Plastic Fantastic 2

“Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. “

I don’t know if that’s any consolation.

I'm pretty sure that long-term-readers could piece together a frame like mine with what I've written over the course of this build.... but putting it all in one spot? not yet.

I was referring to the “others taking credit part.” I have seen another c3 swap with a camaro rear that started a year after you.

I’m inspired by your energy.
The place I got the rear suspension from (in Georgia), sold me this set up for $700 delivered... yeah, delivered.... they'll sell you one today for $3000 delivered.... you've seen one other, but it's like my using a Ford Panther front suspension. I blogged it on my 50 Buick and suddenly you can't find them in wrecking yards... Aaron Kaufman (Gas Monkey), though, proclaim that "he'd been doing it for years" ... yeah, not - I'll give them this, though, they tried to buy my 50 Buick before that came about (and nope, still not done, eventually it will be done - though at this point I have an idea for it that includes carbon fiber)

Sand blasting happens next week, to prepare.... time to blow the rear apart
but first, GM uses johnny joints.... since these suckers cost $80 each in the wild, there may be another sourceedited
all marked and ready to be stripped

that johnny joint thing, though.... it makes me happy....edited

and the deal is I want to run this in the Optima challenge - this year, there is a loophole, once I run it... I'm sure that loophole will go *poof* then I have a Fiat Spider ;)
and just wait, the joints in these rear ends, now that I mention the Johnny joint affiliation.... I'll be making someone a lot of money and hurting another one's pocket book (good because that person is on Pirate).

and again, I blog what I build because I want people to build their own stuff that doesn't suck... granted I roll my eyes when I get the attitude "oh if you do it, it couldn't be hard" still, getting people on Pirate to talk about instant center is a big win for racing in the 4x4 world... like it or not, I guess I influence a bit.
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...and to revise my goals. A C3 Corvette that handles as well as a C7 but only if the C7 turns off the e-nannies. Also, being able to add those electronic aids using off-the-shelf-parts would be possible with what I'm doing.

Let's see:
1. Electronic Ignition (crank trigger) -- Check
2. MAP set up to NA (or injection- your choice) --Check
3. Active Aero -- Can do -- Check
4. Digital Dash? -- easy-peasy - Check
5. Sexy, Classic Looks -- Check / Check

I've completely dismissed building an LS based 427 - I think the BBC 427 has better air flow and can make more hp... sounds better too ;)
6. Great Sounds

What else could you want?
Oh yeah, lower price than a C7! Who needs C7 e-Nannies? I say use smart assistants!

I think you've got it wired (so to speak):clap:

Cheers - Jim

and the deal is I want to run this in the Optima challenge - this year, there is a loophole, once I run it... I'm sure that loophole will go *poof* then I have a Fiat Spider ;)

Ya got my attention there. In a future date, when you feel comfortable to expand on that, I'd be interested in more details.
GTV class, but with GTS equipment. ... this is all presuming I get this together in time to run it this summer - and that is looking less likely by the day.
You mentioned the Optima Challenge" so I had to take a quick look. Don't you have to register by now? Or can you join up mid-tour?

The 19 pages of rules wore me down. I have been looking at the "One Lap of America" as an option -- very similar organizational setup.

But not this year. :wink:

Good luck!

Cheers - Jim
You mentioned the Optima Challenge" so I had to take a quick look. Don't you have to register by now? Or can you join up mid-tour?

The 19 pages of rules wore me down. I have been looking at the "One Lap of America" as an option -- very similar organizational setup.

But not this year. :wink:

Good luck!

Cheers - Jim

I think the One Lap would be a blast, but I don't have the time to take a couple months off of work to do it.

there are 2 ways to get into the main event in November. 1 - win an event, and there are still several events that are not sold out; 2 - impress the judges at an event.

you don't have to compete in all the events, it just takes one... and as far as it's concerned, I may ship my car across country to compete .... but as I mentioned before, I'm rapidly running out of time. I really need to be done by the end of March.... and you can clearly see where I'm at.... May is possible with no failures....

and in my particular case, there's other stuff going on in the background that would change a few things...
I see you got a mill drill. I like mine and bought read-outs for all directions. Lots of videos on YouTube showing how guys did the install. Getting collets was a great improvement too.
collets are my next purchase. At this point, I'm building it for just in time work. First was being able to mill the spindles, now I have to redrill the caliper holes - thus the DRO is nice.

and I just got my Millermatic 220 so I can weld the needed bits onto the spindles....

back to business
dustless blasting (Sharkblast)

frame on stands

and blasting commences

dustless may be a bit misleading

naked frame, oh la laedited


naked arms

pretty slick set up.edited it took about 3 hours, 2 hours of actual blasting.edited $300 minimum and that's what he charged me.edited By comparison, the closest blaster to me is Arlington and at least an hour away.edited - I presume it'd take 2 hours there too, at $90/hr.edited So I paid an extra $120 to save myself 4 hours....edited


the dust wasn't bad, in all reality, but if you're doing this in an HOA - you'll have to wait for warm enough weather so that the media doesn't freeze, the sand or coal slag has some moisture in it, then it clumps - so he couldn't use water to suppress the dust....edited

and here's this - I'll use him again when I do the Buick wagon to blast the body; and likely the Spider as well, for sure the 50 Buick.edited The frames on those cars will all get (probably) get powder coated.edited To have the frame blasted and powder coated is $500.editededited

And for completeness, I'm using KBS coating on this frame.edited It's $90-100 for materials plus a $10 Harbor freight gunedited- so I do save a bit in money.... although I don't really save in time because the $500 place is 5 miles from me (so like an hour in Seattle traffic - I kid, sort of)
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nice and dry and time to find my missing weld spots

and make it a little easier to paint

hmmmm, I may have to put my old gun on my new welder
getting ready for paint


those guys stacking a forklift on a forklift.... I taught em


all of this so that I can go out the back of my shop to where the sun is... or will be... I hope
hopefully tomorrow I can etch it, then Sunday shoot it
time to make it big and black

I love disposable paint guns.... $10.00 and it'd cost more in acetone to clean it (not to mention time)

time to spray



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