The right quarter panel is all roughed in. It just needs a few touch ups before slick sand.
Throughout the entire build, I have been using 4 marked spots on the garage floor which have been levelled with boards. This is crucial when you build any car for that matter. You need to take measurements of everything. Allthread has been used to simulate the stance of the car once complete. Once its all together, the front springs will be cut to get the car to sit exactly like it is now. Always check to see if your frame is still level, when there is no weight in the car, stuff can change ever so slightly when you push the car in and out of the shop - I have had this happened to me once. It wasn't much, but a readjustment of the front allthread was needed to fix the problem before I mounted all the flares in position for good. Here's another thing to consider. If you have all brand new tires with no wear, then all you have to do is set the psi to 30 for each tire. However, if you have worn tires, setting all of them to 30 psi will set the height different on each tire to the ground (not all tires wear evenly). So play around with the psi in each one until the bottom lip of the rim is the same distance to the ground on all four corners.
I am jumping to the left quarter panel and starting the flare work. I want to show you what you get out of the box.
I don't know about you guys, but I think they look like garbage. They are not round. There is no even lip around the perimeter of the tire. The gap behind the tire has not been fixed to make the wheel look centered in the flare. Get this - the three pictures I posted above were taken with the frame levelled, all tires having 30 psi, and the highest point on this lip is equal to the highest point of the lip on the right side. So, this is where it has to be bonded. From there I have to modify it exactly like I did on the right side, which is no easy chore. And to be honest, I don't think they look good from any angle out of the box. Which is why I am completely reshaping them so they look over the top.
More tomorrow.