FAST said no problem with the computer... they were right - the tach wire had a cut in it.... d'oh. FAST was supposed to call back about a second problem - that the fans stay on with the handheld connected and the ignition switch off.... apparently, they've decided not to.... sigh
Anyway, so I've done a bit more
the problem
while I'm at it, I'll fix a whoops I did putting the car in the shop (about a day after I painted it)
there is: black, red, red, maroon, primer, maroon, primer, black, red, yellow primer, and my top coat of paint on the bumper.... I stripped it (I know, anyone else would have just painted over it)
screw razor blades
I used to build stainless kitchen equipment - read, raw finish.... I think I can handle this (and saved me boatloads of time)
I'm replacing the nose eventually, so I just don't care enough to strip the paint
close, need to fix one more thing on the left side of the license plate and I can paint