Hey Red

He says when my money arrived to him his furnace went bad and he needed the money for repairs. Can he produce a receipt for the furnace repair and a copy of the check in payment?

..... seeing as-how you have 'invested' $770 into his $4300 furnace, are you NOW expected to pay 18% of his home-heating bills, too?

you'd think the Grand Pubbahs at CF would want to weed-out the bad-apples, and protect the majority of their Forum-members, but that would make too-much sense.
He keeps talking about a machine shop that screwed him, but he never mentions the name, or the name of the machinist. If you got screwed by a machinist, wouldn't you go after him and the shop for the money? DB never mentions any action he is taking to that end. He doesn't mention a copy of the check he gave the machinist for the heads. All claims and no proof are offered.

He talks about having money sent to him from a money market fund, electronic transfer wasn't available to him, can he produce a copy of that check? He says when my money arrived to him his furnace went bad and he needed the money for repairs. Can he produce a receipt for the furnace repair and a copy of the check in payment?

But what he really meant to say was...........................:pprrtt:
:bullshit: Why can't he speak for himself? He hasn't ever hesitated to before. Not for anyone else for that matter. Did the mods finally man up and react to his bs?

The moderators have asked us not to comment on the situation there until some resolution is reached.

And what if the $770 isn't paid back to you in the 5 days they gave both of you to resolve the problem? If he gave this kind of response to sidepiper, imagine the bullshit he's feeding the mods. Prolly the same shit he's feeding you. I would follow through on the request for proof of his bs furnace going out by requesting proof of a cancelled check that he paid for it with. Bottom line, he spent your money on something else and thought he could get away with it. He has plenty of shit to sell to easily make the $770. Multiple alternators, many mods on the 77...hell...the 77 it'self. $110 to keep you quiet??? F that. All or none and in very short order. Have the mods told you what will happen if a resolution is not made in the 5 days? What are they gonna do...ban you? I agree with Red and others...the mods over there have gone so far out of bounds to protect his ass that now they don't know how to dig him, or their forum out from under the mounds of :bullshit:
I truley hate that you had to get screwed before they FINALLY perked up over there. (if they even have) There are plenty here that can sense bullshit from a mile away and react accordingly. Fortunately...most of them are MODS here. Good luck. I would expect no less than your $770 within the next couple days. The reason they don't want DB to comment is because they are afraid he will dig his shit hole even deeper and it will be harder for them to repair any credibilty that he has left...:banned:
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Maybe i need to take a drive over columbia and check and see if he has a new furnace installed,2hr drive maybe,and see if has a nice new set of alum heads for a SBC laying around.
What would be his address?

I always assumed he lived with mommy and daddy.

Does he really own a place.

Seams he would have been flooding the "Show your garage post"

:bullshit: Why can't he speak for himself? He hasn't ever hesitated to before. Not for anyone else for that matter. Did the mods finally man up and react to his bs?

The moderators have asked us not to comment on the situation there until some resolution is reached.

And what if the $770 isn't paid back to you in the 5 days they gave both of you to resolve the problem? If he gave this kind of response to sidepiper, imagine the bullshit he's feeding the mods. Prolly the same shit he's feeding you. I would follow through on the request for proof of his bs furnace going out by requesting proof of a cancelled check that he paid for it with. Bottom line, he spent your money on something else and thought he could get away with it. He has plenty of shit to sell to easily make the $770. Multiple alternators, many mods on the 77...hell...the 77 it'self. $110 to keep you quiet??? F that. All or none and in very short order. Have the mods told you what will happen if a resolution is not made in the 5 days? What are they gonna do...ban you? I agree with Red and others...the mods over there have gone so far out of bounds to protect his ass that now they don't know how to dig him, or their forum out from under the mounds of :bullshit:
I truley hate that you had to get screwed before they FINALLY perked up over there. (if they even have) There are plenty here that can sense bullshit from a mile away and react accordingly. Fortunately...most of them are MODS here. Good luck. I would expect no less than your $770 within the next couple days. The reason they don't want DB to comment is because they are afraid he will dig his shit hole even deeper and it will be harder for them to repair any credibilty that he has left...:banned:

I am past trying to prove what a know-nothing loser he is, realize that CF doesn`t care, they care about post count and couldn`t care less if the information posted is correct or not....proof of a furnace will not get anyone their money....he can`t run to the mods and cry "attack" the way he usually does because none of us "troublemakers" were involved or posted on the subject, he did this to himself without any help from anyone. Remember scott dixon/Corvette works or megladon?? they protected those two assholes until the bitter end. I think Xander hit the nail on the head when he said CF is just a shadow of it`s former self and as long as CF has a bunch of kids posting nonsense, BS, bad advise and STUPID QUESTIONS (and yes there are such things as stupid questions) it will survive and thrive. there are still a few knowledgeable guys posting over there...why I can`t say but it will be interesting to see who takes over as the new chosen one...it`s all about quantity...quality has left the building and moved to VM.
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What would be his address?

