Hey Red

Earlier today I spent a few hours of my day sending PM's to various people to question and to provide answers regarding the refund situation. On CF the moderators and administrator crossram were not very sympathic to my cause. In fact, crossram stated that DB and I have 5 days to resolve this issue or we lose posting privledges. My reply was basically, so you are penalizing me for being victimized on your website? What a joke!

On the other hand, DWincches, a member there tried to raise the refund money DB won't send me. His effort was admirable, but not much response. The response I liked best was to raise money for an attorney to force DB into repaying the $770. This ought to get interesting.....and as the world turns.

Good ole DEP:hunter:
On CF the moderators and administrator crossram were not very sympathic to my cause. In fact, crossram stated that DB and I have 5 days to resolve this issue or we lose posting privledges.

one would think after all the shit crossram (and others) have had to clean up from this clown they would wise up.....obviously not....and what does he mean by "we" as if they are going to send him to camp for not paying up .....please....personally Red I think you need to move up the "food chain" past mods to administrators, cor07vette or savewave....
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In fact, crossram stated that DB and I have 5 days to resolve this issue or we lose posting privledges.


Now THERE'S a fairy tale. Crossram stop DB from posting? Not gonna happen.
The thing is, locked threads and more people defecting sure doesn't have any "old timers" involved anymore.
It's almost like a new crop gets harvested every season.;)
I absolutely agree! Exactly what they want it to happen so they can generate new posters and new possible sales. It is strickly poilitical now. Anyone that can post 50 times a day whether it is relevent or safe info or not generates interest for the board and the supporting vendors...driving traffic to their site, little "payoff" here and a little "payoff" there, with nice parts from a coulpe of these supporting vendors, which has been happening, only solidifies DB's place being stuck in the history of this site, The more controversery and post count that adds up ultimatley give DB some new toys and gifts to use and play with straight from the supporting vendors. What's amazing, truly amazing is how many truly don't see through the bullshit and the newer members who join in think he his the boy with all the anwers "Corvette" Shame...damn Shame:bomb:
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It seems many members here were wise to DB and the BS. I was only aware of his presence and never read much about him. I am usually too busy to spend quality reading time on or offline. All I'm interested in doing at this time is recover my loss asap and move on. The easier I can accomplish this the better. If I need to go through legal channels for this result, then so be it. It has become obvious to me that CF is not the place to be if you have a problem as I have. First amendment rights are left at the door when entering their domain. One has to work real hard to get me angry and the CF and DB has done it. Even I am curious what direction this takes as things unfold.
Your refusal to drink from the punch bowl is admirable. The DD is soon to be the DT. (1,000):D
It seems many members here were wise to DB and the BS. I was only aware of his presence and never read much about him. I am usually too busy to spend quality reading time on or offline. All I'm interested in doing at this time is recover my loss asap and move on. The easier I can accomplish this the better. If I need to go through legal channels for this result, then so be it. It has become obvious to me that CF is not the place to be if you have a problem as I have. First amendment rights are left at the door when entering their domain. One has to work real hard to get me angry and the CF and DB has done it. Even I am curious what direction this takes as things unfold.

Small claims court, thing is those type judgements are worth toilet paper, unless you can hit his credit report with it, somehow....that's about it....

Small claims court, thing is those type judgements are worth toilet paper, unless you can hit his credit report with it, somehow....that's about it....

Yes Gene, a lean can be imposed on his posessions and maybe tax returns etc. This will follow him and he will eventually have the debt taken from a sale procede or government return. In addition, the court can be asked for expenses incurred in the process of bringing him to justice. The first place to go is the Federal Court started though the state's Attorney General. There is a filing fee, but that also can be added to the claim and refunded. Also, travel expenses etc added if it is necessary. If he has any past claims against him, it will not look favorable to the court. The process is a PITA, but in this case I will walk across the country before this dude walks free. He was given every opportunity to do the right thing, but now he has my wrath.
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Small claims court, thing is those type judgements are worth toilet paper, unless you can hit his credit report with it, somehow....that's about it....

Yes Gene, a lean can be imposed on his posessions and maybe tax returns etc. This will follow him and he will eventually have the debt taken from a sale procede or government return. In addition, the court can be asked for expenses incurred in the process of bringing him to justice. The first place to go is the Federal Court started though the state's Attorney General. There is a filing fee, but that also can be added to the claim and refunded. Also, travel expenses etc added if it is necessary. If he has any past claims against him, it will not look favorable to the court. The process is a PITA, but in this case I will walk across the country before this dude walks free. He was given every opportunity to do the right thing, but now he has my wrath. [/QUOTE]

I am in complete and total sympathy with you on this, but I have NO faith in any legal system in this country any more....

I am following the thread on this Red's heads on CF c3 general there....it's funny to read, unfortunately for you....

hang in there man....like a WW2 Navy Admiral I used to work for/with at a company 25 years ago.....he looks out over the diamond plate stair landing over the production floor, and shouts 'Attention on the Deck!!'.....

