Rookie's First Restoration Attempt...

Well, great news. My search for a job has finally ended. I finally landed a job at a body shop here in Calgary, which has been in business in the same location for 50 years. Once I prove to them that I am worth apprenticing, they will enroll me into the apprenticeship program at SAIT Polytechnic. This will allow me to get my journeyman's certificate as an auto body technician. I am very excited about this...its taken me a long time to find a job like this here in Calgary, and I can finally pursue a career that I enjoy. This is the first step to opening up my own shop, and being able to work on customer's cars, without doubt.

Stan, if I take that job from you, it might be a couple years before I make it down to Walpole...I want to get my journeyman ticket in this trade. It will provide me insurance with this as a career.

Congrats! I love it when a plan comes together.
Which body shop? I called on pretty much all of them over the years.
I gotta take a guess... Lou's? or maybe Superior...
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Nope...its called "SOS Paint & Body"

Thats an old one too....

Have you ever used them before? I never really saw any of the work they do...I had two interviews in an office...that's it. Didn't really get a tour of the shop. From what I have heard, the majority of the work is insurance related damage on newer vehicles.
Most body shops nowdays rely on insurance work for their bread and butter.

yup.... unfortunately....

congrats on the apprenticeship :thumbs:

are they teaching you or are going to teach them ?? LOL

Unfortunately, I think they look at me just like an average kid...even though i had an incredible portfolio of pics and an amazing resume with professional reference letters, from mechanics and teachers. Hopefully I will gain their respect within a few months. I will be the shop "rookie" so I will be starting out sweeping floors and stuff...then work from there.

I have to prove to them that i am worth apprenticing first. Once I prove that to them, they will put me in the program
I haven't posted an update in a while, so I figured I'd keep you guys up to date on my "career journey". I haven't touched the vette since my last real has gotten in the way, and I was pretty burnt out from all that flare work.

I've been getting my stuff together for my new job. I've spent $1800 total on tools and a tool chest so far...and still have a ton of stuff to get. I bought myself the best tool chest I could afford, and according to Mike, I couldn't have asked for a better chest. He said its the model above his (believe it or not). So, that means it has to be good! I figure I am going to be relying on these to make a living one day, so whatever I spend now is an investment. Mike helped me pick out a bunch of tools I will need, and told me which tools need to be "top of the line" (I remember when I was in Dallas that all of his stuff was Snap-On...but he has been a mechanic his whole life, so I'm not surprised). I'm on a tight budget right now...but it will be worth every penny in the end.

I wasn't going to post pics, but decided against it because you guys enjoy them. So, here they are...










Sting, there is a old mechanic friend down the road a piece from me, at Cocoa Florida, right off I 95, near Red/Mike Zurl.......Well Charlie has about every tool known to man, but his health is not so great today, and he is mostly retarred these daze....

I can inquire if he wants to sell off some of his tool collection, maybe all of it....

it is obviously something you would have to see for yourself.....hell of a trip expense and shipping would be a bitch, for sure....

Most of MY tools came from hock shops....but you need know the prices pretty good and be able to negotiate well.....:hissyfit::p:beer:
Sting, there is a old mechanic friend down the road a piece from me, at Cocoa Florida, right off I 95, near Red/Mike Zurl.......Well Charlie has about every tool known to man, but his health is not so great today, and he is mostly retarred these daze....

I can inquire if he wants to sell off some of his tool collection, maybe all of it....

it is obviously something you would have to see for yourself.....hell of a trip expense and shipping would be a bitch, for sure....

Most of MY tools came from hock shops....but you need know the prices pretty good and be able to negotiate well.....:hissyfit::p:beer:

You have a PM.
Man how you afford to do all this? I make good money and my project cars sucks me dry every week.

I have great parents. They do not charge me rent, and let me work full time. I drive one of the family vehicles, so I do not own my own car yet...but I will eventually. I work my butt off like the rest of you guys to make money, and support myself.

I don't let the vette suck me dry of money - I control that. I will wait until I have enough money to buy something...I never use credit cards. Why do you think this has taken me 4 years, and I don't even have my paint job done?