I always assumed he lived with mommy and daddy.

Does he really own a place.

Seams he would have been flooding the "Show your garage post"


I thought he lived with his grandmother...I do remember he said he took care of an elderly person.
I am past trying to prove what a know-nothing loser he is, realize that CF doesn`t care, they care about post count and couldn`t care less if the information posted is correct or not....proof of a furnace will not get anyone their money....he can`t run to the mods and cry "attack" the way he usually does because none of us "troublemakers" were involved or posted on the subject, he did this to himself without any help from anyone. Remember scott dixon/Corvette works or megladon?? they protected those two assholes until the bitter end. I think Xander hit the nail on the head when he said CF is just a shadow of it`s former self and as long as CF has a bunch of kids posting nonsense, BS, bad advise and STUPID QUESTIONS (and yes there are such things as stupid questions) it will survive and thrive. there are still a few knowledgeable guys posting over there...why I can`t say but it will be interesting to see who takes over as the new chosen one...it`s all about quantity...quality has left the building and moved to VM.

Remember a couple of months ago when he made some assumptions about a car that was being sold? Some noob was looking for advice and instead got statements from DB about what was wrong with the car? Remember that old geezer ( I think he was an older guy?) ...he was a hoot. Wonder whatever happened on that one....maybe hook him up with Red so that they can compare notes on how they were both defrauded.
I"m over there still, out of habit of 10 years, and to burn up time in a 1/2 way interesting fashion....but for information, I come here too, obviously....

no surprise....

Remember a couple of months ago when he made some assumptions about a car that was being sold? Some noob was looking for advice and instead got statements from DB about what was wrong with the car? Remember that old geezer ( I think he was an older guy?) ...he was a hoot. Wonder whatever happened on that one....maybe hook him up with Red so that they can compare notes on how they were both defrauded.

What I remember it was an ebay sale he interfered in, then bragged about it at CF. "somehow" the seller found out and was so pissed he started a web page with pics of the douche_bag...I think his brother was an attorney and in the end he realized that you can`t squeeze blood from a turnip or money from a mope sitting in front of a computer screen looking for attention...
...He says when my money arrived to him his furnace went bad and he needed the money for repairs. Can he produce a receipt for the furnace repair and a copy of the check in payment?...
If his furnace had gone bad and you hadn't sent him any money, would he be sitting in the cold or would he have found some money? What if the furnace broke after he'd sent your money back - would he be sitting in the cold or would he have found some money?
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If his furnace had gone bad and you hadn't sent him any money, would he be sitting in the cold or would he have found some money?

What if the furnace broke after he'd sent your money back - would he be sitting in the cold or would he have found some money?

perzactly, Saudi.

just goes to show that ya cain't polish a turd
Remember a couple of months ago when he made some assumptions about a car that was being sold? Some noob was looking for advice and instead got statements from DB about what was wrong with the car? Remember that old geezer ( I think he was an older guy?) ...he was a hoot. Wonder whatever happened on that one....maybe hook him up with Red so that they can compare notes on how they were both defrauded.

What I remember

Here ya go...
That abcoremedical guy used to post here under the name Patrocinum but after people here tried to help him (I know some people helped him get the info he posted on his website because most of it had been sanitized) instead of being thankful for the help and trying to get along here he made a stink and basically bit the hand that fed him. He is to this day the only banned person on this forum. :shocking:

That's what I find most amazing, with the bad rep some of you hoodlums have over on CF, I don't undertstand why none of you are banned here :pprrtt:
Remember a couple of months ago when he made some assumptions about a car that was being sold? Some noob was looking for advice and instead got statements from DB about what was wrong with the car? Remember that old geezer ( I think he was an older guy?) ...he was a hoot. Wonder whatever happened on that one....maybe hook him up with Red so that they can compare notes on how they were both defrauded.

What I remember it was an ebay sale he interfered in, then bragged about it at CF. "somehow" the seller found out and was so pissed he started a web page with pics of the douche_bag...I think his brother was an attorney and in the end he realized that you can`t squeeze blood from a turnip or money from a mope sitting in front of a computer screen looking for attention...

Yep, that's it.