Lars finally showed....

reading post #14 in the above link (while you still have a chance) I wonder if the year and date mentioned was Aug, `06...or about the same time the kool-aid started to flow from 2311 BLUFF BLVD.Missouri...

I had to fix that one. :rofl:

Easy there Howard :hunter:

Still had to fix it.:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
my question is what knowledgeable person will be next to get fed up with the BS??

By the sounds of things it may be Jim Shea


I have talked back channel with Jim, many a time over the years....

never broached the topic of the forum though....

dunno what to say/do....

anyone else want to try?? if not, I can....


Go ahead Gene. I tried once, but am not really sure he recieved the message.
Lars checking in....

Hi guys!
Lars here, and I'm checking in... Thanks for the supportive comments - appreciate it. Had a few of you e-mail me and invite me over to a more mature setting here on VM, so I'll hang out over in the C1-C3 Tech section. Guess the CF mods didn't like my letter much: they not only locked it, but deleted it. I see some humor in that...

As always, I'm available to assist with anything within my area of knowledge, being primarily carbs and ignitions. Feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.

Denver - USA
Its kinda weird to see the word noob under lars. I think that should be changed. Nice to see you here lars. :yahoo:
I agree Gene. Guys, can we do something? "Maybe Lord of the Q-Jet?":thumbs:

Lord of the jets

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Tuning for Beer Tour #1 veteran
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Lifetime Tuning Member

The man with his calibrated hammer
Had a few of you e-mail me and invite me over to a more mature setting here on VM,

Nice of you to drop buy. Oh and I was lying when I said we acted more maturely here. I meant to say that we are older. :D

Great to have you around.
Hey Lars, not much to add other than nice to see more adults here (sans Gene of course :bump:).

I share your frustration and it appears to me that management here has a genuine, legitimate take on what the problems are on the internet and I have a really good feeling this will not become another teen aged catalog promoting cesspool.

Good to have experience, hope you stick around.

I am not an expert on anything, but I appreciate those who are and look forward to learning a thing or two.