The first test drive was very nervous for me... Everything went ok. Had a small leak at the water connection for the heater hose on the intak. Apart from that not one drip of oil from anything.
Drove it for 2 miles (approx. 3km) and then I changed the gearbox oil in my new Tremec TKO 600. GM Syncromesh is what I am using.
I did this because I learned from a Professor working for the bearing manufacturer SKF that he always changed the gearbox oil in all his new cars directly after he had driven his new car around the block.
He sad: "I know what ball bearings look like in a new gearbox after 20 minutes of driving"... Well, nuff said. I followed his advise and I am glad I did!!!
The drained oil from my brand new Tremec was full of small metal particles shining in the oil and I even found 10 pieces of 1/4" metal chips (alu). Probably from the machining of the gearbox.
Quality? Oh well, nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to car parts.
I will change it again after half the summer has past.
The final picture from this project for now.
Thanks everyone who has been following and thank´s for all support, help and tips!!
Best Regards, Daniel