Enough Farting Around! Time to get back to the Garage!
Ok - I'm back and busy once again on Elvira.
Still working bodywork - trying to get that out of the way and back to mechanicals.
Here's a pictorial update:
First thing I realized - I'd need to move the split line on the rear clip to ensure the flares would clear the tires when lifting on the hinge:
So that meant glue the rear clip back in position. Also makes it easier to mount the flares:

But hmm how to make sure they wind up the same on each side? Denis graciously lent me his home made "Tabs" but that wouldn't work for my flares - so I needed to Think Some.
I built a jig!

Heaps of fiddling and looking to be satisfied:

Looks like it might work:

Well, lets glue them on and get on with it:

You'll note I needed to re fasten the gull-wing doors too. You'll note the sketch lines for the new cut-lines for the Gull-Wings.

That required some inner "tabs"

With both sides of the rear done - time to re-cut the aft "clip"

Yep looks pretty good - on both sides:

Same technique for the fronts - just a little lower on the body:

Now cut the Gull-Wings out again - and the windows:
It was a Beach Boys tune that went:"..If she had a set of wings, Man I know she could fly..."

That's been the last couple of days work - time off for a WHO Concert in Jacksonville, and all day today doing clean up and re-enforcements:
Next its build the front (nose) light boxes - kinda like the Greenwood "shovel nose" on the VetteMod masthead, and tie in the front flares there.
Then, add new split lines to remove the hood. Meanwhile, sort out the hinges for the Gull-Wings, the rear clip mounts and make some "wells" for the over-center latches I picked up to keep the things in place.
Then sand fill, fair, sand fill, prep for paint, remover the body, and FINALLY, get back to some mechanical work.
Cheers -- Jim
Gene If I had time I'd have come over and looked you up too. As it was we spent our spare time "Marina Shopping." Some nice choices on the east side. We may become part-time "neighbors" in a year or two.