Hmmmmm/Not a bad idea.

Much easier done with an accusump and an electronic shut off valve. After priming when shutting engine off valve closes, next time you turn the ign. it opens pressurizing the oil system. Another accu sump would be needed for post flow, I installed it on the formula turbo and my 82 like that, just an accusump connected to the oil system. When engine shuts down the thing bleeds off oiling the turbo.
The Accusump 'post and 'pre-oiling systems have been around for a long time. We were running them with an electric shutoff valve on our turbo drag cars back in the late '70s. After engine shutdown, we'd let the sump blow out half its contents through the turbo bearings before hitting the shutoff switch. Prior to the next engine start, the electric shutoff was opened to allow the other half of the sump contents to pre-oil the turbo and engine bearings. Simple and effective system that's been in use for a long time on turbo cars. I've also used it on my road course cars to save the engine bearings under hard cornering when the oil pump pickup gets uncovered from lateral g-forces.

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