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dustless blasting (Sharkblast)
frame on stands
and blasting commences
dustless may be a bit misleading
naked frame, oh la laedited
naked arms
pretty slick set up.edited it took about 3 hours, 2 hours of actual blasting.edited $300 minimum and that's what he charged me.edited By comparison, the closest blaster to me is Arlington and at least an hour away.edited - I presume it'd take 2 hours there too, at $90/hr.edited So I paid an extra $120 to save myself 4 hours....edited
the dust wasn't bad, in all reality, but if you're doing this in an HOA - you'll have to wait for warm enough weather so that the media doesn't freeze, the sand or coal slag has some moisture in it, then it clumps - so he couldn't use water to suppress the dust....edited
and here's this - I'll use him again when I do the Buick wagon to blast the body; and likely the Spider as well, for sure the 50 Buick.edited The frames on those cars will all get (probably) get powder coated.edited To have the frame blasted and powder coated is $500.editededited
And for completeness, I'm using KBS coating on this frame.edited It's $90-100 for materials plus a $10 Harbor freight gunedited- so I do save a bit in money.... although I don't really save in time because the $500 place is 5 miles from me (so like an hour in Seattle traffic - I kid, sort of)