I'll bet FITech advises against aluminum from a liability standpoint. As long as you know what you are doing and insulate the mounting points, aluminum is perfectly fine. The problem is when it isn't installed correctly and it chafes against steel, has a sharp bend right at a mounting point, etc. Plenty of folks out there that don't pay attention to those things and end up burning their cars down.
Have you used Cupro (Copper Nickel) fuel line? Really nice stuff, bends easy, doesn't rust and doesn't fatigue.
Will you separate the body from the chassis to cut out the floors? I did and think it was a lot easier. May be time to think interior mods too? - Or are you "wedded" to a more-or-less stock interior?
I'm on front suspension just now - when I get some progress I'll post it up. Making the rack and pinion front steer. Some fun stuff.
Your efforts (and skills) are inspirational!
Cheers - Jim
I like that upper one a lot, but I think Optima makes me keep the stock dash.... I'm going to have to review the rules again...