Some opinions on VBP upper control arms

C5/6 has transverse leafs, not coils. The racers have coil overs for a multitude of reasons.
C5/6 has transverse leafs, not coils. The racers have coil overs for a multitude of reasons.

eh U sure?? sworn I seen blowups or pix or sketches something on the rear and front of the new ones, and had 4 corner coils.....

now I gotta find one in a lot and look put me too all this troubles in 100f HEAT....U rat.....

Yup :)

C6 rear:

C6 front

C5 front:


C5 rear:

Marck, my stock mufflers are about twice the size of the ones in your pic... and those don't look like aftermarket mufflers... are those stock on the European model ??
In the C6 pic? Probably stainless aftermarket. IT's some tricked out C6 from vette magazine.

The euro mufflers are super quiet, they did that for EU homologation. Switzerland has stringent noise regulations so all euro vettes came with the whisper mode mufflers. Apparently there was an option for a little louder mufflers (perf. exh) pops didn't know that (and wasn't told), his C6 is much more quiet than the C5 but it has a nice growl when you put your foot in it.
the first pic.... the mufflers look like mild steel rusty stock stuff but they're half the size of mine... the guy doesn't look very thrilled either....

the welds on these mufflers don't look too bad, look stock......
Here's a 2006 stock muffler:

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That hay color is welded stainless, you get that when you don't etch or wire wheel the welds.
What is it about now?

Sorry to hijack it,....:crutches:

so the VBP upper arms take care of the caster?? they come with new upper joints, and shaft and bushings....whole mess I presume, just bolt them in place and align....

humm....I wonder if it's worth doing on my car....anyone???

My .02 worth...

I installed the entire VBP Performance Plus system, which includes those front end arms. It has proven to be pretty darn impressive IMO, at least for street use. Handling is vastly improved and ride is smooth and steady, even at triple digit speeds...

I don't know about the arms only, but the entire system must be lighter (less unsprung weight) due to the replacement of the coils and rear leaf. Anyone have any facts re:weight?
Stock C3-LCA w/cross shaft and ball joint 14lbs 6oz
Stock C3-UCA w/cross shaft and ball joint 8lbs 5oz

LCA-VBP tube arm w/cross shaft and ball joint 16lbs 7oz
UCA-VBP tube arm w/cross shaft and ball joint 8lbs 13oz

Stock C3-Spindle, hub, control arm and caliper brkt 17lbs 5oz
I'm using these control arms and I like them. I also bought the Howe Racing tall stud ball joints to raise my roll center. I see Marcus has a new site which I haven't fully explored. It seems that the money is in the imports but he is a muscle car guy, give him a call he is easy to talk to, knowledgable and not stingy with his time.
Those were originally Pole Position Racing Products arms, I've had them for years. I got some with generic bolt spacing, not like the ones Markus sells which are drilled for the stock vette cross shaft bolt spacing.
Stock C3-LCA w/cross shaft and ball joint 14lbs 6oz
Stock C3-UCA w/cross shaft and ball joint 8lbs 5oz

LCA-VBP tube arm w/cross shaft and ball joint 16lbs 7oz
UCA-VBP tube arm w/cross shaft and ball joint 8lbs 13oz

Stock C3-Spindle, hub, control arm and caliper brkt 17lbs 5oz

I installed VBP upper and lower box type A arms; I could hardly tell any weight difference, but at least they don't look like they're from a '58 Bel Air.
I had issue with vbp control arms when I bought mine SPC's. They called them light wieght but as far as I could tell they wieghed about the same. Now I see that they actually weigh more so I don't see the benifit aside from looks. My recent experience with more caster on a Corvette was not at all to my liking, I can't wait to get my car in to get back in to adjust to 1.5 - 2 deg caster [re- my "Nimble" thread]. I deviated from the teachings of Guldstrand and learned yet another hard lesson :blush:
Thanks for the link to Pole Position products, I have been trying to locate them for a while, you made my life easy. Parts are on the way:D
330$ for a set of welded arms, not stamped. They need to cut all the sections, assemble the jig, weld it up, machine the cross shaft, have the parts powdercoated and then assemble the arms. Both sides...blah blah. 330 still sounds expensive? IMO it's dirt cheap. Considering what a set of moog joints cost, deduct that from the 330 and those arms are even cheaper than you thought.

I don't buy that at all.. they probably produce these arms offshore at low cost and keeping in mind the sheer quantity of the production, cost will be a lot lower than that. Furthermore I think that these balljoints are a piece within the suspension that guarantees not only roadworthiness of the car but also safety. I did post pictures of the balljoints in those arms before on DC and the difference between them and my new moogs is remarkable. Anyway with costs these arms have cost me the equivalent of 500 $ at a time when the dollar was higher than now. IMO not even close to cheap. I do not care however if the fitted them with moogs or not, just not chinese junk that will require me to redo everything in 4 months after i start using the car.
You can not factor in the exchange rate and shipping + taxes.

Sure, the moogs will be a lot better, just the old get what you pay for.

If they had to include moogs for the price those arms list at...well...not a lot of profit left.

Compare a new repro stock arm, those are stamped and thus very cheap to make in large quantities, still they are priced not much cheaper than these.
i don't like welded arms. Any weld is a single point of failure that will instantly snap and send you into a wall or ditch.

I had a VBP strut rod snap off at the weld. It gives no warning.

a stock arm will crack or tear and will not fail as quickly and catastrophically.