Hey Red

I do not understand how this scumbag can get away with what he does. Those who admire him are poor souls that I feel sorry for. .

simple, they are Kool-Aid drinking, know nothing sheep....if you didn`t know any better you might think a shit sandwich was tasty....keep in mind those hundreds (or thousands with all the sites he goes to) of posts his BS generates a day is good for business by way of advertising dollars....and that (sports fans) is why a know nothing thief and liar is protected.
So D_B is buying these sub box's and then pawning them off as his own that he built :bonkers: very interesting.

How do you guy's find this stuff about him on the net,i have a hard enough time finding car parts :flash:

Just google his alter ego.........ssssss

I just googled you and found this thread on you and sauidi on the eastwood site.


WOW :huh2: now thats freaking scary,im out of here :goodnight:

Here's one of you and b2b hounding db::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ahhhh the good old days,i remember them quite well :lol::lol::lol:
I do not understand how this scumbag can get away with what he does.

Just like posted above: advertizing dollars... more important than quality information (where's the thumbs down smiley?)

Those who admire him at CorvetteForum are poor souls that I feel sorry for.

Hopefully nobody gets killed because of the high quality "tech" advice.

Hopefully they wake up and see the truth soon.

I hope so too.
My goodwill and patience has run its course and I will be taking action. I'm afraid my goodwill was mistakenly seen as my being a fool by the excuses I had been given. I became ill reading the accolades given the guy by the cool-ade drinkers over there. This is a link to a post I made 'over there'
This is going to be an interesting journey that will cost me way more than the heads were worth, but my conscience won't let it slide.:(
My goodwill and patience has run its course and I will be taking action. I'm afraid my goodwill was mistakenly seen as my being a fool by the excuses I had been given. I became ill reading the accolades given the guy by the cool-ade drinkers over there. This is a link to a post I made 'over there'
This is going to be an interesting journey that will cost me way more than the heads were worth, but my conscience won't let it slide.:(

Go for it. :gurney:
My goodwill and patience has run its course and I will be taking action. I'm afraid my goodwill was mistakenly seen as my being a fool by the excuses I had been given. I became ill reading the accolades given the guy by the cool-ade drinkers over there. This is a link to a post I made 'over there'
This is going to be an interesting journey that will cost me way more than the heads were worth, but my conscience won't let it slide.:(
"Invalid Post specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
WTF? That is pathetic. Looks like someone has a license to steal.

I would say I was surprised but I'm not.

The DW/Vettevolts/FiringOrder/rodknocker deal is probably another scam.

Earlier today I spent a few hours of my day sending PM's to various people to question and to provide answers regarding the refund situation. On CF the moderators and administrator crossram were not very sympathic to my cause. In fact, crossram stated that DB and I have 5 days to resolve this issue or we lose posting privledges. My reply was basically, so you are penalizing me for being victimized on your website? What a joke!

On the other hand, DWincches, a member there tried to raise the refund money DB won't send me. His effort was admirable, but not much response. The response I liked best was to raise money for an attorney to force DB into repaying the $770. This ought to get interesting.....and as the world turns.
The "support" you're getting from the CF "officials" is ridiculous to say the least.

Others have been banned for ripping members/buyers off - there is a company here in Orlando that makes wide body panels for a C6... buyers complained, member was banned.....

As far as I can tell I never had a problem with DWincches at CF. It's very nice of him to start a thread raising money for you but why would anyone have to pay to let DB off the hook ????

The person who ripped you off and took your money is obviously being protected by someone .... you better use internet explorer and safe all the websites as a single file MHT file before they sanitize it again....you miht need records of what was said and posted.... apparently it differs from what you received in emails
This sucks big time. Crossram is piping smoke up your ass. Why does he think a deal that couldn't be resolved with PM's and email could now be resolved in the next 5 days using the same methods? They will never revoke that clowns posting privileges (his head would explode), certainly looks like they are "running interference" for him.

DW's offer is probably another scam. Send him the money and he will forward it to you, yeah right:rofl:

At this time of year it is unfortunate that we have to see examples of how low people (and CF) will go. I wish you a Merry Christmas, Red, and hope the new year brings better things.