Let's see. The T/A's are assembled with welds. The e-brake brackets are welded. The driveshaft is welded. The frame is welded. Frame brackets are welded. Motor mount horns are welded. Birdcage is welded.

Body is GLUED together.

Hell, I am afraid to sit in the car now.:sweat:
Ok you are being silly now.
1. T/As are boxes. Bushings are pressed in and held tight with a through bolt with a cotter pin. Even if they weren't welded its not going anywhere.
2. Broken e-brake weld never caused anyone to crash.
3. Driveshaft is pure shear with at least 6" of weld.
4. The lower control arm brackets are a concern, however there is still a good 10" of weld there. In most cases the welded tab fails progressively giving the driver time to notice something is wrong.
4. Again the frame is a box. Even if all the welds broke its not causing a catastrophic failure. The frame would simply become more flexable.
5. Motor mounts have a lot of weld, probably more than a foot on each one. Again a progressive failure situation. And what happens if one fails? The engine will slump down with the balancer/pully resting on the front crossmember. I'm pretty confident that will not cause a major wreck.
6. Birdcage is not a critical structural member of the car. A lot of welds would have to break before it gets loose.
On the other hand the tubular or box beam a-arm has about 1-2 inches of weld that is subject to big forces in about every direction. Water can get inside those tubes and start causing damage the first time you splash through a puddle and definitely from condensation, after all the thing is not airtight. The point of most concern on the VBP design is the welded connection to the cross bushing. This is the exact same situation as the rear strut failure i experienced.