body of 1/2" without removing the bolts. Once all is setup we did put the final 3" bolts. (we actually left 3"1/2 bolts on #1).
We didn't go deep in the door aligment process so far, but so far so good, the doors close nicely and the rear gap is even if still a bit large.

The reflexion on the door make it look uneven, but this is just a trick of the light.
I also started transforming my heater box. No regret cutting it, it was already totally backed anyway.
You can spot the new heater valve at the bottom. PO did remove all of this, so I had to completely rebuild it from scratch.
I was lamenting over the fact I had to fork out 50$ or so for a sheet of metal it make my new heater box when I stumbled upon a nice large piece laying in my street, leftover from a just redone neighbor's roof.
I love that.
I bought from forum member a pair of late C3 cowl screen, I already said that before, the cowl area on stock C3 is sporting a rather pathetic level of quality, with those it gets better.
Now with the body it on I can resume a lot of task, already reconnected the parking brake, the grounds and the battery connection.
I'm also moving forward with my power steering / hydroboost hoses, heater system and my pump to carb hoses. As soon as missing parts show up in my mailbox I'll post updates.