i dont use screwdrivers as chisels but other then that any is fair game for use if its in the garage. the bushings are a clsoe fit and then reamed to size. see below
well I have done something I never did before, I followed Barneys instructions and once again they made the job doable for a home shop. Barney is an MGA guru
I improvised a little since i wasnt sure how it make it all come togehter.
i decided to press the steel bushing in using my press and i made a guide so the bushing would go in straight
i made some reference lines just to make sure the hole didnt get side ways on me.
it worked very well , make sure if you chisel out the bushings to ream the edge if you made any gouges
i then dressed the ends so they were flush with the trunnions
next we follow Barneys instructions and use some tape as a guide
heres the mock up
heres my way to try and not chase a ball bearing around the shop
and it works
so for number 2 i am going to try somethng different with the ball bearing
and i used this the two nuts were tightend to tegether and the bolt would spin. you can see the end that mated to the recess of the reamer
and sucess about 2 hrs of work and the distance tubes fit very nicely.