Rookie's First Restoration Attempt...

Another 8 hours put into the vette - lots of elbow grease to get it down to raw glass. Tons of washing/scrubbing with lacquer thinner to kill the stripper. Most of the rear deck is done, just a few spots left. rear quarters and door jambs are next. I can't wait till the cleaing/stripping stage is over, and I have a brand new fresh starting point - then the real work begins. I cleaned up the area where the gas tank seats, squeeky clean now. I also started to remove the undercoating from the interior...worst job ever!

I think I've kept you guys in the dark long enough - here's a picture my dad took of me yesterday after he checked out my progress (he was happy lol).

Well well cant hide anymore huh?

He should be happy, hey despite the dirty work youre doing, you seems to keep the shop pretty clean.

Good job. keep it up we're following you more than you might think.

Should'nt you prime or oil that birdcage to protect it from suface rust?
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Should'nt you prime or oil that birdcage to protect it from suface rust?

Calgary is very, very, very dry. I can sandblast a part and leave it uncovered for months on end, and there will be only rust inside the rust pits...that's it. I have not put any oil on the birdcage, and it is still spot free since I wire wheeled it a week or two ago (and I have been touching it with my hands constantly too).

I have to keep the shop clean - I barely have enough room to work as it is, and I need all the space I can get. Plus, I'm a cleanliness freak...I can't stand working in a dirty shop, drives me mental:nuts:
Stripped the right side of the car today...lots of elbow grease to get it nice and clean as seen in the pictures. Awesome condition. Only one bubba repair area, and it isn't even that hard to fix! I also test fitted the new rear bumper. Needs a little work, but overall I am very happy with the fit...they all need work.











Be happy you've got a place inside to work. When I was trying to work on my car at your age, it was outside. PERIOD. And I got chewed on daily for any spots on the drive. And don't even think of asking to use the garage.

Looks good. Keep up the story!
I use to have to work in the pole barn along with the cattle,hay,and feed.
I sure do not miss those days. Nothing worse than laying under the vehicle and a cow close by takes a piss or a crap and it splatters all over the place :suspicious:
Be happy you've got a place inside to work. When I was trying to work on my car at your age, it was outside. PERIOD. And I got chewed on daily for any spots on the drive. And don't even think of asking to use the garage.

Looks good. Keep up the story!

I am very fortunate that my parents are letting me use the garage for this restoration, I really am. I told my mom and dad I'd pay them back some day - and I will once I am on my own and living under my own roof.
If my son was doing a project like you're doing i would be extremely proud and even put my Vette outside and keep it covered.
I would even enjoy helping him as much as he would want me to. While allot of young guys are chasing skirts and playing video games you are creating something you and your parents should be proud of.
I can't wait to see the pics as you continue.
If my son was doing a project like you're doing i would be extremely proud and even put my Vette outside and keep it covered.
I would even enjoy helping him as much as he would want me to. While allot of young guys are chasing skirts and playing video games you are creating something you and your parents should be proud of.
I can't wait to see the pics as you continue.

Thank you. I'll keep you updated!
Words cannot describe how much work it has taken to strip the car thus far. I am beat. I've gone through 3.5 five gallon pails of lacquer thinner, and I am still not done (a little bit of a perfectionist I guess you can say:willy:). Anyways, here are the latest pics. I am very tired. All the undercoating was removed from the interior. All the window sealant was scrubbed clean. All the paint is off the main body now - I just need to finish the doors. All without using one piece of sandpaper - only stripper, lacquer thinner and scotchbrite. I have a lot of respect for body guys, I really do. The engine should be heading to the machine shop shortly.















Before the repair...



After the repair (still needs a little work, not entirely satisfied with the way it came out...need to clean it up a bit more)


Been working my ass off stripping the car, and removing any of bubba's previous repairs. I have another batch of parts coming in from Mike - I hope to have the entire underbody fixed and undercoated/painted within 2 months, and I am confident that I can complete that goal. I barely have any bodywork to do on the rear clip (ignoring the flares and body seems that is) - there are only a few repairs I need to fix due to bubba. It may look bad to you guys, but this is an easy repair - its very simple. That trip down to Dallas to learn bodywork has already paid off:D


what you are seeing here is a piece of sheet metal, which bubba rivetted onto the backside of the glass before he laid new matt and resin down.








Take a look at the condition of the seat belt reinforcements - look friggin brand new:D

Are you using all that laquer thinner in the garage? You're goiing to rot your brain.

That body is kinda beat up. You couldn't find one in better shape.?

Even MY car is in much better shape than that.
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Doors are stripped.

I'll be sandblasting the inner door frames this saturday. Need to mask off all the fiberglass areas to prevent damage.



Are you using all that laquer thinner in the garage? You're goiing to rot your brain.

That body is kinda beat up. You couldn't find one in better shape.?

Even MY car is in much better shape than that.

Rot his brain? hell he cant do worse than we did in the 70's.

And I think his body is in a good shape, got a few issues but that's why he's rebuilding it.

How about a llittle encouragement or constructive critisism instead!
The kid's doing a hell of a job.
Where were you at his age?????

Keep it up Stinger, great job!
WOW, WOW!!!!....I'm finally done with the paint stripping on the body:nuts: Time for some sandblasting - birdcage, floorpans, inside of doors, door hinges and radiator support. Once again a big thumbs up to Mike for teaching me how to strip a vette, without making it an ocean full of waves! I tell yeah, the paint stripper/ scotchbrite method is very slow and tedious, but you can't get a panel in any better condition...the feeling of a job well done is friggin awesome:bounce:

ive just spent the best part of 2 hrs reading this thread...'IM AWESTRUCK FOR WORDS....
what a PLEASANT surprise to see a young kid with a bit of respect for elders,and committed to a project for so long.
im impressed, and believe takes a lot to impress me.
my background is im a boilermaker/welder first class for the last 26 yrs.
i mostly do pressure vessel welding of high pressure stuff...gas mains, ultra high pressure water etc etc, and i can apprectiate what you are doing here....
if only thee were more kids like you... we get young apprentices at my job, and they cant live without a mobile phone in their hands texting every 5 bloody minutes..
ask them to do a test weld and its like asking them to flip off the pope....
just for future referance...cast iron IS weldable.takes a special touch and sometimes a bit of cheating to keep it cool ( we use a damp rag) and dont forget to PEEN it to take out any stresses, but when welded correctly it will hold.( you be surprised how many people dont know why some hammers are called BALL PEEN,,,,
thanks a lot.
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