Well-known member
for what it's worth, the minor weight savings of aluminum compared to the non-reactive attributes of stainless. My napkin math says the stainless tank would be 50 lbs vs. 35 lbs for aluminum... if you really want to be good forever, 316 2b (what they use for tables in science labs).... hmmm, now I'm thinking about building mine out of it too - my first step is finish my plasma table.
truly just my 2 cents, if it helps, cool, if not never mind me :suspicious:
It does help... 15 lbs is alot!! this never crossed my mind until right now but my (hard) fuel lines are aluminum also. Going to have to do some research about all of this now...
I was going to edit this yesterday - it's 44 lbs rather then 50, aluminum was the same.... but I get the weight thing. I bicycle and we spend a lot more money then I'm willing to admit chasing ounces.