'You all hang together, or most Assuredly you WILL hang separately'.....that is all'......

I about fell over laughing, and looked at him, since I was the ONLY person on the floor of some 40? people with nerve enough to laugh....I was engineering/tech support not under production in the 'Organization Chart'.....
he stared back with a twinkle in his eyes with knowing I knew that phrase....probably the only one on the floor that did....

:bullshit: Why can't he speak for himself? He hasn't ever hesitated to before. Not for anyone else for that matter. Did the mods finally man up and react to his bs?

The moderators have asked us not to comment on the situation there until some resolution is reached. I am not accepting the $110 offer he made as I paid him $770. I'm not a lending institution, but he can visit one for a loan to meet his obligation to me.

He keeps talking about a machine shop that screwed him, but he never mentions the name, or the name of the machinist. If you got screwed by a machinist, wouldn't you go after him and the shop for the money? DB never mentions any action he is taking to that end. He doesn't mention a copy of the check he gave the machinist for the heads. All claims and no proof are offered.

He talks about having money sent to him from a money market fund, electronic transfer wasn't available to him, can he produce a copy of that check? He says when my money arrived to him his furnace went bad and he needed the money for repairs. Can he produce a receipt for the furnace repair and a copy of the check in payment?

When you unravel the twisted story he has spun, the less credability it has with every turn. Back in October, he mentioned in another sale ad that he needed to raise money for a wedding he was attending. I now believe there were no heads to sell and I unknowingly became his financere. He claimed the heads he planned to sell me were damaged and he hired this mysterious machinist to make me an exact set. The machinist was supposed to send them directly to me and save on shipping. There was no insurance and no tracking number, how convenient. Of course, the heads never came and then it was wait for the money from his MM fund and then the furnace went bad. The whole thing stinks and I'm not buying any of it. None of the story is any of my business, but he offered it as an excuse for my not receiving my heads or a refund. Now that is my business and I will be after it.

He may be a young guy who got in over his head, but that is not my business either. If fraud has been committed, he will have more to worry about than the money. He got himself into the situation and now needs to get himself out. His line of BS and taking me for a fool wore out my store of goodwill.

Thanks for staying on the thread and keeping the cool-ade drinkers real. We will see what shakes tomorrow.
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:bullshit: Why can't he speak for himself? He hasn't ever hesitated to before. Not for anyone else for that matter. Did the mods finally man up and react to his bs?

The moderators have asked us not to comment on the situation until some resolution is reached. I am not accepting the $110 offer he made as I paid him $770. I'm not a lending institution, but he can visit one for a loan to meet his obligation to me.

He keeps talking about a machine shop that screwed him, but he never mentions the name, or the name of the machinist. If you got screwed by a machinist, wouldn't you go after him and the shop for the money? DB never mentions any action he is taking to that end.

He talks about having money sent to him from a money market fund, electronic transfer wasn't available to him, can he produce a copy of that check? He says when my money arrived to him his furnace went bad and he needed the money for repairs. Can he produce a receipt for the furnace repair and a copy of the check in payment?

When you unravel the twisted story he has spun, the less credability it has with every turn. Back in October, he mentioned in another sale ad that he needed to raise money for a wedding he was attending. I now believe there were no heads to sell and I unknowingly became his financere. He claimed the heads he planned to sell me were damaged and he hired this mysterious machinist to make me an exact set. The machinist was supposed to send them directly to me and save on shipping. There was no insurance and no tracking number, how convenient. Of course, the heads never came and then it was wait for the money from his MM fund and then the furnace went bad. The whole thing stinks and I'm not buying any of it. None of the story is any of my business, but he offered it as an excuse for my not receiving my heads or a refund. Now that is my business and I will be after it.

He may be a young guy who got in over his head, but that is not my business either. He got himself into the situation and now needs to get himself out. His line of BS and taking me for a fool wore out my store of goodwill. Thanks for staying on the thread and keeping the cool-ade drinkers real. We will see what shakes tomorrow.

Just to be clear, the moderators of CF have asked you not to comment, NOT the moderators of VetteMOD.

What kind of excuse is the furnace deal? I don't know anyone who would justify theft because, in their judgement, they needed the money more than you. What a dumb-ass. I'll have to try that with my house payment!

And for CF to assist him (by keeping it quiet) is irresponsible and just plain sleazy.
And for CF to assist him (by keeping it quiet) is irresponsible and just plain sleazy.

I think dep called it the "bs_boy protection program"....personally I think they are covering their own asses as much as they are covering his ass.....after all for the last 28 months they let him get away with posting nonsense, BS and bad advise, this was just the next step in the evolution of his BS.....what blows is it`s not like they didn`t know, they were warned over and over and over again....heads should "roll" for those who protected him but sadly they won`t.