Lars finally showed....

well that one is locked down now,but not before the mod's got in their punches

don`t you man leaves another will surface and provide knowledgeable`s "evolution" what a dreamer.

Yea i read that and just about fell out of my chair laughing,they have d_b how much more knowledge do they need??? he knows everything,just ask him :quote:
I wonder how the paying advertising community feels about how they are spending there money with such idiots. If they continue with such ignorance, they want have money to support their little world. I noticed that a company my daughter works for advertises over there. They just went through cost cutting measures, maybe we could save them a little more money by pointing out their practices.
Well, we could all call the vendor marketing reps and tell them we are boycotting C/F. Never know how close they are watching their advertising budget.
Well, we could all call the vendor marketing reps and tell them we are boycotting C/F. Never know how close they are watching their advertising budget.

Vendors OWN CF. I can point to at least four people, myself and three others, who were banned for pointing out exaggerated claims made by a vendor, the same vendor.

They don't care if you threaten a ban. There's plenty of 18 year olds willing to spend money on vendor crap to keep them going.
I wonder how the paying advertising community feels about how they are spending there money with such idiots. If they continue with such ignorance, they want have money to support their little world. I noticed that a company my daughter works for advertises over there. They just went through cost cutting measures, maybe we could save them a little more money by pointing out their practices.

They love it, are you kidding? One ass hole comes up and says "look at all the new shiny parts I bought and my car went real fast" Then all the leghumpers jump on the bandwagon and buy all the same crap.

It works for the vendors, not for the people spending money. The vendor shows up, makes friends, and sells sells sells.

Nothing is better for revenue than idiots with money.
I wonder how the paying advertising community feels about how they are spending there money with such idiots. If they continue with such ignorance, they want have money to support their little world. I noticed that a company my daughter works for advertises over there. They just went through cost cutting measures, maybe we could save them a little more money by pointing out their practices.

I would be interested in knowing how a vendor determines exactly which internet sites his customers come from? surely some of them must be smart enough to realize the largest group of posters at CF is OT/PR&C...while it has the most traffic it also rarely has a Corvette related thread and it also has the most NON Corvette owners...which are buying what from the vendors?
I read that thread (and the second one that got locked) but missed who posted exactly when the bad advise, mis-information and BS started....I simply made an educated guess....Interesting that none of the "registered troublemakers" does look like they have a new batch of unhappy campers.

I read that thread (and the second one that got locked) but missed who posted exactly when the bad advise, mis-information and BS started....I simply made an educated guess....Interesting that none of the "registered troublemakers" does look like they have a new batch of unhappy campers.


I guess I will have to revise my "registered troublemaker" statement...I bet none of those rocket scientists even understood who he was typing about...
Lars sent me a email note back saying he don't mind helping good guys, nice of him to include me in that pack, but mentioning Bird too....

so maybe all is not lost after all.....I may put him on my personal funny list, some of you all know what I for comic/jokes....

When Lars pulls anchor on CF, I think its about time I do the same...

Wait,,,think of all the stereo threads you'll miss. :suicide:

:flash::goodnight:Amp wiring 101, as If in any decent VETTE you can hear the damn thing in the FIRST place.....I have posted SO many times, 'If you can hear the tunes, your exhaust is too quiet, OR you have the top up'......


reading post #14 in the above link (while you still have a chance) I wonder if the year and date mentioned was Aug, `06...or about the same time the kool-aid started to flow from CENTRALMissouri...

I had to fix that one. :rofl:[/QUOT

Thanks Tim :sweat: I wasn't sure if we were guilty by association. :suspicious:
i actually ran across the second thread last night. i'm kind of with lars on that. i still hang out over there but like someone else mentioned, i spend most of my time over in OT or PR&C. bunch of bullshitters and rabble rousers in OT, makes it fun.
for any technical stuff, i float over here.